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Created September 18, 2014 06:32
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(ns rent-calc.core
(:use-macros [dommy.macros :only [sel sel1]])
(:require [dommy.core :as dommy]))
(defn p [s]
(js/alert (str s)))
(defn by-id [id]
(.getElementById js/document id))
(defn parse-int
([s] (js/parseInt s))
([s r] (js/parseInt s r)))
(defn capitalize [s]
(str (.toUpperCase (aget s 0))
(.substring s 1)))
(defn keyword->property [k]
(let [[x & xs] (-> (str k) (.substring 1) (.split "-"))]
(apply str x (map capitalize xs))))
(defn id-value [id]
(parse-int (.-value (by-id id))))
(defn in-dollars [num]
(-> num (* 100) ((.-round js/Math) ) (/ 100)))
(defn set-content [node]
(dommy/replace! (sel1 :#app)
[:div node]
(defn set-answer [node]
(dommy/replace! (sel1 :#answer)
[:div#answer [:div.container node]]))
(def globals {:total-sq-ft 1267
:price 3479
:utilities 275.12})
(def rooms [{:title "jeff's room" :headcount 3 :area 171.5625}
{:title "bryan's room" :headcount 1 :area 155.25}
{:title "thaly's room" :headcount 1 :area 121.875}])
(defn room->start [room idx]
[:td (:title room)]
[:td [:input {:type "number"
:value (:headcount room)
:id (str "headcount-" idx)
:onKeyUp "rent_calc.core.show_rent()"}]]
[:td [:input {:type "number"
:value (:area room)
:disabled "disabled"
:id (str "area-" idx)
:onKeyUp "rent_calc.core.show_rent()"}]]])
(defn start-page []
[:h2 "Rent Calc 130 36th"]
(fn [[k v]] [:tr
[:td (name k)]
[:td [:input {:type "number"
:value v
:id (name k)
:onKeyUp "rent_calc.core.show_rent()"}]]])
[:div [:h2 "Rooms"]
[:th [:td "name"] [:td "headcount"] [:td "area"]
(map room->start rooms (range 1 100))]]]]))
(defn format-rent [final-map]
[:h2 "Rent"]
(map (fn [rm]
(let [dollars (in-dollars (:total-price-pp rm))]
[:td (:title rm)]
[:td dollars]])) final-map)]])
(defn show-rent []
(let [total-sq-ft (id-value "total-sq-ft")
price (id-value "price")
utilities (id-value "utilities")
rooms [{:title "jeff's room"
:headcount (id-value "headcount-1")
:area 171.5625}
{:title "bryan's room"
:headcount (id-value "headcount-2")
:area 155.25}
{:title "thaly's room"
:headcount (id-value "headcount-3")
:area 121.875}]
private-area (apply + (map :area rooms))
occupants (apply + (map :headcount rooms))
common-area (- total-sq-ft private-area)
price-sqft (/ price total-sq-ft)
common-price (-> common-area (* price-sqft) (/ occupants))
common-util (/ utilities occupants)
final-sol (for [room rooms]
(assoc room :total-price-pp (-> (:area room)
(* price-sqft)
(/ (:headcount room))
(+ common-price)
(+ common-util))))]
(set-answer (format-rent final-sol))))
(println "Hello world!")
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