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Created July 21, 2015 20:58
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Meteor MongoDB for Production

Horizontal Scaling

Oplog Observe Driver
Meteor.js and MongoDB Replica Set for Oplog Tailing
Meteor #10: Set up Oplog Tialing on Ubuntu
Let's Scale Meteor - Using MongoDB Oplog
Tutorial: Scaling Meteor with MongoDB oplog tailing


Connecting to an External Database with MONGO_URL

But if you're looking to do it yourself, you'll need to separate out your application layer from your database layer, and that means specifying the MONGO_URL. Which means running your app through the bundle command, uncompressing it, setting environment variables, and then launching the project as a node app. Here's how...

#make sure you're running the node v0.10.21 or later
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 0.10.21

# bundle the app
cd utility-collection-explorer
sudo mrt bundle collectionExplorer.tar.gz

# move the bundle to where it's going to be deployed; then unzip
mv collectionExplorer.tar.gz ..
cd ..
mv collectionExplorer deployParentDirectory
cd deployParentDirectort
gunzip collectionExplorer.tar.gz
tar -xvf collectionExplorer.tar.gz

# make sure fibers is installed, as per the README
rm -r programs/server/node_modules/fibers/
npm install fibers@1.0.1
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://'
export PORT='3000'
export ROOT_URL=''

# run the site
node main.js


Replica Set Configuration

Then go into the mongo shell and initiate the replica set, like so:


> rs.initiate()
PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-a")
PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-b")
PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-c")
PRIMARY> rs.slaveOk()


Configuring a Replica Set to Use Oplogging


PRIMARY> use admin
PRIMARY> db.addUser({user:"oplogger",pwd:"YOUR_PASSWORD",roles:[],otherDBRoles:{local:["read"]}});
PRIMARY> show users


Oplog Upstart Script

start on started mountall
stop on shutdown

respawn limit 99 5

    # our example assumes you're using a replica set and/or oplog integreation
    export MONGO_URL='mongodb://mongo-a:27017,mongo-b:27017,mongo-c:27017/meteor'

    # here we configure our OPLOG URL
    export MONGO_OPLOG_URL='mongodb://oplogger:YOUR_PASSWORD@mongo-a:27017,mongo-b:27017,mongo-c:27017/local?authSource=admin'

    # root_url and port are the other two important environment variables to set
    export ROOT_URL=''
    export PORT='80'

    exec /usr/local/bin/node /var/www/production/main.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script



Oplog Tailing on Sharded Mongo

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