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Created May 12, 2010 23:23
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;; from Nurullah Akkaya's gist at
(ns scraper
(:use [ :only [spit]]
[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only [partition-all]])
(:import ( URL)
( BufferedReader InputStreamReader FileReader)
java.util.Date java.text.SimpleDateFormat))
(defn scrape [url]
(let [conn (URL. url)]
(with-open [stream (.openStream conn)]
(let [buf (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. stream))]
(spit (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(apply str (line-seq buf))))))
(catch Exception e nil)))
(comment ;; running under a single pmap
(let [start (.getTime (Date.))
whole (future (dorun (pmap scrape (line-seq (BufferedReader. (FileReader. "url.list"))))))]
(deref whole)
(println (- (.getTime (Date.)) start)))
(comment ;; running with two concurrent pmaps
(let [start (.getTime (Date.))
urls (line-seq (BufferedReader. (FileReader. "url.list")))
half (/ (count urls) 2)
first-half (future (dorun (pmap scrape (take half urls))))
second-half (future (dorun (pmap scrape (drop half urls))))]
(deref first-half) (deref second-half)
(println (- (.getTime (Date.)) start)))
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