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Created July 26, 2011 13:37
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Save esatterwhite/1106777 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Class For rendering and validating forms in Sencha Touch
* Module for General utility functions and classes
* @module utils
Ext.ns('BlackjackM','BlackjackM.utils', 'BlackjackM.utils.forms');
* A class which renders and validates a form based on a or Model instace
* @class ModelForm
* @namespace BlackjackM.utils.forms
BlackjackM.utils.forms.ModelForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
* the name of the model to be used to render and validate the form
* This is required if an instance isn't given
* @config model
* @type String
* @default null
model: null
* <optional> a model instance to be used to rnder and validate the form against
* @config instance
* @type
* @default null
,instance: null
* A set of key value pairs used in conjunction with the model property to pre populate the form with
* @config initial
* @type Object
* @default {}
,initial: {}
* The css class to apply to invalid fields
* @config errorCls
* @type String
* @default x-field-error
,errorCls: 'x-field-error'
* If set to true each field will be rendered in it's own fieldset
* @config fieldsets
* @type boolean
* @default false
,fieldsets: false
* The name of a field or an a array of field names to exclude from form rendering
* @config excludes
* @type {String | Array}
* @default []
* names of fiels to be rendered as hidden input field
* @config hiddenFields
* @type {String | Array}
* @default []
,wrapForm: false
* The Contstructor class
* @constructor
* @method initComponent
,initComponent: function () {
this.fieldcache = [];
if ( !this.model && !this.instance) {
throw "ModelForm requires a model type or a Model instance";
formvalid: true
,forminvalid: true
,submitsuccess: true});
this.instance = this.instance || Ext.ModelMgr.create(this.initial || {}, this.model);
Ext.apply(this, {
items: this.fieldsets ? this.asFieldSets() : this.asFields()
this.on('afterlayout', function( c ){
Ext.each(this.query('field[rel=modelform-field]'), function (fld) {
fld.on('focus', function () {
}, this);
}, this);
* Sets up the focus event listener to remove error css class from fields
* @private
* @method afterRender
,afterRender: function () {
// loadRecord saves the instance as `record`
delete this.instance;;
* Validates the form againes it's internal model instance and returns an errors object and adds error class to invalid fields
* Fields that were excluded from the form do not got through validation
* @method validate
* @return
,validate: function () {
var excludes
excludes = Array.from( this.exclude );
errors = this.record.validate();
filterFn = function(obj, key){
return !excludes.contains( obj.field );
addErrors = function (err) {
var field = this.getFields(err.field);
// don't validate fields that were excluded from the form.
// they will always fail
errors = errors.filterBy( filterFn );
addErrors = Ext.createDelegate( addErrors, this );
errors.each(addErrors, this);
if ( errors.isValid() ) {
* Fired when the form passes validation
* @event formvalid
* @param form {ModelForm} The current form instance
this.fireEvent('formvalid', this);
} else {
* Fired when the form fails validation
* @event forminvalid
* @param form {ModelForm} The current form instance
* @param err {} The collection of errors returned from validation
this.fireEvent('forminvalid', this, errors);
this.errors = errors;
return errors;
* Returns true if the form passes validation
* @method isValid
* @return boolean
,isValid: function () {
return !this.validate().length;
* Clears error class from all form fields
* @method clearInvalid
* @return form {ModelForm} the form instance
,clearInvalid: function (){
var clear_func = function( field ){
this.getFields( ).removeCls( this.errorCls );
clear_func = Ext.createDelegate( clear_func, this );
this.record.fields.each( clear_func );
return this;
* maks a field as being invalid
* @method markInvalid
* @param name {String} The name of the field to mark invalid
* @return form {ModelForm} the form instance
,markInvalid: function ( name ) {
var fld = this.getFields( name );
if( fld ){
fld.addCls( this.errorCls );
return this;
* returns an array of form field config objects
* @method asFields
* @return Array
* @private
,asFields: function ( ) {
var excludes = Array.from( this.exclude )
,hiddens = Array.from( this.hiddenFields )
,that = this
,flds = []
generator = function (field) {
var overrideCfg;
overrideCfg = that[ + 'Cfg'] || null;
if( !excludes.contains( ) ){
flds.push( Ext.apply({
,, ' ')
,xtype:hiddens.contains( ?'hiddenfield' : field.fieldtype || 'textfield'
}, overrideCfg || field.fieldCfg || {})
this.instance.fields.each( generator, this );
return this.wrapForm ? new Ext.Container({
}) : flds.clean();
* Returns an array of form field config objects each wrapped in a fieldset config object
* @method asFieldSets
* @return Array
* @private
,asFieldSets: function ( ) {
var excludes = Array.from( this.exclude )
,hiddens = Array.from( this.hiddenFields )
,that = this
,flds =[]
generator = function (field) {
var should_hide
should_hide = hiddens.contains(;
overrideCfg = that[ + 'Cfg'] || null;
if( !excludes.contains( ) ){
itemcfg = Ext.apply({
,xtype: should_hide?'hiddenfield' : field.fieldtype || 'textfield'
}, overrideCfg || field.fieldCfg || {});
should_hide ? itemcfg:{
xtype: 'fieldset'
,title:, ' ')
,items: [itemcfg]
this.instance.fields.each( generator, this );
return this.wrapForm ? new Ext.Container({
}) : flds.clean();
* Returns the current values out of the associated model instance
* @method getModelValues
* @return values {Object} an object containing data from the model where keys are names of the fields
* @protected
,getModelValues: function(){
var excludes = Array.from( this.exclude );
var ret_data = {};
var model_data = this.record[ this.record.persistanceProperty ];
for( var key in model_data ){
if( !excludes.contains( key ) ){
ret_data[key] = model_data[ key ];
return ret_data;
,getCleanValues: function(){
var data = this.getModelValues();
return this.cleanFormData( data );
* A hook which allows developer to modify the data just before it is sent to the server
* By default the data just passes straight through
* @method cleanFormdata <override>
* @return form_data {object} the data object to send to the server
,cleanFormData: function( data ){
return data;
* @method submit
* @param config {Object} config object for the submit function
* @return form {ModelForm} the current form instance
,submit: function( config ){
var errors
errors = this.validate();
if( !!errors.length){
return false;
config = config || {};
url = config.url || this.url;
if( !url ){ throw "You must specify a url propery :: ModelForm.js";}
model_data = this.getModelValues();
Object.merge( model_data, ( || {}));
* Fired just before the clean step takes place
* @event beforeclean
* @param data {Object} the data before it is cleaned
this.fireEvent('beforeclean', model_data, this.record);
// the function can alter the internal data, but can not change the
// object it self. if the developer returns a value, we will use that
// otherwise we continue on.
tmp_data = this.cleanFormData( model_data );
if( tmp_data ){
model_data = tmp_data;
tmp_data = null;
* Fired just after the form data has been cleaned
* @event afterclean
* @param data {Object} the data after it has been cleaned
this.fireEvent('afterclean', model_data, this.record);
if( config.ajax && !this.fileUpload){
conn = new BlackjackM.Ajax({
,method: ( config.method || 'POST' )
,jsonData: model_data
,success: function( response ){
if( config.success && typeof config.success == 'function'){ config.scope || this, response, this.record);
* Fired when the form is successfully submitted
* @event submitsuccess
* @param form {ModelForm} the current form instance
* @param response {Object} the response object returned from the server
this.fireEvent('submitsuccess', this, response, this.record);
}else{ this, config );
return this;
* removes error classes and sets the fiels to their default values
* @method reset
* @return form {ModelForm} the current instance
,reset: function(){
this.fields.each(function( field ){
}, this) this );
return this;
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