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Created April 12, 2016 00:16
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#lang racket
(require rackunit)
;; factor x y
;; 割りきれるとき ->引き数と割った後の数
;; 割りきれないとき ->空リストを返す
(define (factor x y)
(if (= 0 (modulo x y))
(list y (/ x y))
(check-equal? (factor 10 9) '())
(check-equal? (factor 10 5) '(5 2))
;; range-root x
;; root x 以下までのリストを作成する
(define (range-root x)
(range 2 (+ (floor (sqrt x)) 1)))
(check-equal? (range-root 9) '(2 3))
;; filter-prime-p xs ys
;; 素数だけのリストを生成する
(define (filter-prime-p xs ys)
(if (null? xs) (reverse ys)
(let ([x (car xs)]
[next-xs (cdr xs)])
(filter-prime-p (filter
(lambda (y) (not (= (modulo y x) 0))) next-xs)
(list* x ys)))))
(check-equal? (filter-prime-p (range 2 10) '()) '(2 3 5 7))
;; filter-prime xs
(define (filter-prime xs)
(filter-prime-p xs '()))
;; prime-factorization-p x y
;; 再帰的に約数をリスト化する
(define (prime-factorization-p x y z)
(if (null? y) (list* x z)
(let ([y2 (car y)])
[(= x 1) z]
[(= 0 (modulo x y2)) (prime-factorization-p (/ x y2) y (list* y2 z))]
[else (prime-factorization-p x (cdr y) z)]))))
(check-equal? (prime-factorization-p 4 '(2) '()) '(2 2))
(check-equal? (prime-factorization-p 10 '(2 3) '()) '(5 2))
;; dubricate-count-p x c yz
;; 複数あるものをカウントする
(define (dubricates-count-p x c ys zs)
(if (null? ys) (append zs (list (list x c)))
(let ([y (car ys)]
[next-ys (cdr ys)])
(if (= x y)
(dubricates-count-p x (+ c 1) next-ys zs)
(dubricates-count-p (car ys) 1 next-ys (append zs (list (list x c))))))))
(check-equal? (dubricates-count-p 2 0 '(2 2 5 5) '()) '((2 2) (5 2)))
;; dubricates-count x
;; 上記関数のラップ版
(define (dubricates-count xs)
(dubricates-count-p (car xs) 1 (cdr xs) '()))
(check-equal? (dubricates-count '(3)) '((3 1)))
;; prime-factorization
;; 上記関数のラップ版
(define (prime-factorization-list x)
(prime-factorization-p x (filter-prime (range-root x)) '()))))
(check-equal? (prime-factorization-list 10) '((2 1) (5 1)))
;; fact-pair->string x
(define (fact-pair->string xs)
(let ([x (car xs)]
[y (cadr xs)])
(if (= y 1)
(number->string x)
(string-join (map number->string xs) "^"))))
;; prime-factorization-print
(define (prime-factorization-print x)
(number->string x)
" = "
(string-join (map fact-pair->string (prime-factorization-list x)) " * "))))
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