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Created July 8, 2014 16:17
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Complete source code
#include <hpx/hpx.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
using hpx::async;
using hpx::find_all_localities;
using hpx::find_here;
using hpx::future;
using hpx::get_locality_id;
using hpx::id_type;
using hpx::launch;
using hpx::make_ready_future;
using hpx::naming::get_locality_from_id;
using hpx::shared_future;
using boost::make_shared;
using boost::shared_ptr;
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::enable_if;
using std::false_type;
using std::flush;
using std::forward;
using std::ios_base;
using std::max;
using std::min;
using std::move;
using std::numeric_limits;
using std::ofstream;
using std::ostream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::ptrdiff_t;
using std::string;
using std::true_type;
using std::tuple;
using std::vector;
#warning "TODO"
#define deferred async
// Integer division, rounding down
template <typename T> T div_floor(T x, T y) {
assert(y > 0);
T r = (x >= 0 ? x : x - y + 1) / y;
assert(r * y <= x && (r + 1) * y > x);
return r;
// Integer modulo, rounding down
template <typename T> T mod_floor(T x, T y) {
T r = x - div_floor(x, y) * y;
assert(r >= 0 && r < y);
return r;
// Integer division, rounding up
template <typename T> T div_ceil(T x, T y) {
assert(y > 0);
T r = (x > 0 ? x + y - 1 : x) / y;
assert(r * y >= x && (r - 1) * y < x);
return r;
// Integer modulo, rounding up
template <typename T> T mod_ceil(T x, T y) {
T r = x - div_ceil(x, y) * y;
assert(r >= 0 && r < y);
return r;
// An empty serializable type as mix-in
using empty = tuple<>;
// Global definitions, a poor man's parameter file
namespace defs {
const ptrdiff_t rho = 1; // 100; // resolution scale
const double tmin = 0.0;
const double xmin = 0.0;
const double xmax = 1.0;
const ptrdiff_t ncells = 10 * rho;
const double dx = (xmax - xmin) / ncells;
double x(ptrdiff_t i) { return xmin + (i + 0.5) * dx; }
const double cfl = 0.5;
const double dt = cfl * dx;
const int nsteps = 2 * 1; // 2 * 100; // 2 * ncells
const int wait_every = 1;
const int info_every = nsteps / 10;
const int file_every = 0; // nsteps;
const ptrdiff_t ncells_per_grid = 10;
// Components and clients
template <typename T>
class HPX_COMPONENT_EXPORT component
: public hpx::components::managed_component_base<component<T> > {
typedef hpx::components::managed_component_base<component<T> > component_base;
shared_ptr<T> ptr;
component() {}
component(const shared_ptr<T> &ptr) : ptr(ptr) {}
component(shared_ptr<T> &&ptr) : ptr(std::move(ptr)) {}
shared_ptr<T> get() const { return ptr; }
HPX_DEFINE_COMPONENT_CONST_ACTION_TPL(component, get, get_action);
template <typename T> void swap(component<T> &a, component<T> &b) { a.swap(b); }
template <typename T>
class client : public hpx::components::client_base<
client<T>, hpx::components::stub_base<component<T> > > {
typedef hpx::components::client_base<
client<T>, hpx::components::stub_base<component<T> > > client_base;
using client_base::operator=;
using client_base::create;
using client_base::get_gid;
client() {}
client(const client_base &base) : client_base(base) {}
client(client_base &&base) : client_base(move(base)) {}
client(const id_type &gid) : client_base(gid) {}
client(future<id_type> &&gid) : client_base(move(gid)) {}
client(const shared_future<id_type> &gid) : client_base(gid) {}
client(future<client> &&other) : client_base(move(other)) {}
client(const shared_future<client>& other) : client_base(other) {}
id_type get_loc() const {
return get_locality_from_id(get_gid()); }
bool is_local() const { return get_loc() == find_here(); }
void wait() const { get_gid(); }
shared_ptr<T> get() const {
return typename component<T>::get_action()(get_gid());
T &operator*() const { return *get(); }
auto operator -> () const -> decltype(this -> get()) { return get(); }
client make_local() const {
return async([](const client &self) {
return create(
typename component<T>::get_action()(self.get_gid()));
template <typename T, typename... As> client<T> make_client(As &&... args) {
return client<T>::create(find_here(), make_shared<T>(forward<As>(args)...));
template <typename T, typename... As>
client<T> make_remote_client(const id_type &loc, As &&... args) {
return client<T>::create(loc, make_shared<T>(forward<As>(args)...));
// namespace detail {
// template <typename T> struct is_client : false_type {};
// template <typename T> struct is_client<client<T> > : true_type {};
// template <typename T>
// auto extract_gid(T &&x)
// -> typename enable_if<!is_client<T>::value,
// decltype(forward<T>(x))>::type {
// return forward<T>(x);
// }
// template <typename T>
// auto extract_gid(T &&x)
// -> typename enable_if<is_client<T>::value,
// decltype(forward<T>(x).get_gid())>::type {
// return forward<T>(x).get_gid();
// }
// }
// template <typename... As>
// auto async_(As &&... args)
// -> decltype(async(detail::extract_gid(forward<As>(args))...)) {
// return async(detail::extract_gid(forward<As>(args))...);
// }
// A norm
struct norm_t {
double sum, sum2, count;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int version) {
ar &sum &sum2 &count;
norm_t() : sum(0.0), sum2(0.0), count(0.0) {}
norm_t(double val) : sum(val), sum2(pow(val, 2)), count(1.0) {}
norm_t(const norm_t &x, const norm_t &y)
: sum(x.sum + y.sum), sum2(x.sum2 + y.sum2), count(x.count + y.count) {}
double avg() const { return sum / count; }
double norm2() const { return sqrt(sum2 / count); }
// A cell -- a container holding data, no intelligence here
struct cell_t {
static constexpr double nan = numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
double u;
double rho;
double v;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int verstion) {
ar &u &rho &v;
// For safety
cell_t() : u(nan), rho(nan), v(nan) {}
// Output
ostream &output(ostream &os) const {
assert(get_locality_id() == 0);
return os << "cell: u=" << u << " rho=" << rho << " v=" << v;
// Linear combination
struct axpy : empty {};
cell_t(axpy, double a, const cell_t &x, const cell_t &y) {
u = a * x.u + y.u;
rho = a * x.rho + y.rho;
v = a * x.v + y.v;
// Norm
norm_t norm() const {
return norm_t(norm_t(norm_t(u), norm_t(rho)), norm_t(v));
// Analytic solution
struct analytic : empty {};
cell_t(analytic, double t, double x) {
u = sin(2 * M_PI * t) * sin(2 * M_PI * x);
rho = 2 * M_PI * cos(2 * M_PI * t) * sin(2 * M_PI * x);
v = 2 * M_PI * sin(2 * M_PI * t) * cos(2 * M_PI * x);
// Initial condition
struct initial : empty {};
cell_t(initial, double t, double x) : cell_t(analytic(), t, x) {}
// Boundary condition
struct boundary : empty {};
cell_t(boundary, double t, double x) : cell_t(analytic(), t, x) {}
// Error
struct error : empty {};
cell_t(error, const cell_t &c, double t, double x)
: cell_t(axpy(), -1.0, cell_t(analytic(), t, x), c) {}
// RHS
struct rhs : empty {};
cell_t(rhs, const cell_t &c, const cell_t &cm, const cell_t &cp) {
u = c.rho;
rho = (cp.v - cm.v) / (2 * defs::dx);
v = (cp.rho - cm.rho) / (2 * defs::dx);
// Output
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const cell_t &c) { return c.output(os); }
norm_t cell_norm(const cell_t &c) { return c.norm(); }
// Each grid lives on a process
struct grid_t {
double t;
ptrdiff_t imin, imax; // spatial indices
vector<cell_t> cells;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int version) {
ar &t &imin &imax &cells;
grid_t() {} // only for serialization
grid_t(double t, ptrdiff_t imin, ptrdiff_t imax)
: t(t), imin(imin), imax(imax), cells(imax - imin) {}
grid_t(const client<grid_t> &g) : grid_t(g->t, g->imin, g->imax) {}
void set(ptrdiff_t i, const cell_t &c) {
assert(i >= imin && i < imax);
cells[i - imin] = c;
const cell_t &get(ptrdiff_t i) const {
assert(i >= imin && i < imax);
return cells[i - imin];
cell_t get_boundary(bool face_upper) const {
return get(face_upper ? imax - 1 : imin);
// Output
ostream &output(ostream &os) const {
assert(get_locality_id() == 0);
os << "grid: t=" << t << "\n";
for (ptrdiff_t i = imin; i < imax; ++i) {
os << " i=" << i << " x=" << defs::x(i) << " " << get(i) << "\n";
return os;
// Linear combination
struct axpy : empty {};
grid_t(axpy, double a, client<grid_t> x, client<grid_t> y) : grid_t(y) {
t = a * x->t + y->t;
for (ptrdiff_t i = imin; i < imax; ++i) {
set(i, cell_t(cell_t::axpy(), a, x->get(i), y->get(i)));
// Norm
norm_t norm() const {
norm_t n;
for (ptrdiff_t i = imin; i < imax; ++i) {
n = norm_t(n, cell_norm(get(i)));
return n;
// Initial condition
struct initial : empty {};
grid_t(initial, double t, ptrdiff_t imin, ptrdiff_t imax)
: grid_t(t, imin, imax) {
for (ptrdiff_t i = imin; i < imax; ++i) {
set(i, cell_t(cell_t::initial(), t, defs::x(i)));
// Error
struct error : empty {};
grid_t(error, client<grid_t> s) : grid_t(s) {
for (ptrdiff_t i = imin; i < imax; ++i) {
set(i, cell_t(cell_t::error(), s->get(i), t, defs::x(i)));
// RHS
struct rhs : empty {};
grid_t(rhs, client<grid_t> s, shared_future<cell_t> bm,
shared_future<cell_t> bp)
: grid_t(s) {
t = 1.0; // dt/dt
for (ptrdiff_t i = imin; i < imax; ++i) {
const cell_t &c = s->get(i);
// choose left neighbour
ptrdiff_t im = i - 1;
cell_t cm;
if (im >= imin) { // same grid (interior)
cm = s->get(im);
} else if (im >= 0) { // other grid (ghost)
cm = bm.get();
} else { // boundary
cm = cell_t(cell_t::boundary(), s->t, defs::x(im));
// choose right neighbour
ptrdiff_t ip = i + 1;
cell_t cp;
if (ip < imax) { // same grid (interior)
cp = s->get(ip);
} else if (ip < defs::ncells) { // other grid (ghost)
cp = bp.get();
} else { // boundary
cp = cell_t(cell_t::boundary(), s->t, defs::x(ip));
set(i, cell_t(cell_t::rhs(), c, cm, cp));
typedef component<grid_t> grid_t_component;
hpx::components::managed_component<component<grid_t> >, grid_t_component);
HPX_REGISTER_ACTION(component<grid_t>::get_action, grid_t_component_get_action);
// Output
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const client<grid_t> &g) {
return g->output(os);
cell_t grid_get_boundary(const client<grid_t> &g, bool face_upper) {
return g->get_boundary(face_upper);
// Norm
norm_t grid_norm(const client<grid_t> &g) { return g->norm(); }
// The domain is distributed over multiple processes
struct domain_t {
double t;
static ptrdiff_t ngrids() {
return div_ceil(defs::ncells, defs::ncells_per_grid);
static ptrdiff_t cell2grid(ptrdiff_t icell) {
assert(icell >= 0 && icell < defs::ncells);
return div_floor(icell, defs::ncells_per_grid);
vector<client<grid_t> > grids;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int version) {
ar &t &grids;
domain_t() {} // only for serialization
// Note: The grids are not allocated in the constructor; this has to
// be done explicitly.
domain_t(double t) : t(t), grids(ngrids()) {}
domain_t(const client<domain_t> &d) : t(d->t), grids(ngrids()) {}
void set(ptrdiff_t i, const client<grid_t> &g) {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ngrids() && grids.size() == ngrids());
grids[i] = g;
// Note: Be careful about this being a reference! This only works
// because references decay in bind and async.
const client<grid_t> &get(ptrdiff_t i) const {
assert(i >= 0 && i < ngrids() && grids.size() == ngrids());
return grids[i];
// Wait until all grids are ready
void wait() const {
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
// Output
ostream &output(ostream &os) const {
assert(get_locality_id() == 0);
os << "domain: t=" << t << "\n";
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
// Serialize output by making local copies
os << "grid[" << i << "]:\n" << get(i).make_local();
return os;
// Linear combination
struct axpy : empty {};
domain_t(axpy, double a, const client<domain_t> &x, const client<domain_t> &y)
: domain_t(y) {
t = a * x->t + y->t;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
set(i, make_remote_client<grid_t>(y->get(i).get_loc(), grid_t::axpy(), a,
x->get(i), y->get(i)));
// Norm
norm_t norm() const {
// TODO: Use a proper reduction operation
vector<future<norm_t> > fns;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
async(grid_norm_action(), get(i).get_loc(), get(i).get_gid()));
norm_t n;
for (auto &fn : fns)
n = norm_t(n, fn.get());
return n;
// Initial condition
struct initial : empty {};
domain_t(initial, double t) : domain_t(t) {
auto locs = find_all_localities();
ptrdiff_t nlocs = locs.size();
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
// Choose a domain decomposition
id_type loc = + i, nlocs));
ptrdiff_t imin = i * defs::ncells_per_grid;
ptrdiff_t imax = min((i + 1) * defs::ncells_per_grid, defs::ncells);
set(i, make_remote_client<grid_t>(loc, grid_t::initial(), t, imin, imax));
// Error
struct error : empty {};
domain_t(error, const client<domain_t> &s) : domain_t(s) {
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
const client<grid_t> &si = s->get(i);
set(i, make_remote_client<grid_t>(si.get_loc(), grid_t::error(), si));
// RHS
struct rhs : empty {};
domain_t(rhs, const client<domain_t> &s) : domain_t(s) {
t = 1.0; // dt/dt
const shared_future<cell_t> fake = make_ready_future(cell_t());
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < ngrids(); ++i) {
const client<grid_t> &si = s->get(i);
// left buondary
ptrdiff_t im = i - 1;
shared_future<cell_t> cm;
if (im >= 0) {
const client<grid_t> &sim = s->get(im);
cm = async(grid_get_boundary_action(), sim.get_loc(), sim.get_gid(),
} else {
cm = fake;
// right boundary
ptrdiff_t ip = i + 1;
shared_future<cell_t> cp;
if (ip < ngrids()) {
const client<grid_t> &sip = s->get(ip);
cp = async(grid_get_boundary_action(), sip.get_loc(), sip.get_gid(),
} else {
cp = fake;
make_remote_client<grid_t>(si.get_loc(), grid_t::rhs(), si, cm, cp));
typedef component<domain_t> domain_t_component;
hpx::components::managed_component<component<domain_t> >,
// Output
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const client<domain_t> &d) {
return d->output(os);
// Norm
norm_t domain_norm(const client<domain_t> &x) { return x->norm(); }
// Memoized data for the current iteration
struct memoized_t {
ptrdiff_t n;
client<domain_t> state;
client<domain_t> rhs;
client<domain_t> error;
shared_future<norm_t> error_norm;
memoized_t(ptrdiff_t n, const client<domain_t> &state) : n(n), state(state) {
rhs = async(launch::deferred, [state]() {
return make_client<domain_t>(domain_t::rhs(), state);
error = async(launch::deferred, [state]() {
return make_client<domain_t>(domain_t::error(), state);
error_norm = async(launch::deferred, domain_norm, error);
// RK2
client<domain_t> rk2(const shared_ptr<memoized_t> &m) {
const client<domain_t> &s0 = m->state;
const client<domain_t> &r0 = m->rhs;
// Step 1
auto s1 = make_client<domain_t>(domain_t::axpy(), 0.5 * defs::dt, r0, s0);
auto r1 = make_client<domain_t>(domain_t::rhs(), s1);
// Step 2
return make_client<domain_t>(domain_t::axpy(), defs::dt, r1, s0);
// Output
ostream *do_info_output(const shared_future<ostream *> &fos,
const shared_ptr<memoized_t> &m) {
assert(get_locality_id() == 0);
const shared_ptr<domain_t> &s = m->state.get();
const norm_t &en = m->error_norm.get();
ostream *os = fos.get();
*os << "n=" << m->n << " t=" << s->t << " "
<< "L2-norm[error]: " << en.norm2() << "\n" << flush;
return os;
shared_future<ostream *> info_output(shared_future<ostream *> fos,
const shared_ptr<memoized_t> &m) {
if (defs::info_every != 0 &&
(m->n == defs::nsteps || m->n % defs::info_every == 0)) {
fos = async(do_info_output, fos, m);
return fos;
ostream *do_file_output(const shared_future<ostream *> fos,
const shared_ptr<memoized_t> &m) {
assert(get_locality_id() == 0);
ostream *os = fos.get();
*os << "State: " << m->state << "RHS: " << m->rhs
<< "L2-norm[error]: " << m->error_norm.get().norm2() << "\n"
<< "\n" << std::flush;
return os;
shared_future<ostream *> file_output(shared_future<ostream *> fos,
const shared_ptr<memoized_t> &m) {
if (defs::file_every != 0 &&
(m->n == defs::nsteps || m->n % defs::file_every == 0)) {
fos = async(do_file_output, fos, m);
return fos;
// Driver
int hpx_main(int argc, char **argv) {
cout << "hpx_main.0\n";
ostringstream filename;
auto locs = find_all_localities();
auto nlocs = locs.size();
filename << "hpx_wave." << nlocs << ".txt";
ofstream file(filename.str(), ios_base::trunc);
auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
cout << "hpx_main.1\n" << flush;
int n = 0;
auto s = make_client<domain_t>(domain_t::initial(), defs::tmin);
auto m = make_shared<memoized_t>(n, s);
auto fio = info_output(make_ready_future<ostream *>(&cout), m);
auto ffo = file_output(make_ready_future<ostream *>(&file), m);
cout << "hpx_main.2\n" << flush;
while (n < defs::nsteps) {
cout << "hpx_main.3\n" << flush;
if (defs::wait_every != 0 && n > 0 && n % defs::wait_every == 0) {
cout << "hpx_main.3.0\n" << flush;
// Rate limiter
cout << "hpx_main.3.1\n" << flush;
s = rk2(m);
cout << "hpx_main.3.2\n" << flush;
m = make_shared<memoized_t>(n, s);
cout << "hpx_main.3.3\n" << flush;
fio = info_output(fio, m);
cout << "hpx_main.3.4\n" << flush;
ffo = file_output(ffo, m);
cout << "hpx_main.3.5\n" << flush;
cout << "hpx_main.4\n" << flush;
cout << "hpx_main.5\n" << flush;
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
double elapsed =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(t1 - t0).count() /
cout << "Elapsed time: " << elapsed << " sec\n";
cout << "hpx_main.9\n" << flush;
return 0;
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