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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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;; modify inputs if you wish and paste into
(let [total-sq-ft 1267
price 3479
utilities 275.12
rooms [{:title "jeff's room" :headcount 3 :area 171.5625}
{:title "bryan's room" :headcount 1 :area 155.25}
{:title "thaly's room" :headcount 1 :area 121.875}]
private-area (apply + (map :area rooms))
occupants (apply + (map :headcount rooms))
common-area (- total-sq-ft private-area)
price-sqft (double (/ price total-sq-ft))
common-price (-> common-area (* price-sqft) (/ occupants))
common-util (/ utilities occupants)]
(map (fn [room]
(assoc room :total-price-pp (-> (:area room)
(* price-sqft)
(/ (:headcount room))
(+ common-price)
(+ common-util))))
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