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Created January 28, 2013 14:36
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import numpy as np
import math
nx = 61
ny = 25
nz = 25
z0 = 12
y0 = 12
x0 = 30
r = 5
R = 11
x, y, z = np.ogrid[0:nx, 0:ny, 0:nz]
in_boundary = (0*z + 0*y + x == 20)
out_boundary = (0*z + 0*y + x == 40)
inner_cube = (0*(z-z0) + 0*(y-y0) + math.fabs(x-x0) < 5) &\
(0*(z-z0) + math.fabs(y-y0) + 0*(x-x0) < 5) &\
(math.fabs(z-z0) + 0*(y-y0) + 0*(x-x0) < 5)
outer_cube = (0*(z-z0) + 0*(y-y0) + math.fabs(x-x0) < 10) &\
(0*(z-z0) + math.fabs(y-y0) + 0*(x-x0) < 10) &\
(math.fabs(z-z0) + 0*(y-y0) + 0*(x-x0) < 10)
input_mask = outer_cube & in_boundary
output_mask = outer_cube & out_boundary
array = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
array[outer_cube] = 1
array[inner_cube] = 0
array[input_mask] = 2
array[output_mask] = 3
""" Write mask file
with file('area.mask', 'w') as outfile:
for slice_2d in array:
np.savetxt(outfile, slice_2d, fmt="%i")
""" Generate 3d array of coordinates
Hx = Hy = Hz = 0.01
x_coord = np.zeros((nx))
y_coord = np.zeros((ny))
z_coord = np.zeros((nz))
output = open("area.x.coord","w")
for i in range(0, nx):
x_coord[i] = i*Hx
output.write('%0.10f\n' % x_coord.item((i)))
output = open("area.y.coord","w")
for j in range(0, ny):
y_coord[j] = j*Hy
output.write('%0.10f\n' % y_coord.item((j)))
output = open("area.z.coord","w")
for k in range(0, nz):
z_coord[k] = k*Hz
output.write('%0.10f\n' % z_coord.item((k)))
output = open("mask.vtk","w")
header = "# vtk DataFile Version 1.0\n\
Data file for valves model\n\
DIMENSIONS %d %d %d\n\
POINTS %d double\n" % (nx, ny, nz, nx*ny*nz)
for k in range(0, nz):
for j in range(0, ny):
for i in range(0, nx):
output.write('%0.10f %0.10f %0.10f\n' %(x_coord.item(i), y_coord.item(j), z_coord.item(k)))
data_header = "POINT_DATA %d\n\
SCALARS scalars int\n\
LOOKUP_TABLE default\n" % (nx*ny*nz)
for k in range(0, nz):
for j in range(0, ny):
for i in range(0, nx):
output.write('%d\n' % int(array.item((i, j, k))))
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