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Created July 9, 2024 08:50
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Plan for Email Workflow System with LLM Integration in Frappe Framework

1. Conceptualization:

  • Objective: Build an automated email workflow system using the Frappe framework, incorporating LLM-based decision-making at each step.
  • Key Features: Drag-and-drop interface, LLM integration for content analysis and response, flexible email flow design.

2. System Design:

  • Workflow Builder Interface:
    • Drag-and-Drop Nodes: Users can design email workflows by dragging and dropping nodes representing different actions (e.g., send email, read email, analyze content).
    • Paths and Connections: Define the flow of actions based on the outputs of LLM analyses.

3. Core Components:

  • DocTypes and Documents:
    • Email Workflow: Main DocType to define and manage email workflows.
    • Email Actions: Child DocType to define actions (e.g., send email, analyze email, request information).
    • Email Nodes: Child DocType to define nodes within the workflow, linked to actions and conditions.
  • Child Tables:
    • Workflow Steps: Table to store sequential steps and conditions for each workflow.
    • Action Parameters: Table to store parameters for each action (e.g., recipient, content templates).

4. LLM Integration:

  • Action Nodes with LLM:
    • Analyze Email Content: LLM-based node to read and analyze email content, determine intent, and extract key information.
    • Conditional Nodes: Nodes to define conditions based on LLM output (e.g., missing order ID, request additional information).
  • Response Generation:
    • Dynamic Response: LLM generates responses based on analyzed content and predefined templates.

5. Workflow Execution:

  • Initiation:
    • Receive Email: System receives an incoming email and initiates the workflow.
  • Processing:
    • Content Analysis: LLM analyzes the email content and determines the next action based on predefined conditions.
    • Conditional Actions: Execute subsequent actions (e.g., send follow-up email, request additional information) based on LLM output.
  • Completion:
    • Final Response: Generate and send the final response to the customer, completing the workflow.

6. Example Workflow:

  • Step 1: Receive email.
  • Step 2: Analyze content with LLM.
  • Step 3: Determine intent (e.g., support request, order query).
  • Step 4: Conditional node (check for order ID).
    • If Order ID Missing: Send email requesting order ID.
    • If Order ID Present: Proceed to next action.
  • Step 5: Generate response based on LLM analysis.
  • Step 6: Send response email.
  • Step 7: Await customer reply and loop back if needed.

7. Implementation:

  • Develop Custom DocTypes and Child Tables: Create necessary DocTypes and child tables within the Frappe framework to support the email workflow system.
  • Integrate LLM APIs: Implement LLM-based nodes for content analysis and response generation.
  • Build Workflow Interface: Develop a drag-and-drop interface for designing email workflows.
  • Test and Deploy: Thoroughly test the system with various email scenarios and deploy for production use.
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