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Created February 1, 2020 15:26
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Prolog lazy streams using delimited continuations
:- module(delstreams).
ask(_, 0, _) :- throw(asked_closed_stream).
ask(El, Stream, Stream2) :- reset(Stream, El, Stream2), (Stream2 \= 0).
take(0, _) :- !.
take(N, S) :- N > 0, ask(El, S, S1), shift(El), succ(N1, N), take(N1, S1).
drop(0, S) :- !, call(S).
drop(N, S) :- N > 0, ask(_, S, S1), succ(N1, N), drop(N1, S1).
const(Element) :- shift(Element), const(Element).
repeat(N, Element) :- N > 0,
succ(N0, N),
repeat(N0, Element).
repeat(_, _) :- !, fail.
nat(From) :- shift(From), succ(From, From1), nat(From1).
list([]) :- !.
list([X | Xs]) :- shift(X), list(Xs).
to_list(S, [El | Rest]) :- ask(El, S, S1), !, to_list(S1, Rest).
to_list(_, []).
map(Goal, S) :-
ask(X, S, E),
call(Goal, X, Y),
map(Goal, E).
map2(Predicate, S1, S2) :-
ask(X, S1, E1),
ask(Y, S2, E2),
call(Predicate, X, Y, Result),
map2(Predicate, E1, E2).
concat(S1, S2) :-
(ask(X, S1, E) -> shift(X), concat(E, S2) ; call(S2)).
% Given input stream S, makes a new stream with moving average of the sliding window of size N
moving_average(N, S) :-
moving_average_(N, 0, S, concat(repeat(N, -), S)).
moving_average_(N, Sum, Ins, Outs) :-
ask(I, Ins, Ins1),
ask(O, Outs, Outs1), !,
(O = - -> Sum1 is Sum + I ; (Sum1 is Sum + I - O, Avg is rdiv(Sum,N), shift(Avg))),
moving_average_(N, Sum1, Ins1, Outs1).
moving_average_(N, Sum, _, _) :-
% Input stream has reached the end, emit last average and then close the MA stream.
Avg is rdiv(Sum, N), shift(Avg), fail.
% Examples
% :- N = nat(0), N3 = drop(3, N), to_list(take(3, map2(plus, N, N3)), L).
% % L = [3, 5, 7].
% :- MA = moving_average(3, list([10,10,10,20,20,20,30,40,50,60,70])), to_list(MA, L)
% % L = [10, 40 rdiv 3, 50 rdiv 3, 20, 70 rdiv 3, 30, 40, 50, 60].
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