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Created January 31, 2018 20:47
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public static void setBUKey(List<Business_Metrics__c> newTrigger){
String buKeyList;
String buKey;
Map<String,Business_Unit__c> buMap = Business_Unit__c.getAll();
for(Business_Metrics__c bmx : newTrigger){
buKey = NULL;
if(bmx.Business_Unit__c != NULL){
buKeyList = bmx.Business_Unit__c;
List<String> buValues = buKeyList.split(';');
for(string s : buValues){
system.debug('s: ' + s);
if(buKey == NULL){
buKey = buMap.get(s).Key__c;
buKey = buKey + ', ' + buMap.get(s).Key__c;
bmx.Business_Unit_Key__c = buKey;
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