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Created August 23, 2012 13:46
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Save esclapes/3436753 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fork of sync_enable for drush to add more options. Original:
* Sync_enable adds options to sql-sync to enable and disable
* modules after an sql-sync operation. One use case for this
* is to use Drush site aliases to automatically enable your
* development modules whenever you sync from your live site to
* your dev site. You may also add or remove permissions at
* the same time.
* For example:
* $aliases['dev'] = array (
* 'root' => '/srv/www/drupal',
* 'uri' => '',
* 'target-command-specific' => array(
* 'sql-sync' => array(
* 'enable' => array('devel', 'hacked'),
* 'disable' => array('securepages'),
* 'permission' => array(
* 'authenticated user' => array(
* 'add' => array('access devel information', 'access environment indicator'),
* 'remove' => 'change own password',
* ),
* 'anonymous user' => array(
* 'add' => 'access environment indicator',
* ),
* ),
* ),
* ),
* );
* To use this feature, copy the 'target-command-specific'
* item from the example alias above, place it in your development
* site aliases, and customize the development module list
* to suit. You must also copy the
* file to a location where Drush will find it, such as
* $HOME/.drush. See `drush topic docs-commands` for more
* information.
* Implement hook help alter.
* When a hook extends a command with additional options, it must
* implement help alter and declare the option(s). Doing so will add
* the option to the help text for the modified command, and will also
* allow the new option to be specified on the command line. Without
* this, Drush will fail with an error when a user attempts to use
* the option.
function sync_enable_drush_help_alter(&$command) {
if ($command['command'] == 'sql-sync') {
$command['options']['enable'] = "Enable the specified modules in the target database after the sync operation has completed.";
$command['options']['disable'] = "Disable the specified modules in the target database after the sync operation has completed.";
$command['options']['permission'] = "Add or remove permissions from a role in the target database after the sync operation has completed. The value of this option must be an array, so it may only be specified in a site alias record or drush configuration file. See `drush topic docs-example-sync-extension`.";
$command['options']['variables'] = "Set variables after the sync operation has completed (supports only the variables table)";
$command['options']['add-users'] = "Creates users after the sync operation has completed.";
$command['options']['custom-sql'] = "Runs arbitrary SQL queries after the sync operation has completed";
* Implement hook post sql sync.
* The post hook is only called if the sql-sync operation completes
* without an error. When called, we check to see if the user specified
* any modules to enable/disable. If so, we will call pm-enable/pm-disable on each module.
function drush_sync_enable_post_sql_sync($source = NULL, $destination = NULL) {
$modules_to_enable = drush_get_option_list('enable');
if (!empty($modules_to_enable)) {
drush_log(dt("Enable !modules post-sql-sync", array('!modules' => implode(',', $modules_to_enable))), 'ok');
drush_invoke_process($destination, 'pm-enable', $modules_to_enable, array('yes' => TRUE));
$modules_to_disable = drush_get_option_list('disable');
if (!empty($modules_to_disable)) {
drush_log(dt("Disable !modules post-sql-sync", array('!modules' => implode(',', $modules_to_disable))), 'ok');
drush_invoke_process($destination, 'pm-disable', $modules_to_disable, array('yes' => TRUE));
$permissions_table = drush_get_option('permission');
if (!empty($permissions_table)) {
foreach ($permissions_table as $role => $actions) {
$values = drush_invoke_process($destination, 'sql-query', array("select perm from permission, role where'$role' and role.rid = permission.rid;"), array(), array('integrate' => FALSE));
// Remove the first line and explode
$sql_output = preg_replace('/^.+\n/', '', trim($values['output']));
$permissions = explode(', ', $sql_output);
$original_permissions = $permissions;
if (array_key_exists('add', $actions)) {
$permissions_to_add = is_array($actions['add']) ? $actions['add'] : explode(', ', $actions['add']);
drush_log(dt("Add !permissions to !role post-sql-sync", array('!permissions' => implode(', ', $permissions_to_add), '!role' => $role)), 'ok');
$permissions = array_unique(array_merge($permissions, $permissions_to_add));
if (array_key_exists('remove', $actions)) {
$permissions_to_remove = is_array($actions['remove']) ? $actions['remove'] : explode(', ', $actions['remove']);
drush_log(dt("Remove !permissions from !role post-sql-sync", array('!permissions' => implode(', ', $permissions_to_remove), '!role' => $role)), 'ok');
$permissions = array_diff($permissions, $permissions_to_remove);
if ($permissions != $original_permissions) {
$permissions_string = implode(', ', $permissions);
$values = drush_invoke_process($destination, 'sql-query', array("update permission, role set perm='$permissions_string' where'$role' and role.rid = permission.rid;"), array(), array('integrate' => FALSE));
$variables_to_set = drush_get_option_list('variables');
if (!empty($variables_to_set)) {
foreach ($variables_to_set as $var_key => $var_value) {
drush_log(dt("Variable !var to be set to !value on post-sql-sync", array('!var' => $var_key, '!value' => $var_value)), 'ok');
drush_invoke_process($destination, 'variable-set', array($var_key, $var_value), array('yes' => TRUE, 'always-set' => TRUE));
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