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Last active December 2, 2023 04:32
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(ns core
[clojure.string :as string]))
;;day 1
(defn string->arr-of-chars [string]
(mapv (fn [character] (Character/getNumericValue character)) string))
(defn remove-non-integers [arr-of-chars]
(remove (fn [n] (> n 9)) arr-of-chars))
(defn get-first-last-tuples [arr-of-ints]
[(first arr-of-ints) (last arr-of-ints)])
(defn make-nums [[k v]]
(+ (* 10 k) v))
;solution to part 1
(->> (string/split-lines (slurp "input"))
(mapv (comp make-nums get-first-last-tuples remove-non-integers string->arr-of-chars))
(reduce +))
;;;PART 2
(defn digit? [c] (and (>= 0 (compare \0 c))
(>= 0 (compare c \9))))
(def digit-regexes
(def reversed-regexes
(def str-digit-lookup
{"one" 1
"two" 2
"three" 3
"four" 4
"five" 5
"six" 6
"seven" 7
"eight" 8
"nine" 9})
(defn str->num [s]
(get str-digit-lookup s))
(defn reversed-str->num [s]
(get (into {} (mapv (fn [[k v]] [(string/reverse k) v]) str-digit-lookup)) s))
(defn extract [which s]
(let [first? (= which :first)
conversion-fn (if first?
(loop [seq-of-chars (if first?
(seq s)
(reverse (seq s)))
acc []]
(let [string-num (->> (mapv (fn [reg] (re-find reg (string/join "" acc)))
(if first? digit-regexes reversed-regexes))
(remove nil?)
(not (seq seq-of-chars))
(some? string-num)
(digit? (first seq-of-chars))
(Character/getNumericValue (first seq-of-chars))
(recur (rest seq-of-chars) (conj acc (first seq-of-chars))))))))
(->> (string/split-lines (slurp "input"))
(mapv (fn [s] (+ (* 10 (extract :first s)) (extract :last s))))
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