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eschnett/sbp.jl Secret

Created February 3, 2022 17:41
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# Summation-by-parts (SBP) coefficients for the 2-1 stencil, taken
# from "coeffs/Derivatives_2_1". The notation "2-1" means that this
# operator is 2nd order accurate in the interior and 1st order
# accurate at the boundary.
# Generally, it is impossible to find SBP stencils that have the same
# order of accuracy everywhere. Luckily, since there is only a finite
# number of boundary points which does not increase when the
# resolution is increase, the overall observed order (in the continuum
# limit) is one more than the order at the boundary. That is, this
# stencil is overall 2nd order accurate.
"Integration weight at the boundary"
const a = [1.0 / 2.0]
"Derivative stencils near the boundary"
const q = [-1.0 -1.0/2.0
1.0 0
0 1.0/2.0]
# The above matrix `q` defines 2 stencils, each using 3 points. All
# stencils are to be evaluated with the leftmost points of the domain
# as input.
# In this case, the last (second) stencil happens to be the regular
# second-order finite difference. This is not true in general.
"Calculate a derivative"
function deriv(f::AbstractVector, h::Real)
# Number of boundary points that need special treatment
nb = size(q, 2)
# We need at least twice as many points as there are boundary points
@assert length(f) ≥ 2nb
df = similar(f)
# Left boundary
df[1:nb] = q * f[1:size(q, 1)] / h
# Right boundary (reverse grid points and change sign)
df[end:-1:(end - nb + 1)] = -q * f[end:-1:(end - size(q, 1) + 1)] / h
# Interior (standard second order derivative)
for i in (nb + 1):(length(f) - nb)
df[i] = (f[i - 1] + f[i + 1]) / 2h
return df
"Integrate (quadrature) over all points"
function integrate(f::AbstractVector, h::Real)
# Number of boundary points that need special treatment
nb = length(a)
@assert length(f) ≥ 2nb
s = zero(eltype(f))
# Left boundary
for i in 1:nb
s += a[i] * f[i]
# Right boundary (reverse grid points)
for i in 1:nb
s += a[i] * f[length(f)-i+1]
# Interior
s += sum(f[nb+1:end-nb])
s *= h
return s
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