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Last active April 12, 2018 20:27
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# define a function
replace_nth_ETG4000 <- function(x, mark) {
x <- x %>% group_by(Mark) %>% mutate(Count = row_number()) %>% data.frame()
double_marks <- which(x$Mark == mark & x$Count %% 2 == 0)
x$Mark[double_marks] <- 0
x <- subset(x, select = -Count)
# remove second occurrence of Mark 2
df2 <- replace_nth_ETG4000(df, 2)
df2 <- replace_nth_ETG4000(df2, 2)
# reassign block borders
block_borders <- which(df2$Mark == 2)
# plot
plot(df2$CH1.703.6., type = "l", ylab = "Intensity")
abline(v = block_borders, col = "blue")
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