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Created November 25, 2013 19:05
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compile a looping function from a recursive definition
;;; loop-rec.lisp --- compile a looping function from a recursive definition
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Eric Schulte
;;; Commentary:
;; Use the `defwhile' macro to define a looping (using while) version
;; of any recursive function.
;; It maintains a fifo stack of arguments (my-args), and a pointer to
;; the most recent results (my-res). Then it goes through the
;; function body replacing every recursive call with code to update
;; the stack, and return the most recent result (my-replacer). That
;; is wrapped in a whlie loop which terminates when the arguments
;; stack is exhausted.
;;; Code:
(defpackage :loop-rec
(:use :common-lisp :alexandria :curry-compose-reader-macros))
(in-package :loop-rec)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defmacro push-to-end (item place)
`(setf ,place (nconc ,place (list ,item))))
(defmacro defwhile (name args body)
(labels ((rec-replace (from tmp tree)
(if (listp tree)
(if (equal (car tree) from) ; replace recursive call
(let ((it (gensym)))
`(prog1 :get-res
(let ((,it (list ,@(mapcar {rec-replace from tmp}
(cdr tree)))))
(push-to-end ,it ,tmp))))
(mapcar {rec-replace from tmp} tree))
(let ((my-args (gensym "args-"))
(my-res (gensym "return-"))
(my-tmp (gensym "temporary-"))
(my-replacer (gensym "replacer-")))
`(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-WHILE")) ,args
(let ((,my-args (list (list ,@args)))
(,my-res nil))
(flet ((,my-replacer (it) (if (equalp it :get-res) ,my-res it)))
(loop :while ,my-args :do
(destructuring-bind ,args (mapcar #',my-replacer (pop ,my-args))
(let ((,my-tmp nil))
(setf ,my-res
,@(rec-replace name my-tmp (list body)))
(setf ,my-args (append ,my-tmp ,my-args))))))
(defun f (x) (if (>= x 101) (- x 10) (f (f (+ x 11))))) ; <- define f
(defwhile f (x) (if (>= x 101) (- x 10) (f (f (+ x 11))))) ; <- non-recursive f
(f 8) ; => 91
(f-while 8) ; => 91
(macroexpand-1 '(defwhile f (x) (if (>= x 101) (- x 10) (f (f (+ x 11)))))) ; =>
#+(or )
(LET ((#:|args-7989| (LIST (LIST X)))
(#:|return-7990| NIL))
(FLET ((#:|replacer-7992| (IT) (IF (EQUALP IT :GET-RES) #:|return-7990| IT)))
(LOOP :WHILE #:|args-7989| :DO
(DESTRUCTURING-BIND (X) (MAPCAR #'#:|replacer-7992| (POP #:|args-7989|))
(LET ((#:|temporary-7991| NIL))
(SETF #:|return-7990|
(IF (>= X 101)
(- X 10)
(LET ((IT (LIST (+ X 11))))
(PUSH-TO-END IT #:|temporary-7991|))))))
(PUSH-TO-END IT #:|temporary-7991|)))))
(SETF #:|args-7989| (APPEND #:|temporary-7991| #:|args-7989|))))))
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