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Created January 12, 2014 01:29
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A BayesClassifier written by following the tutorial written by Burak Kanber.
"use strict";
var BayesClassifier = function () {
this.labels = {};
this.words = {};
this.docNum = 0;
this.tokenize = function (doc) {
var temp = doc.toLowerCase().replace('.','')
.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
for (var x = temp.length - 1; x > i; x--) {
if (temp[i] === temp[x])
temp.splice(x, 1);
return temp;
BayesClassifier.prototype.train = function(label, doc) {
this.labels[label] = this.labels[label] || {words: {}};
this.labels[label].docNum = this.labels[label].docNum + 1 || 1;
var arr = this.tokenize(doc);
for (var i in arr) {
if (this.labels[label].words[arr[i]])
this.labels[label].words[arr[i]] = 1;
if (this.words[arr[i]])
this.words[arr[i]] = 1;
BayesClassifier.prototype.classify = function(doc) {
var wordsArr = this.tokenize(doc);
var logSum = 0;
var probLabel = {};
for (var currentLabel in this.labels) {
var label = this.labels[currentLabel];
for (var i = wordsArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var wordOccurences = label.words[wordsArr[i]];
if (!wordOccurences)
else {
var pWordOccurInLabelDoc = wordOccurences / label.docNum;
var pWordOccurInNonLabelDoc = (this.words[wordsArr[i]] - wordOccurences) / (this.docNum - label.docNum);
var pDocIsLabelGivenWord = pWordOccurInLabelDoc / (pWordOccurInLabelDoc + pWordOccurInNonLabelDoc);
logSum += Math.log(pDocIsLabelGivenWord) - Math.log(1 - pDocIsLabelGivenWord + pDocIsLabelGivenWord);
probLabel[currentLabel] = Math.exp(logSum);
return probLabel;
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