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Created August 28, 2018 11:20
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Apex Class Methods used to build out a child object with Approval and Custom Date metrics in order to do Turn Around Time calculations.
public class PO_Approval_Milestones_Helper_Class {
// Test Class: Global_Test_Class
public static void addTime(List<PO_Approval_Milestones__c> newTrigger){
// Class to calculate the difference in Start and Completed Date/Time Fields
// Doing it at the PO Approval Milestone level in order to cut down on the redundent and complex queries
// 08Dec2017 - ESC
Id bhId;
Id bhDefaultId;
string bhName;
decimal bizDays = 0.0;
set<Id> actorIds = new set<Id>();
map<Id, BusinessHours> tzMap = new map<Id, BusinessHours>();
map<String, BusinessHours> bhMap = new map<String, BusinessHours>();
list<PO_Approval_Milestones__c> updateList = new list<PO_Approval_Milestones__c>();
// Step 1 - Determine if works needs to be done
// Look for records that have an approver and the start and end dates and add them to a 'work' list
for(PO_Approval_Milestones__c po : newTrigger)
po.Approver__c != NULL
&& po.Start__c != NULL
&& po.Completed__c != NULL
// Step 2 - Pull together the data needed to update the records
// Determine if there's work to be done using the updateList size
if(updateList.size() > 0){
// Pull all Business Hour records in to a map - Should only be a couple records
for(BusinessHours bhours : [SELECT Id, Name, IsDefault
FROM BusinessHours])
bhMap.put(bhours.Name, bhours);
// Set the 'default' Business Hour Id in case the user does not have the 'Business Hours Time Zone' picklist set
bhDefaultId = bhours.Id;
system.debug('bhMap: ' + bhMap);
system.debug('bhDefaultId: ' + bhDefaultId);
// Create a UserId to Business Hours mapping to understand which time zone to apply to the business hours and start/completed dates
for(User u : [SELECT Id, Business_Hours_Time_Zone__c
WHERE Id = :actorIds
AND Business_Hours_Time_Zone__c != NULL])
if(u.Business_Hours_Time_Zone__c != NULL && bhMap.containsKey(u.Business_Hours_Time_Zone__c)){
tzMap.put(u.Id, bhMap.get(u.Business_Hours_Time_Zone__c));
system.debug('Time Zone Map: ' + tzMap);
// Step 3 - Put it all together
for(PO_Approval_Milestones__c poam : updateList)
bhid = NULL;
// Make sure we will get a positive number else set 'Time' to zero
if(poam.Completed__c > poam.Start__c || poam.Completed__c == poam.Start__c){
// Set the Business Hours based on Time Zone
bhid = tzMap.get(poam.Approver__c).Id;
bhName = tzMap.get(poam.Approver__c).Name;
system.debug('Setting Business Hours to: ' + tzMap.get(poam.Approver__c).Name);
if(poam.Business_Hours__c != tzMap.get(poam.Approver__c).Id){
poam.Business_Hours__c = tzMap.get(poam.Approver__c).Id;
system.debug('Setting Business Hours to Default (Central) - Need to set user Business Hours Time Zone');
bhid = bhDefaultId;
poam.Business_Hours__c = bhDefaultId;
bhName = 'Default';
// Calculate the time
if(bhid != NULL){
bizDays = BusinessHours.diff(bhid, poam.Start__c, poam.Completed__c);
poam.Time_Raw__c = bizDays; // Capture the raw time - ESC 21Mar2018
bizDays = bizDays / 1000; //milliseconds
bizDays /= 60; //seconds
bizDays /= 60; //minutes
if(bhName == 'Ireland'){
bizDays /= 8.5; //hours
bizDays /= 9; //hours
poam.Time__c = bizDays;
system.debug('Completed Date is before Start Date');
poam.Time__c = 0;
public static void cancelApproval(List<Purchase_Order__c> newTrigger){
set<Id> poSet = new set<Id>();
for(Purchase_Order__c po : newTrigger){
if(po.Approval_Status__c == 'Cancelled'){
if(poSet.size() > 0){
List<Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest> requests = new List<Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest>();
for(ProcessInstanceWorkitem piw : [SELECT Id, ProcessInstanceId
FROM ProcessInstanceWorkitem
WHERE ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId = :poSet])
Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest req = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
//Valid values are: Approve, Reject, or Removed.
//Only system administrators can specify Removed.
req.setComments('Approval Cancelled!');
if(requests.size() > 0){
Approval.ProcessResult[] processResults = Approval.process(requests);
public static void toggleUpdate(List<Purchase_Order__c> newTrigger){
system.debug('Toggle Update!');
Blob blobKey = crypto.generateAesKey(128);
String updateKey = EncodingUtil.base64encode(blobKey);
updateKey = updateKey.left(10);
for(Purchase_Order__c po : newTrigger){
system.debug('Setting: OK');
po.Update_Status_Text__c = 'Ok';
system.debug('Setting: Future');
po.Update_Status_Text__c = 'Future';
po.Update_Key__c = updateKey;
public static void addOpportunityBefore(List<Purchase_Order__c> newTrigger){
map<Id, Id> oppMap = new map<Id, Id>();
for (Purchase_Order__c po : [SELECT Id, Opportunity__c, Quote__r.OpportunityId
FROM Purchase_Order__c
WHERE Id = :newTrigger
AND Quote__r.OpportunityId != NULL])
oppMap.put(po.Id, po.Quote__r.OpportunityId);
if(oppMap.size() > 0){
for (Purchase_Order__c po : newTrigger){
if(oppMap.containsKey(po.Id) && po.Opportunity__c != oppMap.get(po.Id)){
po.Opportunity__c = oppMap.get(po.Id);
public static void customMilestones(List<Purchase_Order__c> newTrigger){
string pKey;
string dType;
Date startDate;
Datetime startDateTime;
Date completedDate;
Datetime completedDateTime;
integer lcount = 1;
map<String, PO_Approval_Milestones__c> poMAP = new map<String, PO_Approval_Milestones__c>(); // Map of existing PO Milestones
map<Id, Date> poStartDate = new map<Id, Date>(); // Map of PO's to the date they first entered the first approval process
list<PO_Approval_Milestones__c> poamList = new list<PO_Approval_Milestones__c>(); // List used to update the records
PO_Approval_Milestones__c updatePOAM = new PO_Approval_Milestones__c(); // PO Milestone record used/reused to update and added to the update list
// Load all of the custom milestones
list<Custom_Milestones__c> cmList = Custom_Milestones__c.getall().values();
// Create the map of existing records
for(PO_Approval_Milestones__c po : [SELECT Key__c, ProcessNodeId__c, ProcessInstanceId__c, Start__c, Completed__c, Purchase_Order__c,
Step_Name__c, Step_Status__c, Completed_By__c, Comments__c, Type__c, Start_Date__c, Start_Date_Time__c,
Completed_Date__c, Completed_Date_Time__c, Purchase_Order__r.Update_Key__c,
Custom_Milestone__c, Custom_Milestone_Fields__c
FROM PO_Approval_Milestones__c
WHERE Purchase_Order__c = :newTrigger
ORDER BY Start__c DESC])
poMAP.put(po.Key__c, po);
// This is used to determine what the start time of the first approval process related to that PO
// Creates a map using the PO Id and the first date/time
for(ProcessInstanceNode pi : [SELECT CreatedDate, ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId
FROM ProcessInstanceNode
WHERE ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId = :newTrigger
ORDER BY CreatedDate])
// Set the Start Date - Takes the first instance
system.debug('Adding Start Date: ' +;
// Determines whether fields are date or date/time fields
Purchase_Order__c poFields = new Purchase_Order__c();
for(Purchase_Order__c pOrder : newTrigger){
poFields = pOrder; // Just need a record in order to get the metadata, does not matter which
Map<String, Object> fieldsToValue = poFields.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
Map<String, String> dtMap = new map<String, String>();
for(String fieldName : fieldsToValue.keySet()){
if(fieldsToValue.get(fieldName) instanceOf Date){
dtMap.put(fieldName, 'Date');
System.debug('Date field name is ' + fieldName + ', value is ' + fieldsToValue.get(fieldName));
else if(fieldsToValue.get(fieldName) instanceOf DateTime){
dtMap.put(fieldName, 'DateTime');
System.debug('DateTime field name is ' + fieldName + ', value is ' + fieldsToValue.get(fieldName));
// We use sObject instead of Purchase_Order__c so that we can use dynamic fields with the Custom Milestone custom setting
for(SObject po : newTrigger){
for(Custom_Milestones__c m : cmList){
system.debug('[' + lcount + '] Starting Milestone: ' + m);
if((Boolean) m.get('Active__c') == TRUE){
/*Datetime approvalStart = NULL;
Datetime approvalEnd = NULL;
approvalStart = (Datetime) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
if(m.End_Date_Field__c == 'poStartDate' && poStartDate.containsKey(po.Id)){ // A hack to allow us to calculate all of the dates
approvalEnd = poStartDate.get(po.Id);
approvalEnd = (Datetime) po.get(m.End_Date_Field__c);
// Validate that the dates both set with data
//if(approvalStart != NULL && approvalEnd != NULL){
// Magik Time!
//pKey = (Id) po.get('Id') + '-' + m.Name;
pKey = po.Id + '-' + m.Name;
//datetime startDT = datetime.newInstance(approvalStart.year(), approvalStart.month(),, 00, 00, 00);
//datetime completedDT = datetime.newInstance(approvalEnd.year(), approvalEnd.month(),, 00, 00, 00);
//date startDT2 = approvalStart.dateGmt();
//date startDT2 = date.newInstance(approvalStart.year(), approvalStart.month(),;
if(poMAP.containsKey(pKey)){ // Record Exists - Let's Update
// Only thing that could change is the Date PO Received which we will update
system.debug('[CM] -- Record Exists - Updating!');
updatePOAM = poMAP.get(pKey); // Set the Active Record
updatePOAM.Update_Key__c = updatePOAM.Purchase_Order__r.Update_Key__c; // Update the Key from the parent to determine if the child record was updated or needs to be deleted
updatePOAM.Custom_Milestone__c = m.Name;
updatePOAM.Custom_Milestone_Fields__c = 'Start: ' + m.Start_Date_Field__c + ' End: ' + m.End_Date_Field__c;
if(dtMap.containsKey(m.Start_Date_Field__c) && dtMap.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c) == 'Date'){
startDate = (Date) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
startDateTime = datetime.newInstanceGMT (startDate.year(), startDate.month(),, 00, 00, 00);
updatePOAM.Start__c = startDateTime;
updatePOAM.Start_Type__c = 'Date';
updatePOAM.Start_Date__c = (Date) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
updatePOAM.Start_Date_Time__c = NULL;
startDateTime = (Datetime) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
updatePOAM.Start__c = startDateTime;
updatePOAM.Start_Type__c = 'DateTime';
updatePOAM.Start_Date__c = NULL;
updatePOAM.Start_Date_Time__c = startDateTime;
if(dtMap.containsKey(m.End_Date_Field__c) && dtMap.get(m.End_Date_Field__c) == 'Date'){
completedDate = (Date) po.get(m.End_Date_Field__c);
completedDateTime = datetime.newInstanceGMT (completedDate.year(), completedDate.month(),, 00, 00, 00);
updatePOAM.Completed__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Type__c = 'Date';
updatePOAM.Completed_Date__c = completedDate;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date_Time__c = NULL;
updatePOAM.Completed_Type__c = 'DateTime';
if(m.End_Date_Field__c == 'poStartDate'){ // A hack to allow us to calculate all of the dates
completedDateTime = poStartDate.get(po.Id);
updatePOAM.Completed__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date_Time__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date__c = NULL;
completedDateTime = (Datetime) po.get(m.End_Date_Field__c);
updatePOAM.Completed__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date_Time__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date__c = NULL;
system.debug('[' + m.Name + '] - Date Fields - Start: ' + approvalStart + ' End: ' + approvalEnd);
system.debug('[' + m.Name + '] - Date/Time Fields - Start: ' + startDateTime + ' End: ' + completedDateTime);
if(completedDateTime > startDateTime){
Long rawTime = completedDateTime.getTime() - startDateTime.getTime();
updatePOAM.Time_Raw__c = rawTime; // Capture the raw time - ESC 21Mar2018
updatePOAM.Comments__c = '';
updatePOAM.Time__c = 0;
updatePOAM.Time_Raw__c = 0;
if(m.Error_Message__c != NULL){
updatePOAM.Comments__c = m.Error_Message__c;
updatePOAM.Comments__c = 'Starting Date is later than the Ending Date';
//poMAP.put(pKey, updatePOAM);
system.debug('[CM] -- New Record -- Inserting!');
updatePOAM = new PO_Approval_Milestones__c(
//Start__c = startDateTime,
//Completed__c = completedDateTime,
//Type__c = 'Date',
Approval_Name__c = m.Name,
Key__c = pKey,
Approver__c = UserInfo.getUserId(),
Submitted_By__c = UserInfo.getUserId(),
Approval_Status__c = 'Completed',
Purchase_Order__c = po.Id,
Step_Name__c = m.Name,
Step_Status__c = 'Completed',
Custom_Milestone__c = m.Name,
Custom_Milestone_Fields__c = 'Start: ' + m.Start_Date_Field__c + ' End: ' + m.End_Date_Field__c
if(completedDateTime > startDateTime){
Long rawTime = completedDateTime.getTime() - startDateTime.getTime();
updatePOAM.Time_Raw__c = rawTime; // Capture the raw time - ESC 21Mar2018
updatePOAM.Comments__c = '';
updatePOAM.Time__c = 0;
updatePOAM.Time_Raw__c = 0;
if(m.Error_Message__c != NULL){
updatePOAM.Comments__c = m.Error_Message__c;
updatePOAM.Comments__c = 'Starting Date is later than the Ending Date';
//poMAP.put(pKey, updatePOAM);
if(dtMap.containsKey(m.Start_Date_Field__c) && dtMap.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c) == 'Date'){
startDate = (Date) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
startDateTime = datetime.newInstanceGMT (startDate.year(), startDate.month(),, 00, 00, 00);
dtype = 'Date';
updatePOAM.Start__c = startDateTime;
updatePOAM.Start_Type__c = 'Date';
updatePOAM.Start_Date__c = (Date) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
updatePOAM.Start_Date_Time__c = NULL;
startDateTime = (Datetime) po.get(m.Start_Date_Field__c);
dtype = 'DateTime';
updatePOAM.Start__c = startDateTime;
updatePOAM.Start_Type__c = 'DateTime';
updatePOAM.Start_Date__c = NULL;
updatePOAM.Start_Date_Time__c = startDateTime;
if(dtMap.containsKey(m.End_Date_Field__c) && dtMap.get(m.End_Date_Field__c) == 'Date'){
completedDate = (Date) po.get(m.End_Date_Field__c);
completedDateTime = datetime.newInstanceGMT (completedDate.year(), completedDate.month(),, 00, 00, 00);
if(dtype != 'Date'){
dType = 'Date/DateTime';
updatePOAM.Completed__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Type__c = 'Date';
updatePOAM.Completed_Date__c = completedDate;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date_Time__c = NULL;
if(dtype != 'DateTime'){
dType = 'Date/DateTime';
updatePOAM.Completed_Type__c = 'DateTime';
if(m.End_Date_Field__c == 'poStartDate'){ // A hack to allow us to calculate all of the dates
completedDateTime = poStartDate.get(po.Id);
updatePOAM.Completed__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date_Time__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date__c = NULL;
completedDateTime = (Datetime) po.get(m.End_Date_Field__c);
updatePOAM.Completed__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date_Time__c = completedDateTime;
updatePOAM.Completed_Date__c = NULL;
updatePOAM.Type__c = dtype;
//system.debug('[' + m.Name + '] - Date Fields - Start: ' + approvalStart + ' End: ' + approvalEnd);
system.debug('[' + m.Name + '] - Date/Time Fields - Start: ' + startDateTime + ' End: ' + completedDateTime);
if(completedDateTime > startDateTime){
Long rawTime = completedDateTime.getTime() - startDateTime.getTime();
//Long rawTime = completedDT.getTime() - startDT.getTime(); -- Old Way - 01Aug2018
//datetime.newInstanceGMT (startDate.year(), startDate.month(),, 00, 00, 00)
updatePOAM.Time_Raw__c = rawTime; // Capture the raw time - ESC 21Mar2018
updatePOAM.Comments__c = '';
updatePOAM.Time__c = 0;
updatePOAM.Time_Raw__c = 0;
if(m.Error_Message__c != NULL){
updatePOAM.Comments__c = m.Error_Message__c;
updatePOAM.Comments__c = 'Starting Date is later than the Ending Date';
if(completedDateTime != NULL && startDateTime != NULL){
poMAP.put(pKey, updatePOAM);
system.debug('[' + lcount + '] Completed Milestone: ' + m);
} // End Custom Milestone Loop
} // End sObject Loop
// Upsert PO Milestones
system.debug('poMap: ' + poMAP);
if(poMAP.size() > 0){
upsert poamList;
public static void updateMilestones(List<Purchase_Order__c> newTrigger){
set<Id> futureIds = new Map<Id,Purchase_Order__c>(newTrigger).keySet(); // Nifty way of converting a list to a set of Id's :
if(!system.isFuture()){ // This Prevents looping future calls
public static void updateMilestonesFuture(set<Id> newTrigger){
string pKey;
integer aNum = 0;
decimal bizDays = 0.0;
map<String, PO_Approval_Milestones__c> poMAP = new map<String, PO_Approval_Milestones__c>();
map<String, Purchase_Order__c> orderMap = new map<String, Purchase_Order__c>();
list<ProcessInstance> piList = new list<ProcessInstance>();
list<PO_Approval_Milestones__c> poamList = new list<PO_Approval_Milestones__c>();
PO_Approval_Milestones__c updatePOAM = new PO_Approval_Milestones__c();
BusinessHours bh = [SELECT Id FROM BusinessHours WHERE IsDefault=true];
// Legacy Class
string stepName;
List<Purchase_Order__c> updPos = new List<Purchase_Order__c>();
list<Purchase_Order__c> poList = new list<Purchase_Order__c>();
map<Id, ProcessInstanceNode> piMap = new map<Id, ProcessInstanceNode>();
map<Id, Date> poStartDate = new map<Id, Date>();
// End Legacy
// Create the map of existing records
for(PO_Approval_Milestones__c po : [SELECT Key__c, ProcessNodeId__c, ProcessInstanceId__c, Start__c, Completed__c, Purchase_Order__c,
Step_Name__c, Step_Status__c, Completed_By__c, Comments__c, Type__c,
FROM PO_Approval_Milestones__c
WHERE Purchase_Order__c = :newTrigger
ORDER BY Start__c DESC])
poMAP.put(po.Key__c, po);
// Create map and list of Purchase Orders
for(Purchase_Order__c p : [SELECT Id, Name, Quote__r.Opportunity_Id__c, Approval_Status__c,
Current_Approval_Step__c, Date_PO_Received__c, Date_of_First_Payment_Received__c,
Sales_Order_Acknowledged__c, Reason_for_Delay__c, Update_Status_Text__c, Update_Key__c
FROM Purchase_Order__c
WHERE Id = :newTrigger])
orderMap.put(p.Id, p);
for(ProcessInstance pi : [SELECT CreatedDate, CompletedDate,ProcessDefinitionId,Status,TargetObjectId,
(SELECT ProcessInstanceId, ProcessNodeId, StepStatus, Comments, ActorId, Actor.Name, OriginalActorId, OriginalActor.Name FROM StepsAndWorkitems WHERE ProcessNodeId != NULL ORDER By Id),
(SELECT ProcessInstanceId, ProcessNodeId, NodeStatus, ProcessNodeName, CompletedDate, CreatedDate FROM Nodes ORDER By Id)
FROM ProcessInstance
WHERE TargetObjectId = :newTrigger
ORDER By CreatedDate])
system.debug('pi: ' + pi);
for(ProcessInstanceHistory pih : pi.StepsAndWorkitems){
//system.debug('Steps: ' + pih);
pKey = pih.ProcessInstanceId + '-' + pih.ProcessNodeId;
string bigComments;
updatePOAM = poMAP.get(pKey);
updatePOAM.Approver__c = pih.ActorId;
updatePOAM.Update_Key__c = poMAP.get(pKey).Purchase_Order__r.Update_Key__c;
updatePOAM.Submitted_By__c = pih.OriginalActorId;
updatePOAM.ProcessNodeId__c = pih.ProcessNodeId;
updatePOAM.ProcessInstanceId__c = pih.ProcessInstanceId;
bigComments = pih.Comments;
if(bigComments != NULL){
bigComments = bigComments.left(255);
updatePOAM.Comments__c = bigComments;
updatePOAM.Type__c = 'Approval';
if(pi.Status == 'Removed'){
updatePOAM.Approval_Status__c = 'Recalled';
updatePOAM.Approval_Status__c = pi.Status;
poMAP.put(pKey, updatePOAM);
updatePOAM = new PO_Approval_Milestones__c(
Approval_Status__c = pi.Status,
Approval_Name__c = 'Approval #' + aNum,
Purchase_Order__c = pi.TargetObjectId,
Approver__c = pih.ActorId,
Submitted_By__c = pih.OriginalActorId,
ProcessNodeId__c = pih.ProcessNodeId,
ProcessInstanceId__c = pih.ProcessInstanceId,
Comments__c = pih.Comments,
Update_Key__c = orderMap.get(pi.TargetObjectId).Update_Key__c,
Key__c = pKey,
Type__c = 'Approval'
if(pi.Status == 'Removed'){
updatePOAM.Approval_Status__c = 'Recalled';
poMAP.put(pKey, updatePOAM);
for(ProcessInstanceNode pin : pi.Nodes){
//Long bizDays = BusinessHours.diff(, Start__c, Completed__c);
//system.debug('Nodes: ' + pin);
pKey = pin.ProcessInstanceId + '-' + pin.ProcessNodeId;
updatePOAM = poMAP.get(pKey);
updatePOAM.Step_Name__c = pin.ProcessNodeName;
if(pin.NodeStatus == 'Removed'){
updatePOAM.Step_Status__c = 'Recalled';
updatePOAM.Step_Status__c = pin.NodeStatus;
updatePOAM.Completed__c = pin.CompletedDate;
updatePOAM.Start__c = pin.CreatedDate;
system.debug('bizDays: ' + bizDays);
if(bizDays >= 2 && orderMap.containsKey(pi.TargetObjectId) && orderMap.get(pi.TargetObjectId).Reason_for_Delay__c != NULL){
string rfd = orderMap.get(pi.TargetObjectId).Reason_for_Delay__c;
rfd = rfd.left(255);
if(updatePOAM.Reason_for_Delay__c != NULL){
updatePOAM.Reason_for_Delay__c = rfd;
poMAP.put(pKey, updatePOAM);
system.debug('Ooops - Missing #2');
for(ProcessInstanceNode pi : [SELECT id, ProcessNodeName, CreatedDate, ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId,
ProcessNode.DeveloperName, ProcessNode.Name
FROM ProcessInstanceNode
WHERE ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId = :newTrigger
ORDER BY CreatedDate])
piMap.put(pi.ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId, pi);
for(Purchase_Order__c po : poList){
// Legacy Code Re-written
if(po.Approval_Status__c != 'Approved' && piMap.containsKey(po.Id)){
stepName = piMap.get(po.Id).ProcessNode.Name; // Setting to variable since we use this over and over again.
po.Approval_Status__c.containsIgnoreCase('New') ||
po.Approval_Status__c.containsIgnoreCase('Cancelled') ||
po.Approval_Status__c.containsIgnoreCase('Rejected') ||
System.debug('*** New, Cancelled ***');
po.Current_Approval_Step__c = '';
po.Current_Approval_Step__c = stepName;
po.Start_Date_Current_Approval_Step__c = piMap.get(po.Id).CreatedDate;
System.debug('*** po.Current_Approval_Step__c *** ' + po.Current_Approval_Step__c);
// Legacy Dates
if(stepName.containsIgnoreCase('DOC Control')){
System.debug('*** DOC Control ***');
po.Doc_Control_Start_Date__c = piMap.get(po.Id).CreatedDate;
else if(stepName.containsIgnoreCase('Planning')){
System.debug('*** Planning ***');
po.Planning_Start_Date__c = piMap.get(po.Id).CreatedDate;
else if(stepName.containsIgnoreCase('TSM')){
System.debug('*** TSM ***');
po.TSM_Revision_Start_Date__c = piMap.get(po.Id).CreatedDate;
}//END If
}//END of FOR loop
// Update Purchase Orders
if(updPos.size() > 0){
update updPos;
for(Id i : newTrigger){
Purchase_Order__c po = new Purchase_Order__c(
Id = i,
Update_Status_Text__c = 'Ok'
update updPos;
// Upsert PO Milestones
system.debug('poMap: ' + poMAP);
if(poMAP.size() > 0){
upsert poamList;
} // End Method
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