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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Customizations for Thoughtbot's Laptop (~/.laptop.local)
## Apps
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install brew-cask
# Internet
brew cask install google-chrome
brew cask install firefox
brew cask install silverlight
brew cask install private-internet-access
brew cask install utorrent
brew cask install dropbox
# Ops
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install vmware-fusion
# Dev
brew cask install iterm2
brew cask install sublime-text
brew cask install racket
brew cask install sequel-pro
brew cask install dash
brew cask install java
# Chat
brew cask install slack
brew cask install skype
brew cask install flowdock
brew cask install colloquy
# Productivity
brew cask install caffeine
brew cask install alfred
brew cask install balsamiq-mockups
brew cask install adobe-reader
brew cask install spectacle
# Misc.
brew cask install spotify
brew cask install filezilla
brew cask install xquartz
brew cask install licecap
## Brew Packages
# Git
brew install git
git config --global "Emil Stolarsky"
git config --global ""
# Go
brew install hg
brew install go
## Gems
gem install suspenders
## NPM
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-angular
npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install -g express-generator@4
npm insatll -g gulp
npm insatll -g phantomjs
## Misc.
mkdir ~/workspace
mkdir ~/workspace/github
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