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Last active March 27, 2018 05:32
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  • Save esakal/b0556b3d0ade7a0ce352a30e73493e9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save esakal/b0556b3d0ade7a0ce352a30e73493e9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setup Tasks flow in israeli-ynab-updater library
  • Question: What do you want to do?
    • Option: Create a new task
      • Question:  What is the task name (leave blank to cancel)
        • Feedback: A task with this name already exists, please type a unique name
        • _Feedback: The task name must include only these characters: A-Z, 0-9, -, _ _
      • Feedback: Task named ${taskName}’ created
      • Feedback: Task creation cancelled
    • Option: Modify an existing task
      • Question:  Select a task to modify
      • Feedback: Entering task ‘${taskName}’ edit mode
      • Question:  What do you want to update?
        • Option:  Update scrapers list
          • Question: What do you want to do?
            • Option:  Add / Edit a scraper
              • Question:  Select a scraper
              • Question: ….. setting credentials doing the same as individual scrapers …..
              • Feedback: ${scraperId} scrapper added / ${scraperId} scrapper updated
            • Option:  Delete a scraper
              • Feedback: Task has no scrapers defined
              • Question:  Select a scraper
              • Question: Are you sure?
              • Feedback: ${scraperId} scraper deleted
              • Feedback: Delete scraper cancelled
            • Option: Go Back
        • Option:  Update scraping options
          • Question:  Combine installment transactions? (y/N)
          • Question:  How many months do you want to scrape (1-12)?
            • Feedback:  Please enter a value between 1 and 12
          • Question: Save folder?
          • Question:  Combine all accounts into a single report? (Y/n)
          • Feedback: Changes saved
        • Option: Go Back
      • Feedback: Leaving task ‘${taskName}’ edit mode
    • Option: Delete a task
      • Question:  Select a task to delete
      • Question:  Are you sure? (y/N)
      • Feedback: task ‘${taskName}’ deleted
    • Option: Quit
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