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Last active July 17, 2023 08:25
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# Git Account Switcher
# Example usage: sudo ./git-switcher.bash <git username here>
declare -i iuser=0
declare -a users
declare -a emails
declare -a passwords
declare -a signkeys
declare -a gpgsigns
# Add user account info
users[0]="<your username>"
emails[0]="<your email>"
passwords[0]="<password or token>"
signkeys[0]="<gpg sign key, left blank if no signkey"
gpgsigns[0]="<set to 1 if user will sign the commit using signkey, otherwise blank>"
# get index of user
for i in "${!users[@]}"; do
if [[ "${users[$i]}" = "${user}" ]]; then
# git config set user and email
git config --global "${users[$iuser]}"
git config --global "${emails[$iuser]}"
# if gpgsigns is 1, set gpgsign
if [[ "${gpgsigns[$iuser]}" = "1" ]]; then
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global user.signingkey "${signkeys[$iuser]}"
git config --global commit.gpgsign false
git config --global user.signingkey ""
# set credential
git config --global credential.helper store
# put the password in the git-credential
printf "protocol=https\\nusername=${users[$iuser]}\npassword=${passwords[$iuser]}\n" | git credential-store store
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