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Last active May 22, 2019 05:00
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  • Save ertwro/6fbe4e4c2f89a065e0ef61e188da6db1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ertwro/6fbe4e4c2f89a065e0ef61e188da6db1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Come and get your config while is hot! ...You realize you need to change the fonts to fonts in your system, right? also the images go in the same folder as the `profiles.json` file. In my case it was %AppData%\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\RoamingState
"defaultProfile": "{c79635af-91f3-433b-9164-e3462ddfe479}",
"initialRows": 30,
"initialCols": 120,
"alwaysShowTabs": true,
"showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,
"experimental_showTabsInTitlebar": true,
"requestedTheme": "dark",
"profiles": [
"startingDirectory": "C:/Users/ertwr",
"guid": "{c79635af-91f3-433b-9164-e3462ddfe479}",
"name": "CMD",
"colorscheme": "Solarized Dark",
"historySize": 9001,
"snapOnInput": true,
"cursorColor": "#00FF00",
"cursorHeight": 25,
"cursorShape": "vintage",
"commandline": "cmd.exe",
"fontFace": "Fira Code",
"fontSize": 20,
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85,
"useAcrylic": true,
"closeOnExit": true,
"padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"icon": "ms-appdata:///roaming/cmd-32.png"
"startingDirectory": "C:/Users/ertwr",
"guid": "{8a1a6736-b1a0-47af-8fa0-ce1f3572628a}",
"name": "PowerShell",
"background": "#012456",
"colorscheme": "Campbell",
"historySize": 9001,
"snapOnInput": true,
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cursorShape": "bar",
"commandline": "powershell.exe",
"fontFace": "UbuntuMono Nerd Font",
"fontSize": 20,
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85,
"useAcrylic": true,
"closeOnExit": true,
"padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"icon": "ms-appdata:///roaming/pwsh-32.png"
"startingDirectory": "C:/Users/ertwr",
"guid": "{accebe07-78ed-4662-9778-56ea7ea3ebfa}",
"name": "Arch",
"colorscheme": "Solarized Light",
"historySize": 9001,
"snapOnInput": true,
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cursorShape": "bar",
"commandline": "wsl.exe -d ArchWSL",
"fontFace": "UbuntuMono Nerd Font Mono",
"fontSize": 20,
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85,
"useAcrylic": true,
"closeOnExit": false,
"padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"icon": "ms-appdata:///roaming/arch-32.png"
"schemes": [
"name": "Campbell",
"foreground": "#F2F2F2",
"background": "#0C0C0C",
"colors": [
"name": "Solarized Dark",
"foreground": "#FDF6E3",
"background": "#073642",
"colors": [
"name": "Solarized Light",
"foreground": "#073642",
"background": "#F48024",
"colors": [
"name": "Ubuntu",
"foreground": "#EEEEEC",
"background": "#2C001E",
"colors": [
"name": "UbuntuLegit",
"foreground": "#EEEEEE",
"background": "#2C001E",
"colors": [
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