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Last active February 10, 2023 02:10
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Pywikibot script for updating when a new VOD is released on YouTube
import sys
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo, ZoneInfoNotFoundError
TIMEZONE = ZoneInfo("America/Los_Angeles")
except ZoneInfoNotFoundError:
print("\nTimezone info not found. Please run `pip install tzdata` and try again.\n", file=sys.stderr)
Requires Python 3.9+ (imports zoneinfo). Place this file in your scripts folder.
* Windows users: You will need to run `pip install tzdata` one time to install timezone information.
This script is for when a new video posts to Critical Role's YouTube channel.
To test the script run:
>> python vod -simulate -all -ep_id:3x25 -page:User:FCGBot/episode
Example command for cut and pasting in the values:
>> python vod -all -ep:3x38 -page:"Campaign 3 Episode 38" -yt:U5mkmw46m4U -new_ep_name:"A Dark Balance" -runtime:4:20:43 -episode_summary:"Bells Hells return to safety..." -actors:"Marisha, Sam" -airdate:2022-10-20 -simulate
A number of maintenance activities can be performed together (-all) or independently:
-update_page Add runtime, thumbnail image & caption, episode summary, & VOD link to episode page
-move Move the episode page from a placeholder name to the name specified in the video
-ep_list Add entry to list of episodes page, as determined from EPISODE_DECODER
-ep_array In Module:Ep/Array, make new episode title valid input & the display value
-yt_switcher Add the episode + YouTube ID to Module:Ep/YTURLSwitcher
-airdate_order Add the episode id & airdate to Module:AirdateOrder/Array
-transcript Create transcript page (auto-skips TRANSCRIPT_EXCLUSIONS)
-transcript_list Add /transcript page to list of transcripts (auto-skips TRANSCRIPT_EXCLUSIONS)
-upload Upload and link to the episode thumbnail; ignored if already exists
-main_page Check to see if the latest episode image on the main page needs updating
-redirects Make sure episode code redirect(s) exist and link to newest episode name
-navbox Make sure the episode code is in the navbox, as determined from EPISODE_DECODER
-4SD For 4-Sided Dive only, add ep_id to the 3xNN episodes since the previous
Use global -simulate option for test purposes. No changes to live wiki will be done.
For every potential change, you will be shown a diff of the edit and asked to accept or reject it.
No changes will be made automatically. Actions are skipped if change is not needed (e.g., an entry for
the episode already exists on the module page).
All other parameters are passed in the format -parameter:value. Use "quotes" around value if it has
spaces (e.g., -actors:"Marisha, Taliesin, Matt"). "!" needs to be escaped, even in quotes, as "\!".
You will be prompted to enter a missing value if needed. No quotation marks needed in this case.
-ep: REQUIRED. The CxNN code of the episode with newly uploaded VOD (-ep_id also valid)
-page: REQUIRED. The page to be edited, usually current episode page
-yt: The 11-character unique identifier or full URL for the YouTube video (-yt_id also valid)
-airdate: YYYY-MM-DD of the date episode aired. Can be inferred from episode page if filled in.
-airtime: Time of day the episode aired. Optional, can be inferred from episode page if filled in.
-runtime: HH:MM:SS length of the episode video
-actors: L-R of actors in thumbnail. Separate with ','. First names ok (from ACTORS list)
-episode_summary: The 1-2 line summary of the episode from the YouTube video.
-old_ep_name: If different from -page:, the current name of the episode (mostly for testing)
-new_ep_name: Where the episode will be moved to, if it has been renamed
-new_page_name: Only if page name differs from new_ep_name (usually 'A' vs 'A (episode)')
-summary: A pywikibot command that adds an edit summary message and shouldn't be needed.
-host: Actor who is the 4SD host or running one-shot (DM, GM also work here)
-game_system: For one-shots, game system if not Dungeons & Dragons
Other parameters (most of which are automatically calculated values but still can be passed in)
can be found in `update_options` for EpisodeBot (line 804).
Potential future features:
1) Make sure that the episode has been removed from upcoming events
2) Update the episode on the main page
3) Pull YouTube info automatically using the YouTube API
This script is a
:py:obj:`ConfigParserBot <>`. All settings can be
made either by giving option with the command line or with a settings file
which is scripts.ini by default.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import re
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import groupby
from string import ascii_lowercase
import mwparserfromhell
import pywikibot
from nltk.util import everygrams
from pywikibot import pagegenerators
from import (
from pywikibot.specialbots import UploadRobot
from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi, NoTranscriptFound
from youtube_transcript_api.formatters import TextFormatter
# regular expressions for string matching
EP_REGEX = '^(\d+|OS|M|E\d*|U|4SD|LVM\d+|TM(OS|S)?\d*)x\d+(a|b)?$' #
ARRAY_ENTRY_REGEX = '''\[\"(?P<epcode>.*?)\"\] = \{\s*\[\"title\"\] = \"(?P<title>.*)\",?((\s*\[\"pagename\"\] = \"(?P<pagename>.*)\",)?(\s*\[\"altTitles\"\] = \{(?P<altTitles>.*)\})?)?'''
YT_LINK_REGEX = '(?P<vod>(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:embed\/|v\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=))(?P<yt_id>[-\w_]{11})(&t=(?P<timecode>.*))?)'
YT_ID_REGEX = '[-\w_]{11}'
# pagenames
INFOBOX = 'Infobox Episode'
EP_ARRAY = 'Module:Ep/Array'
AIRDATE_ORDER = 'Module:AirdateOrder/Array'
YT_SWITCHER = 'Module:Ep/YTURLSwitcher/URLs'
TRANSCRIPTS_LIST = 'Transcripts'
# date and time
TIMEZONE = ZoneInfo("America/Los_Angeles") # where Critical Role is based
DATE_REGEX = '\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}'
DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
DATE_2_REGEX = '\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}-\d{4}'
DATE_2_FORMAT = '%m-%d-%Y'
TIME_REGEX = '\d{1,2}:\d{2}\s*(?P<tz_entry>\w{2,3})?'
# main cast
'Ashley Johnson',
'Laura Bailey',
"Liam O'Brien",
'Marisha Ray',
'Matthew Mercer',
'Sam Riegel',
'Taliesin Jaffe',
'Travis Willingham',
# guest stars
'Aabria Iyengar',
'Brennan Lee Mulligan',
'Dani Carr',
'Erika Ishii',
'Robbie Daymond',
'3': ('Campaign 3', 'List of Campaign 3 episodes',
'Campaign 3 episode thumbnails', 'Template:Nav-C3Arc1'),
'OS': ('One-shots', 'One-shots', 'One-shot episode thumbnails', 'Template:Nav-OneShots'),
'M': ('Bits and bobs', 'Bits and bobs',
'Bits and bobs episode thumbnails', 'Template:Nav-Bitsnbobs'),
'LVM2': ('The Legend of Vox Machina',
'List of The Legend of Vox Machina episodes',
'The Legend of Vox Machina episode thumbnails',
'Template:Nav-LoVM Season 2',
'4SD': ('4-Sided Dive', '4-Sided Dive', 'Episode thumbnails', 'Template:Nav-4SD'),
# 'Ep_type': ('show page', 'episode list page', 'episode thumbnail category', 'navbox'),
# Episode codes where the transcript will not be added (-transcript is auto-skipped)
# Episode codes that are currently producing new episodes
CURRENT_PREFIXES = ['3', '4SD', 'OS', 'M', 'LVM2']
# This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
# with the parameter -help.
docuReplacements = {'&params;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp} # noqa: N816
def join_array_on_and(str_iter):
'''Turns list into a string where items are separated by "," except the last,
which uses "and" if it is at least three items. Pair joined by "and" only.'''
return_val = ''
if len(str_iter) <= 1:
return_val = str_iter[0]
elif len(str_iter) == 2:
return_val = ' and '.join(str_iter)
elif len(str_iter) > 2:
return_val = ', '.join([*str_iter[:-1], f'and {str_iter[-1]}'])
return return_val
def get_validated_input(regex, arg, value='', attempts=3, req=True,
'''For getting pywikibot user input that is validated against regex. Ignores case'''
counter = 0
if arg == 'ep' and input_msg is None:
input_msg = 'Please enter valid episode id (CxNN)'
elif arg == 'airdate' and input_msg is None:
input_msg = 'Please enter valid airdate (YYYY-MM-DD)'
elif input_msg is None:
input_msg = f'Please enter valid {arg}'
while counter < attempts and not re.match(regex, value, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
value = pywikibot.input(input_msg)
counter += 1
if not re.match(regex, value):
print(f'\nInvalid {arg} "{value}". Maximum attempts reached\n', file=sys.stderr)
if req:
return value
class Ep:
'''for handling episode ids'''
def __init__(self, episode_code, padding_limit=2):
episode_code = episode_code.strip()
assert re.match(EP_REGEX, episode_code, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
self._code = episode_code
self.code = self.standardize_code(episode_code)
self.padding_limit = padding_limit
self.max_letter = 'b'
def __repr__(self):
return self.code
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Ep):
return self.code == other.code
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.code)
def standardize_code(self, code):
'''Format standardized with single zero padding'''
prefix, number = code.split('x')
if number[-1].isdigit():
number = int(number)
standardized_code = 'x'.join([prefix, f"{number:02}"])
number_1 = int(number[:-1])
standardized_code = 'x'.join([prefix, f"{number_1:02}"]) + number[-1]
return standardized_code
def ends_in_letter(self):
if self.code[-1].isdigit():
return False
return True
def prefix(self):
prefix = self.code.split('x')[0]
return prefix
def number(self):
number = self.code.split('x')[-1]
if self.ends_in_letter:
number = int(number[:-1])
number = int(number)
return number
def show(self):
return EPISODE_DECODER[self.prefix][0]
def list_page(self):
return EPISODE_DECODER[self.prefix][1]
def thumbnail_page(self):
return EPISODE_DECODER[self.prefix][2]
def navbox_name(self):
return EPISODE_DECODER[self.prefix][3]
def image_filename(self):
filename = f"{self.code} Episode Thumb.jpg"
return filename
def wiki_code(self):
wiki = f'{{{{ep|{self.code}}}}}'
return wiki
def wiki_vod(self):
vod = f"{{{{Ep/YTURLSwitcher|ep={self.code}}}}}"
return vod
def generate_equivalent_codes(self):
'''Get all equivalent valid episode codes up to the padding limit number of digits'''
if len([x for x in str(self.number) if x.isdigit()]) >= self.padding_limit:
code_list = [self.code]
elif not self.ends_in_letter:
code_list = ['x'.join([self.prefix, str(self.number).zfill(1+n)]) for n in range(self.padding_limit)]
code_list = ['x'.join([self.prefix, str(self.number).zfill(1+n)]) + self.code[-1] for n in range(self.padding_limit)]
return code_list
def get_previous_episode(self):
'''Cannot calculate across seasons (e.g., what was before 3x01). Handles letters (valid letters regex-limited).'''
old_number = self.number - 1
letter = ''
if self.ends_in_letter and not self.code.endswith('a'):
old_number = self.number
suffix = self.code[-1]
look_up = dict(zip(ascii_lowercase, ascii_lowercase[1:]+'a'))
letter = next(k for k, v in look_up.items() if v == suffix)
if old_number > 0 and (not self.ends_in_letter or self.code.endswith('a')):
old_id = 'x'.join([self.prefix, f"{old_number:02}"])
previous_episode = Ep(old_id)
elif old_number > 0:
old_id = 'x'.join([self.prefix, f"{old_number:02}"]) + letter
previous_episode = Ep(old_id)
# no previous id, because the first of its kind
previous_episode = None
return previous_episode
class Actors:
def __init__(self, input_names, **kwargs):
self._input_names = input_names = kwargs.get('link', True)
self.matched_only = kwargs.get('matched_only', True)
self.link_unmatched = kwargs.get('link_unmatched', True)
if len(input_names.strip()):
self.name_list, self.name_string = self.actor_names_to_wiki_list()
self.name_list = []
self.name_string = ''
def match_actors(self):
actors = re.split('[^\w\s]+', self._input_names)
matched_list = []
for actor in actors:
actor = actor.strip()
#skip joining words
if actor.lower() in ['and', 'also']:
candidates = [x for x in ACTORS if actor.lower() in x.lower()]
if len(candidates) == 1:
match = candidates[0]
elif len(candidates) > 1:
if candidates:
pywikibot.output(f"Please clarify '{actor}': {candidates}")
pywikibot.output(f"No match for '{actor}'")
elif self.matched_only:
pywikibot.output(f"'{actor}' did not match an actor. Check spelling and use actor's full name")
match = actor
return matched_list
def make_actor_list_string(self, actor_list=None):
if actor_list is None:
actor_list = self.match_actors()
# matched_actors = [x for x in actor_list if x in ACTORS]
unmatched_actors = [x for x in actor_list if x not in ACTORS]
actor_list = deepcopy(actor_list)
for i, actor in enumerate(actor_list):
if or (self.link_unmatched and actor in unmatched_actors):
actor_list[i] = f"[[{actor.strip()}]]"
actor = actor
actor_string = join_array_on_and(actor_list)
return actor_string
def actor_names_to_wiki_list(self, actor_list=None):
if actor_list is None:
actor_list = self.match_actors()
if actor_list:
actor_string = self.make_actor_list_string(actor_list=actor_list)
actor_string = ''
return actor_list, actor_string
def make_image_caption(ep: Ep, actors: Actors) -> str:
'''For the caption field in the episode article.'''
# 4-Sided Dive has separate caption conventions from other episode types.
if ep.prefix == '4SD':
caption = f' {{{{art official caption|nointro=true|subject=Thumbnail|screenshot=1|source={ep.wiki_code}}}}}'
elif len(actors.name_list):
caption = f' {ep.wiki_code} thumbnail featuring {actors.name_string}.'
caption = f' {ep.wiki_code} thumbnail.'
return caption
def make_image_file_description(ep: Ep, actors: Actors) -> str:
"""The description of the image thumbnail file to be uploaded."""
actor_list = actors.name_string if actors.name_string else "the ''Critical Role'' cast"
file_description = f"""== Summary ==
{ep.wiki_code} thumbnail featuring {actor_list}.
== Licensing ==
return file_description
class YT:
def __init__(self, yt_string):
yt_string = yt_string.strip()
self._entry = yt_string
if, yt_string):
self.yt_id =, yt_string)['yt_id']
elif re.match(YT_ID_REGEX, yt_string):
self.yt_id = yt_string
self.yt_id = None
def url(self):
url = f"{self.yt_id}"
return url
def thumbnail_url(self):
url = f"{self.yt_id}/maxresdefault.jpg"
return url
def convert_timezone(string, tz=TIMEZONE):
'''Convert timezone abbreviation to tzinfo-formatted string.'''
if string in ['PST', 'PDT', 'PT']:
timezone = ZoneInfo('America/Los_Angeles')
elif string in ['EST', 'EDT', 'ET']:
timezone = ZoneInfo('America/New_York')
timezone = tz
return timezone
def convert_string_to_datetime(date_string, tz=TIMEZONE):
'''Make a datetime object of the episode's airdate and/or airtime.'''
date = None
for regex, date_format in date_options:
if, date_string):
date_match =, date_string)
date_string =
if date_match.groupdict().get('tz_entry'):
date_string = date_string.replace(date_match['tz_entry'], '').strip()
timezone = convert_timezone(date_match['tz_entry'])
timezone = tz
date = datetime.strptime(date_string, date_format).replace(tzinfo=timezone)
return date
class Airdate:
def __init__(self, input_date, tz=TIMEZONE): = tz
if isinstance(input_date, datetime):
self.datetime = input_date
elif isinstance(input_date, str):
self.datetime = convert_string_to_datetime(input_date, tz=tz)
if self.datetime.tzinfo is None:
self.datetime = self.datetime.replace(tzinfo=tz)
def date(self):
date_string = datetime.strftime(self.datetime.astimezone(, '%Y-%m-%d')
return date_string
def time(self):
time_string = datetime.strftime(self.datetime.astimezone(, '%H:%M %Z')
return time_string
def date_and_time(self):
datetime_string = datetime.strftime(self.datetime.astimezone(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z')
return datetime_string
def remove_comments(wikicode, return_string=True):
'''For an item of wikicode, strip out comments. Used to determine if an infobox value
is truly empty.'''
raw_value = str(wikicode)
if wikicode.filter_comments():
for comment in wikicode.filter_comments():
value = raw_value.replace(str(comment), '')
value = wikicode
if return_string:
value = str(value)
return value
def wikify_html_string(html_string):
'''Replace italics and bold html with equivalent wiki markup.'''
# italics
html_string = re.sub('</?i>', "''", html_string)
# bold
html_string = re.sub('</?b>', "'''", html_string)
html_fixes = {
'&amp;': '&',
'&nbsp;': ' ',
'&quot;': '"',
# escaped characters
for html, fixed in html_fixes.items():
html_string = html_string.replace(html, fixed)
return html_string
def make_ngrams(text, ngram_min=2, ngram_max=4):
'''for words in a string'''
return list(everygrams(text.split(), ngram_min, ngram_max))
def sort_ngram_list(ngram_list):
keyfunc = lambda x:len(x)
data = sorted(ngram_list, key=keyfunc)
ngram_dict = {k:list(g) for k, g in groupby(data,keyfunc)}
return ngram_dict
def text_to_ngram_dict(text, ngram_min=4, ngram_max=None):
if ngram_max is None:
ngram_max = len(text.split())
ngram_list = make_ngrams(text, ngram_min, ngram_max)
ngram_dict = sort_ngram_list(ngram_list)
return ngram_dict
class Transcript:
def __init__(self, ep, yt, ext='txt', write_ts_file=False, **kwargs):
self.ep = ep = yt
self.ext = ext
self.filename = f"{self.ep.code}.{self.ext}"
self.write_ts_file = write_ts_file
def download_and_build_transcript(self):
self._raw_captions = self.captions_download()
self.transcript = self.process_transcript(captions=self._raw_captions)
def captions_download(self):
captions = ''
transcript_list = YouTubeTranscriptApi.list_transcripts(
transcript = None
transcript = transcript_list.find_manually_created_transcript(['en'])
self.manual = True
except NoTranscriptFound:
transcript = transcript_list.find_generated_transcript(['en'])
self.manual = False
except NoTranscriptFound:
pywikibot.output(f'Youtube video for {self.ep.code} does not have any English captions')
if transcript:
ts_dict = transcript.fetch()
formatter = TextFormatter()
captions = formatter.format_transcript(ts_dict)
# Now we can write it out to a file.
if self.write_ts_file:
with open(f"{self.filename}", "w") as f:
return captions
def process_captions(self, captions):
'''Combine raw captions across line breaks to create transcript.'''
fixed_lines = ['== Pre-show ==']
line_in_progress = ''
active_quote = False
during_intro = False
intro_done = False
during_break = False
break_taken = False
for line in captions.splitlines():
# ignore blank lines
if not line.strip():
# ignore the intro song (with predictable beginning and end), add Part I header
if "♪ Critical (It's Thursday)" in line and not during_intro and not intro_done:
during_intro = True
elif during_intro and any([x in line.lower() for x in ['(flames', 'welcome back']]):
during_intro = False
intro_done = True
line_in_progress += '\n\n== Part I ==\n\n'
elif during_intro:
# ignore the content of the break
if (not break_taken and not during_break and (line.startswith('MATT:') or line_in_progress.startswith('MATT:'))
and any([x in line.lower() for x in [
'take our break', "we'll take a break", 'go to break', 'after our break',
"we're going to break", 'after the break', "we're going to take a break",
'after we take a break', "take an early break",
during_break = True
line += '\n\n<!-- BREAK BEGINS '
elif (during_break and (line.startswith('MATT:') or line_in_progress.startswith('MATT:'))
and 'welcome back' in line.lower()):
during_break = False
break_taken = True
# if line_in_progress:
# line_in_progress = 'BREAK ENDS -->\n\n== Part II ==\n\n' + line_in_progress
# else:
line_in_progress += 'BREAK ENDS -->\n\n== Part II ==\n'
elif during_break:
# if ongoing quote, the first '"' can be ignored
if active_quote and line.startswith('"'):
line = line[1:]
# handle quotation marks
if not active_quote and line.count('"') % 2 != 0:
active_quote = True
# this indicates a person is speaking (and thus a new line begins)
if'^[A-Z].*?[A-Z]:', line):
if line_in_progress:
line_in_progress = line
# these are non-dialogue descriptions that get their own lines (if not in middle of quote)
elif line.startswith('(') and not line_in_progress and not active_quote:
line_in_progress = ''
# this is a continuation of the previous line. If quotation marks are even, the active quote is done.
elif line_in_progress:
line_in_progress = ' '.join([line_in_progress.strip(), line.strip()]).strip()
if line_in_progress.count('"') % 2 == 0:
active_quote = False
# add last line
transcript = '\n\n'.join(fixed_lines)
# replace curly quotes and apostrophes
transcript = (transcript
.replace('“', '"')
.replace("‘", "'")
.replace("’", "'")
return transcript
def check_ts_names(self, transcript):
'''For making sure that there are no typos in speakers' names. Returns error message if not.'''
error_warning = ''
transcript_names = ' '.join([x.split(':')[0] for x in transcript.splitlines() if ':' in x])
# the only lowercase word before the colon should be 'and'
assert set(re.findall('[a-z]+', transcript_names)) == {'and'}
except AssertionError:
errors = [x for x in set(re.findall('[a-z]+', transcript_names)) if x != 'and']
error_warning += f"Words besides 'and' in lower case for speaker names: {errors}" + '\n'
# all uppercase words should be names in CR_UPPER
assert set(re.findall('[A-Z]+', transcript_names)).issubset(SPEAKER_TAGS)
except AssertionError:
names = [x for x in set(re.findall('[A-Z]+', transcript_names)) if x not in SPEAKER_TAGS]
error_warning += f"Some speaker names potentially misspelled: {names}" + '\n'
return error_warning
def flag_duplicates(self, transcript):
during_break = False
for line in transcript.splitlines():
# don't worry about music
if '♪' in line:
# ignore lines during breaks
if 'BREAK BEGINS' in line:
during_break = True
if 'BREAK ENDS' in line:
during_break = False
elif during_break:
ngram_dict = text_to_ngram_dict(line)
duplicate_ngrams = {k: [x for x in v if Counter(v)[x] > 1] for k,v in reversed(ngram_dict.items())
if len(set(v)) != len(v)}
longest_ngrams = []
dupe_ngrams = [ngram for v in duplicate_ngrams.values() for ngram in set(v)]
for ngram in dupe_ngrams:
if not any([set(ngram).issubset(x) for x in longest_ngrams]):
new_line = line
for ngram in longest_ngrams:
repeated_sentence = ' '.join(ngram)
first_idx = new_line.find(repeated_sentence)
second_idx = new_line.rfind(repeated_sentence)
distance_between_lines = second_idx-(first_idx+len(repeated_sentence))
if (-1 < distance_between_lines < 3 and line.count(repeated_sentence) == 2
and (repeated_sentence[0].lower() == repeated_sentence[0] or
repeated_sentence[-1] not in ['!', '?', '.'])):
new_line = f'{repeated_sentence}<!-- potential duplicate -->'.join(new_line.rsplit(repeated_sentence, 1))
new_line = f'{repeated_sentence}<!-- should not be a duplicate -->'.join(new_line.rsplit(repeated_sentence, 1))
if new_line != line:
transcript = transcript.replace(line, new_line)
return transcript
def process_errors(self, ts):
'''Can add more processes later if needed.'''
errors_comments = ''
# verify that actor names are correct
errors_comments += self.check_ts_names(ts)
# add commented_out error messages to top of transcript
if errors_comments:
errors_comments = ''.join(['<!--', errors_comments, '-->\n\n'])
ts = errors_comments + ts
return ts
def process_transcript(self, captions):
# Step 1: remove and replace html markup
captions = wikify_html_string(captions)
# Step 2: Combine lines and remove extraneous quotation marks
ts = self.process_captions(captions)
# Step 3: Flag repeated phrases in-line
ts = self.flag_duplicates(ts)
# Step 4: add commented_out error messages to top of transcript
ts = self.process_errors(ts)
# Step 5: add navigation
ts = '{{Transcript-Nav}}\n__FORCETOC__\n\n' + ts + '\n{{Transcript-Nav}}'
if self.write_ts_file:
with open(f'{self.ep.code}_fixed.{self.ext}', 'w') as f:
# autogenerated captions require different processing (TBD)
return ts
def does_value_exist(infobox_obj, param_name):
'''On a wiki, a parameter's value is blank if it either a) just whitespace or b) a comment.
Removes whitespace and comments to see whether the value remaining is an empty string.'''
has_param = infobox_obj.has_param(param_name)
value = infobox_obj[param_name].value if has_param else ''
simplified_val = remove_comments(value).strip()
is_nonempty_val = bool(simplified_val)
return (has_param and value and is_nonempty_val)
class EpisodeBot(
# Refer to for generic bot classes
SingleSiteBot, # A bot only working on one site
ConfigParserBot, # A bot which reads options from scripts.ini setting file
ExistingPageBot, # CurrentPageBot which only treats existing pages
AutomaticTWSummaryBot, # Automatically defines summary; needs summary_key
:ivar summary_key: Edit summary message key. The message that should be
used is placed on /i18n subdirectory. The file containing these
messages should have the same name as the caller script (i.e.
in this case). Use summary_key to set a default edit summary message.
:type summary_key: str
use_redirects = False # treats non-redirects only
summary_key = 'basic-changing'
update_options = {
'summary': 'Updating newly-released episode page (via pywikibot)',
'yt': None, # YT object
'runtime': None, # how long the episode goes for
'old_ep_name': None, # the old placeholder name of the episode
'new_ep_name': None, # the new official name of the episode
'new_page_name': None, # if different from episode title (usually 'A' vs 'A (episode)')
'ep': None, # Ep object
'image_name': None, # unless specified, builds automatically from make_image_filename(ep_id)
'actors': None, # Actors object. list of actors in thumbnail image (optional)
'host': None, # the host (4SD) or GM (one-shot, defaults to Matt)
'game_system': None, # rules for gameplay (one-shot, defaults to Dungeons & Dragons)
'airdate': None, # usually from episode page, used to update list of episodes
'airtime': None, # usually from episode page
'episode_summary': None, # taken from list of episodes to add to episode page
'summary_only': None, # for only adding episode_summary to episode page
'airdate_dict': None, # for using airdates to determine 4SD-C3 episodes
'array_dicts': None, # for converting episode codes into page names and episode titles
'all': None, # run: -update_page, -move, -upload, -ep_list, -yt_switcher, -ep_array, -transcript, -redirects, -navbox
'update_page': None, # update the contents of the episode page (may still need to access for info)
'move': None, # move page (only if new page name exists & is different from old one)
'upload': None, # upload the YouTube video thumbnail
'main_page': None, # check the main page has the latest thumbnail
'ep_list': None, # add to/update list of episodes
'airdate_order': None, # add to/update the airdate order
'yt_switcher': None, # add to/update the yt url switcher
'ep_array': None, # add to/update the ep array
'transcript': None, # create episode transcript page (auto-skips TRANSCRIPT_EXCLUSIONS)
'transcript_list': None, # add transcript page to list of transcripts (auto-skips TRANSCRIPT_EXCLUSIONS)
'redirects': None, # add/update redirects from ep_id to new_page_name
'navbox': None, # add ep_id to the appropriate navbox template
'4SD': None, # add 4SD param to 3xNN pages (4SD only)
def get_wikicode(self):
text = self.current_page.text
wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(text)
return wikicode
def get_infobox(self, wikicode=None):
if wikicode is None:
wikicode = self.get_wikicode()
return next(x for x in wikicode.filter_templates() if
def move_page(self) -> None:
move_summary = 'Moving page to new episode name (via pywikibot)'
# get the new target title
if not (self.opt.new_page_name or self.opt.new_ep_name):
target_title = pywikibot.input("Please enter the new name of the episode")
elif not self.opt.new_page_name:
target_title = self.opt.new_ep_name
target_title = self.opt.new_page_name
# make sure doesn't conflict with existing page (handling redirects separately)
target_page = pywikibot.Page(, target_title)
if target_page.exists() and not target_page.isRedirectPage():
add_end = pywikibot.input_yn(f"{self.opt.new_page_name} already exists. Add ' (episode)' to page name?")
if add_end:
self.opt.new_page_name = target_title + " (episode)"
new_name = pywikibot.input(f"Please enter new page name for {target_title}")
self.opt.new_page_name = new_name
elif target_page.exists():
overwrite = pywikibot.input_yn(f"{self.opt.new_page_name} is a redirect. Overwrite?")
if overwrite:
new_name = pywikibot.input(f"Please enter new page name for {target_title}")
self.opt.new_page_name = new_name
self.opt.new_page_name = self.opt.new_ep_name
move_it = pywikibot.input_yn(f"Move [[{self.current_page.title()}]] to [[{self.opt.new_page_name}]]?")
if move_it:
pywikibot.output(f"Moving page from [[{self.current_page.title()}]] to [[{self.opt.new_page_name}]]")
pywikibot.output('Page move complete.')
pywikibot.output('Page move skipped.')
def update_summary(self, wikicode=None):
'''For adding the episode summary to the intro paragraph of the episode article.
It can be added after it is retrieved from an existing list of episodes entry parameter,
or it can be passed into the opening command (presumably, from YouTube description).
if self.opt.summary_only:
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, self.opt.new_page_name)
if wikicode is None:
wikicode = self.get_wikicode()
text = str(wikicode)
# if there's an episode summary not included in the text, create new article text
if self.opt.episode_summary and self.opt.episode_summary not in str(wikicode):
old_intro = str(wikicode.get_sections(include_lead=True, flat=True)[0])
new_intro = old_intro.rstrip() + ' ' + self.opt.episode_summary + '\n\n'
new_text = str(wikicode).replace(old_intro, new_intro)
new_text = text
# have editor decide whether to add on the summary or not
if new_text != text:
pywikibot.showDiff(text, new_text)
do_it = pywikibot.input_yn('Continue with summary addition?')
if do_it:
wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(new_text)
if self.opt.summary_only:
self.put_current(new_text, summary=self.opt.summary)
return wikicode
def treat_page(self) -> None:
"""Load the episode page, change the relevant fields, save it, move it."""
ep = self.opt.ep
if not self.opt.old_ep_name:
self.opt.old_ep_name = self.current_page.title()
old_ep_name = self.opt.old_ep_name
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, old_ep_name)
wikicode = deepcopy(self.get_wikicode())
infobox = self.get_infobox(wikicode=wikicode)
infobox['VOD'] = ep.wiki_vod
if self.opt.runtime and not does_value_exist(infobox, param_name='Runtime'):
infobox['Runtime'] = ' ' + self.opt.runtime.lstrip()
# get the airdate & airtime so it can be used later, or prompt if infobox conflicts w/user entry
if infobox.has_param('Airdate') and self.opt.airdate:
if Airdate(infobox['Airdate'].value.strip()).date ==
airdate_1 = Airdate(infobox['Airdate'].value.strip()).date
airdate_2 =
if len(airdate_1) and airdate_1 != airdate_2:
new_airdate_string = get_validated_input(arg='airdate', regex=DATE_REGEX, input_msg=f'Infobox airdate {airdate_1} does not match entered airdate {airdate_2}. Enter airdate (YYYY-MM-DD):')
new_airdate = Airdate(new_airdate_string)
self.opt.airdate.datetime = self.opt.airdate.datetime.replace(**{x: getattr(new_airdate.datetime, x) for x in ['day', 'month', 'year']})
infobox['Airdate'] =
infobox['Airdate'] = self.opt.airdate
elif infobox.has_param('Airdate') and not self.opt.airdate:
self.opt.airdate = Airdate(infobox['Airdate'].value.strip())
self.opt.airdate = ""
if infobox.has_param('Airtime') and not self.opt.airtime:
# add airtime to airdate object
self.opt.airtime = Airdate(infobox['Airtime'].value.strip())
if self.opt.airtime:
self.opt.airdate = Airdate(datetime.combine(,
self.opt.airtime = ""
# if image field is already filled in beyond comments, cancel thumbnail procedure
if does_value_exist(infobox, param_name='Image'):
pywikibot.output(f"Value '{(remove_comments(infobox['Image'].value)).strip()}' in image field detected; thumbnail will not be uploaded")
self.opt.upload = False
elif self.opt.image_name:
infobox['Image'] = ' ' + self.opt.image_name.lstrip()
infobox['Image'] = ' ' + ep.image_filename
# only write caption if field not filled in or missing
if not infobox.has_param('Caption') or not does_value_exist(infobox, param_name='Caption'):
infobox['Caption'] = make_image_caption(actors=self.opt.actors, ep=ep)
if not any(['Template:', '')) for x in wikicode.filter_templates()]):
wikicode.append('\n' + f"{{{{{ep.navbox_name.replace('Template:', '')}}}}}")
if self.opt.episode_summary:
wikicode = self.update_summary(wikicode=wikicode)
text = str(wikicode)
if self.opt.update_page:
self.put_current(text, summary=self.opt.summary)
if (self.opt.move or self.opt.all) and self.opt.new_page_name != self.opt.old_ep_name:
class EpArrayBot(EpisodeBot):
'''Change the display value for ep_array and add page title as value.
If an entry for the episode does not already exist, it will create one after prev_ep_id.'''
def get_array_dicts(self):
if not self.opt.array_dicts:
self.opt.array_dicts = self.make_array_dicts()
return self.opt.array_dicts
def make_array_dicts(self):
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, EP_ARRAY)
array_dicts = []
text = self.current_page.text
for x in re.finditer(ARRAY_ENTRY_REGEX, text):
y = x.groupdict()
if not y['pagename']:
y['pagename'] = ''
if y['altTitles']:
y['altTitles'] = re.findall('"(.*?)"', y['altTitles'])
y['altTitles'] = []
return array_dicts
def dict_to_entry(self, array_dict):
'''for turning one of these dicts into a string'''
entry = ''
for k, v in array_dict.items():
if not v:
elif k == 'epcode':
entry += f' ["{v}"] = {{' + '\n'
elif isinstance(v, str):
entry += f' ["{k}"] = "{v}"' + ',\n'
elif isinstance(v, list):
list_string = ', '.join([f'"{x}"' for x in v])
entry += f' ["{k}"] = {{{list_string}}}' + ',\n'
entry += ' },\n'
return entry
def build_full_array_page(self, array_dicts):
array_string = 'return {\n'
for array_dict in array_dicts:
entry = self.dict_to_entry(array_dict)
array_string += entry
dict_string += '}'
return dict_string
def get_current_dict(self, array_dicts):
'''Get array dict for current episode'''
ep = self.opt.ep
current_entry = next((x for x in array_dicts if x['epcode'] ==
ep.code), '')
return current_entry
# replace self.opt.ep.get_prev_episode().code
def get_previous_dict(self, array_dicts):
prev_ep_code = self.opt.ep.get_prev_episode().code
prev_entry = next((x for x in array_dicts if x['epcode'] ==
prev_ep_code), '')
return prev_entry
def build_new_array_dict(self):
'''Creating values for the fields that would populate an episode entry.'''
ep = self.opt.ep
if ep.prefix == '4SD':
display_title = "''4-Sided Dive'': " + self.opt.new_ep_name
display_title = self.opt.new_ep_name
if self.opt.old_ep_name not in [self.opt.new_ep_name, self.opt.new_page_name]:
ep_values = [self.opt.old_ep_name.lower()]
ep_values = []
if self.opt.new_page_name != display_title:
pagename = self.opt.new_page_name
pagename = ''
array_dict = {
'epcode': ep.code,
'title': display_title,
'pagename': pagename,
'altTitles': ep_values,
return array_dict
def update_new_dict(self, new_dict, current_dict):
'''Add the existing altTitles together, but assume new_dict is otherwise correct.'''
new_dict['altTitles'] = list(dict.fromkeys(new_dict['altTitles'] + current_dict.get('altTitles')))
return new_dict
def treat_page(self):
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, EP_ARRAY)
text = self.current_page.text
ep = self.opt.ep
current_entry = next((x for x in re.split('\n \},\n',
text) if'\["{ep.code}"\]', x)),
if current_entry:
current_entry += '\n },\n'
array_dicts = self.get_array_dicts()
current_dict = self.get_current_dict(array_dicts=array_dicts)
prev_entry = next((x for x in re.split('\n \},\n',
text) if'\["{ep.get_previous_episode().code}"\]', x)),
'') + '\n },\n'
current_dict = {}
new_dict = self.build_new_array_dict()
new_dict = self.update_new_dict(new_dict, current_dict)
# Make sure that for 3xNN episode codes it is also "c3 latest"
if ep.prefix == '3' and 'c3 latest' not in new_dict['altTitles']:
text = re.sub('c3 latest(, )?', '', text)
new_dict['altTitles'].append('c3 latest')
new_entry = self.dict_to_entry(new_dict)
if current_entry:
text = text.replace(current_entry, new_entry)
text = text.replace(prev_entry, '\n'.join([prev_entry, new_entry]))
self.put_current(text, summary=f"Updating {ep.code} entry (via pywikibot)")
class YTSwitcherBot(EpisodeBot):
'''Add yt_link as value by updating or creating entry'''
def treat_page(self):
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, YT_SWITCHER)
page = self.current_page
text = page.text
ep = self.opt.ep
yt =
prev_ep = ep.get_previous_episode()
# if it already exists as an entry, substitute in yt_link
if ep.code in text:
text = re.sub(fr'\["{ep.code}"\]\s*=.*', fr'["{ep.code}"] = "{yt.url}",', text)
# if previous episode is already there, append after it
elif prev_ep.code in text:
prev_entry = next(x for x in text.splitlines()
if any([y in x for y in prev_ep.generate_equivalent_codes()]))
new_entry = f' ["{ep.code}"] = "{yt.url}",'
text = text.replace(prev_entry,
'\n'.join([prev_entry, new_entry])
# otherwise, append episode to the end of the list
text = text.replace('["default"] = ""',
f'["{ep.code}"] = "{yt.url}",\n ["default"] = ""')
self.put_current(text, summary=f"Adding youtube link for {ep.code} (via pywikibot)")
class EpListBot(EpisodeBot):
'''For updating a list of episodes with a brand-new entry or new values for the current episode.'''
def build_episode_entry_dict(self):
ep = self.opt.ep
'''Creating values for the fields that would populate an episode entry.'''
host =
host = ''
if self.opt.ep.prefix == '4SD':
color = '6f4889'
color = ''
if self.opt.ep.prefix == 'OS':
game_system = self.opt.game_system
game_system = ''
entry_dict = {
'no': str(ep.number),
'ep': ep.wiki_code,
'VOD': ep.wiki_vod,
'runtime': self.opt.runtime,
'aux1': host,
'aux2': game_system,
'summary': self.opt.episode_summary,
'color': color,
return entry_dict
def build_episode_entry(self):
'''Create the string for a brand new episode entry.'''
entry_dict = self.build_episode_entry_dict()
ep_entry = "{{Episode table entry\n"
for k, v in entry_dict.items():
if v:
ep_entry += f'|{k} = {v}' + '\n'
ep_entry += '}}'
return ep_entry
def treat_page(self):
'''Also has the option of getting an existing episode summary from the page.'''
ep = self.opt.ep
prev_ep = ep.get_previous_episode()
list_page_name = ep.list_page
if not list_page_name:
list_page_name = pywikibot.input(f"Please enter name of list of episodes page for {ep.code}")
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, list_page_name)
wikicode = deepcopy(self.get_wikicode())
text = str(wikicode)
# if previous episode isn't there, search episode num - 1 until find one (otherwise none)
while prev_ep and (prev_ep.code.lower() not in text.lower()):
prev_ep = prev_ep.get_previous_episode(prev_ep.code)
# create new table entry from scratch if it doesn't exist yet, inserting after previous episode
if not'\|\s*ep\s*=\s*{{{{(E|e)p\|{ep.code}}}}}', text):
ep_entry = self.build_episode_entry()
previous_entry_wiki = next((x for x in wikicode.filter_templates()
if'Episode table entry') and prev_ep.code in x['ep']), '')
if previous_entry_wiki:
previous_entry = ''.join(['|' + str(x) for x in previous_entry_wiki.params]) + '}}'
if previous_entry in text:
text = text.replace(previous_entry, '\n'.join([previous_entry, ep_entry]))
pywikibot.output(f"Episode table entry for {prev_ep.code} not formatted correctly; cannot insert {ep.code} entry")
elif '}}<section end="episodes" />' in text:
text = text.replace('}}<section end="episodes" />',
ep_entry + '\n}}<section end="episodes" />')
elif '<!-- Place new entries ABOVE this line -->' in text:
text = text.replace('<!-- Place new entries ABOVE this line -->',
ep_entry + '\n<!-- Place new entries ABOVE this line -->')
pywikibot.output("No previous entry or end-of-section marker to append to")
# if the table entry exists, update any individual params to the new ones in ep_entry_dict
ep_entry_dict = self.build_episode_entry_dict()
existing_entry = next(x for x in wikicode.filter_templates()
if'Episode table entry') and ep.code in x['ep'])
for k, v in ep_entry_dict.items():
if v and not (existing_entry.has_param(k) and existing_entry[k].value.strip() == v):
if len(str(v).strip()):
existing_entry[k] = v
existing_entry[k] = ' \n' # adding wiki standard whitespace padding
pass # any values already in the table & not in the newly-created entry will be kept
# offer the episode summary if available and if episode page is to be updated
if not self.opt.episode_summary and self.opt.update_page and len(existing_entry['summary'].value.strip()):
eplist_summary = existing_entry['summary'].value.strip()
summ = pywikibot.input_yn(f'\n{eplist_summary}\nUse above existing episode list entry summary on episode page?')
if summ:
self.opt.episode_summary = eplist_summary
text = str(wikicode)
self.put_current(text, summary=f"Updating entry for {ep.code} (via pywikibot)")
class TranscriptBot(EpisodeBot):
'''For creating the transcript page by downloading and processing youtube captions.'''
def build_transcript(self):
ts = Transcript(ep=self.opt.ep,
transcript = ts.transcript
return transcript
def treat_page(self):
url = self.opt.new_page_name + '/Transcript'
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, url)
if self.current_page.exists() and self.current_page.text:
pywikibot.output(f'Transcript page already exists for {self.opt.new_page_name}; transcript creation skipped')
transcript = self.build_transcript()
self.put_current(transcript, summary=f"Creating {self.opt.ep.code} transcript (via pywikibot)")
class TranscriptListBot(EpisodeBot):
'''For updating the list of transcripts with the transcript of the newest episode.'''
def build_transcript_entry(self):
transcript_entry = f"""* {self.opt.ep.wiki_code} [[{self.opt.new_page_name}/Transcript|Transcript]]"""
return transcript_entry
def treat_page(self):
ep = self.opt.ep
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, TRANSCRIPTS_LIST)
text = self.current_page.text
ep_entry = self.build_transcript_entry()
# create new entry from scratch if it doesn't exist yet, inserting after previous episode
if ep.code not in text:
ep_entry = self.build_transcript_entry()
prev_ep = ep.get_previous_episode()
# if previous episode isn't there, search episode num - 1 until find one (otherwise none)
while prev_ep and (prev_ep.code not in text):
prev_ep = prev_ep.get_previous_episode(prev_ep.code)
prev_ep_entry = next((x for x in text.splitlines() if prev_ep.code in x), '== Miscellaneous ==')
text = text.replace(prev_ep_entry,
'\n'.join([prev_ep_entry, ep_entry]))
self.put_current(text, summary=f"Add entry for {ep.code} (via pywikibot)")
# if it exists, replace entry with current values if needed
current_entry = next((x for x in text.splitlines() if ep.code in x), None)
text = text.replace(current_entry, ep_entry)
self.put_current(text, summary=f"Updating entry for {ep.code} (via pywikibot)")
class RedirectFixerBot(EpisodeBot):
'''Insures all viable CxNN redirects exist and point at new_page_name.'''
use_redirects: True
def treat_page(self):
ep = self.opt.ep
for code in ep.generate_equivalent_codes():
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, code)
text = f"#REDIRECT [[{self.opt.new_page_name}]]"
self.put_current(text, summary="Updating/creating episode redirects (via pywikibot)")
class NavboxBot(EpisodeBot):
'''Makes sure the episode code appears on the accompanying navbox'''
def treat_page(self):
ep = self.opt.ep
prev_ep = ep.get_previous_episode()
navbox_name = ep.navbox_name
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, navbox_name)
wikicode = deepcopy(self.get_wikicode())
if ep.code not in str(wikicode):
navbox = next(x for x in wikicode.filter_templates() if'Navbox'))
ep_list = next(p for p in navbox.params if prev_ep.code in p)
if prev_ep.wiki_code in ep_list:
ep_list.value.replace(prev_ep.wiki_code, f'{prev_ep.wiki_code} • {ep.wiki_code}')
elif prev_ep.code in ep_list:
ep_list.value.replace(prev_ep.code, f'{prev_ep.code} • {ep.code}')
self.put_current(str(wikicode), summary=f"Adding {ep.code} to navbox (via pywikibot)")
class AirdateBot(EpisodeBot):
'''For updating the airdate module with the newest episode's airdate.'''
def build_airdate_entry(self):
if self.opt.airtime:
airdate = self.opt.airdate.date_and_time
airdate =
airdate_entry = f''' {{epCode = "{self.opt.ep.code}", date = "{airdate}"}},'''
return airdate_entry
def parse_airdate_page(self):
airdate_module_regex = '\{epCode = "(?P<ep_code>.*?)", date = "(?P<airdate_entry>.*)"\}'
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, AIRDATE_ORDER)
text = self.current_page.text
airdate_dict = {}
for ad in re.finditer(airdate_module_regex, text):
ep_code ='ep_code')
airdate = Airdate(ad['airdate_entry'])
if ep_code == self.opt.ep.code and airdate.datetime != self.opt.airdate.datetime:
pywikibot.output(f'Airdate on {self.current_page.title()} does not match for \
{self.opt.ep.code}: <<yellow>>{airdate.date_and_time}<<default>> vs <<yellow>>{self.opt.airdate.date_and_time}<<default>>')
return None
airdate_dict[ep_code] = airdate
airdate_dict = {k: v for k, v in sorted(airdate_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].date_and_time)}
return airdate_dict
def get_airdate_dict(self):
if self.opt.airdate_dict is None:
self.opt.airdate_dict = self.parse_airdate_page()
airdate_dict = self.opt.airdate_dict
# add current episode if applicable
if self.opt.ep.code not in airdate_dict:
airdate_dict[self.opt.ep.code] = self.opt.airdate
return airdate_dict
def get_previously_aired_episode(self):
'''Sort the episodes by airdate in reverse. Find the most recent episode that is older than current'''
airdate_dict = self.get_airdate_dict()
reversed_airdate_dict = dict(sorted(airdate_dict.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1].date_and_time,
last_earlier_ep_id = next(iter([k for k, v in reversed_airdate_dict.items()
if v.datetime < self.opt.airdate.datetime]))
return last_earlier_ep_id
def get_latest_episodes_by_type(self):
'''For every prefix in CURRENT_PREFIXES, get the most recently aired episode'''
airdate_dict = self.get_airdate_dict()
aired = {k: v for k, v in airdate_dict.items() if v.datetime <=}
latest_episodes = [next((Ep(k) for k in reversed(aired.keys())
if Ep(k).prefix == prefix), Ep(f"{prefix}x01")) for prefix in CURRENT_PREFIXES]
return latest_episodes
def treat_page(self):
ep = self.opt.ep
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, AIRDATE_ORDER)
text = self.current_page.text
# create new entry from scratch
new_entry = self.build_airdate_entry()
# save airdate_dict to options
airdate_dict = self.get_airdate_dict()
if not airdate_dict:
pywikibot.output('Airdate module process canceled due to date mismatch.')
return None
self.opt.airdate_dict = airdate_dict
if ep.code not in text:
prev_ep = Ep(self.get_previously_aired_episode())
prev_entry = next(x for x in text.splitlines() if prev_ep.code in x)
text = text.replace(prev_entry,
'\n'.join([prev_entry, new_entry])
current_entry = next(x for x in text.splitlines() if ep.code in x)
text = text.replace(current_entry, new_entry)
self.put_current(text, summary=f"Adding airdate for {ep.code} (via pywikibot)")
class Connect4SDBot(AirdateBot, EpArrayBot):
'''For updating C3 episode pages with the first 4SD episode after their airdate.'''
def get_connected_episodes(self, restrict_c3=True):
'''For constructing the list of (C3) episodes connected to the current 4SD episode.'''
airdate_dict = self.get_airdate_dict()
if not airdate_dict:
pywikibot.output('4SD connector process has been canceled due to date mismatch.')
return None
array_dicts = self.get_array_dicts()
ep_4SD = self.opt.ep
prev_4SD = self.opt.ep.get_previous_episode()
eps = list(airdate_dict.keys())
if ep_4SD.code in eps:
affected_episodes = eps[(eps.index(prev_4SD.code)+1):eps.index(ep_4SD.code)]
affected_episodes = eps[(eps.index(prev_4SD.code)+1):]
if restrict_c3:
affected_episodes = [x for x in affected_episodes if Ep(x).prefix == '3']
affected_pages = ([array_dict['pagename'] if array_dict.get('pagename')
else array_dict['title'] for array_dict in array_dicts
if array_dict['epcode'] in affected_episodes])
return affected_pages
def update_episode_page(self):
'''Procedure for updating a single episode page's 4SD parameter.'''
ep = self.opt.ep
wikicode = deepcopy(self.get_wikicode())
infobox = self.get_infobox(wikicode=wikicode)
if not infobox.has_param('4SD') or not does_value_exist(infobox, param_name='4SD'):
infobox.add('4SD', ep.wiki_code, showkey=None,
before='Podcast', preserve_spacing=True)
self.put_current(str(wikicode), summary="Adding 4SD to infobox (via pywikibot)")
def treat_page(self):
assert self.opt.ep.prefix == '4SD'
# self.get_needed_dicts()
affected_pages = self.get_connected_episodes()
if not affected_pages:
return None
for page in affected_pages:
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, page)
class MainPageBot(AirdateBot, EpArrayBot):
'''For checking that the articles are the latest on the main page
NOTE: Depends on airdate module to determine latest episode
def check_for_latest_episodes(self, latest_episodes, text):
def treat_page(self):
# self.get_needed_dicts()
# airdate_dict = self.get_airdate_dict()
array_dicts = self.get_array_dicts()
latest_episodes = self.get_latest_episodes_by_type()
self.current_page = pywikibot.Page(, 'Main Page')
text = self.current_page.text
all_ok = True
for ep in latest_episodes:
valid_ep = next(x for x in array_dicts
if x['epcode'].lower() == ep.code.lower())
valid_codes = [valid_ep['title'], valid_ep['epcode']]
if valid_ep.get('pagename'):
if valid_ep.get('alt_titles'):
valid_codes += valid_ep['alt_titles']
if any([x for x in valid_codes if x.lower() in text.lower()]):
all_ok = False
pywikibot.output(f"Latest episode of {} missing from main page: <<yellow>>{ep.code}<<default>>")
if all_ok:
pywikibot.output(f'All latest episodes {latest_episodes} already on main page')
def main(*args: str) -> None:
Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.
:param args: command line arguments
options = {}
# Process global arguments to determine desired site
local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
# get global page name and set as local options['old_ep_name']
page = ''
for arg in local_args:
arg, _, value = arg.partition(':')
if arg[1:] == 'page':
page = value.strip()
options['old_ep_name'] = page
if not options.get('old_ep_name'):
print('''\nNo page given. Please add a pagename with `-page:"PAGENAME" and try again.\n''', file=sys.stderr)
# This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments
# that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages
# to work on.
gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
# Process pagegenerators arguments
local_args = gen_factory.handle_args(local_args)
# Parse script-specific command line arguments
for arg in local_args:
arg, _, value = arg.partition(':')
option = arg[1:]
if option in ['ep_id', 'ep']:
value = get_validated_input(arg='ep', value=value, regex=EP_REGEX)
options['ep'] = Ep(value)
elif option in ['yt_id', 'yt']:
value = get_validated_input(arg=option, value=value, regex=YT_ID_REGEX)
options['yt'] = YT(value)
elif option in ['actors', 'host']:
if option == 'actors':
options[option] = Actors(value)
elif option == 'host':
options[option] = Actors(value, link=False)
elif option == 'airdate':
if, value):
value = get_validated_input(arg=option, value=value, regex=DATE_REGEX)
options['airdate'] = Airdate(value)
elif option == 'airtime':
options['airtime'] = Airdate(value)
elif option in ('summary', 'actors', 'runtime', 'new_ep_name', 'episode_summary'):
if not value:
value = pywikibot.input('Please enter a value for ' + arg)
options[option] = value
# take the remaining options as booleans.
options[option] = True
# add airtime to airdate if both were entered by user
if options.get('airdate') and options.get('airtime'):
options['airdate'] = Airdate(datetime.combine(options['airdate'],
# handle which things to run if all is selected, and set to False any not yet defined
for task in ['update_page', 'move', 'upload', 'ep_list', 'yt_switcher', 'ep_array',
'main_page', 'airdate_order', 'transcript', 'transcript_list', 'redirects',
'navbox', '4SD']:
if options.get('all'):
options[task] = True
elif not options.get(task):
options[task] = False
# get user input for required values that were not passed in.
# only required if certain tasks will be conducted
required_options = ['ep', 'yt', 'new_ep_name', 'runtime', 'actors']
for req in required_options:
if req not in options:
if req == 'yt' and any([options.get(x) for x in ['update_page', 'ep_list', 'yt_list', 'transcript']]):
value = get_validated_input(arg='yt', regex=YT_ID_REGEX, input_msg="Please enter 11-digit YouTube ID for the video")
options[req] = YT(value)
elif req == 'new_ep_name':
if any([options.get(x) for x in ['update_page', 'move']]):
value = pywikibot.input(f"If {options['old_ep_name']} will be moved, enter new page name")
value = ''
if len(value.strip()):
options[req] = value
options[req] = options['old_ep_name']
elif req == 'actors' and any([options.get(x) for x in ['update_page', 'upload']]):
value = pywikibot.input(f"Optional: L-R actor order in {options['ep']} thumbnail (first names ok)")
options[req] = Actors(value)
elif req == 'runtime' and any([options.get(x) for x in ['update_page', 'ep_list']]):
value = get_validated_input(arg='runtime', regex='\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2})?', input_msg="Please enter video runtime (HH:MM:SS or MM:SS)")
options['runtime'] = value
elif req in ['ep']:
value = get_validated_input(arg=req, value=value, regex=EP_REGEX)
# default new page name is same as new episode name (and page being parsed)
if not options.get('new_page_name'):
options['new_page_name'] = options['new_ep_name']
# if 4SD, make sure host is provided. If one-shot, default host/DM/GM to Matt.
if options['ep'].prefix == '4SD' and not options.get('host'):
host = pywikibot.input(f"4-Sided Dive host for {options['ep'].code} (first name ok)")
options['host'] = Actors(host, link=False)
if options['ep'].prefix == 'OS':
host = next((options[x] for x in ['host', 'DM', 'GM', 'dm', 'gm']
if options.get(x)), 'Matthew Mercer')
options['host'] = Actors(host, link=False)
# if one-shot, default game system is D&D.
if options['ep'].prefix == 'OS' and not options.get('game_system'):
options['game_system'] = 'Dungeons & Dragons'
# The preloading option is responsible for downloading multiple
# pages from the wiki simultaneously.
gen = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(preload=True)
# check if further help is needed
if not gen):
# pass generator and private options to the bots
bot1 = EpisodeBot(generator=gen, **options)
# if page is a redirect to new_page_name, warn user and cancel procedure
page = pywikibot.Page(, options['old_ep_name'])
if page.isRedirectPage() and page.getRedirectTarget().title() == options['new_page_name']:
pywikibot.output('\n' + f'The value after -page, "{options["old_ep_name"]}", is a redirect.')
color = 'yellow'
pywikibot.output(f'Please use <<{color}>>-page:"{page.getRedirectTarget().title()}"<<default>> and try again.' + '\n')
return None
# get the airdate info & new page name from episode page processing & moving
if not options.get('old_ep_name'):
options['old_ep_name'] = bot1.opt.old_ep_name
if options.get('airdate') != bot1.opt.airdate:
options['airdate'] = bot1.opt.airdate
if not options.get('airdate'):
options['airdate'] = bot1.opt.airdate
if not options.get('airtime'):
options['airtime'] = bot1.opt.airtime
if options['airtime']:
options['airdate'] = Airdate(datetime.combine(
if options.get('new_page_name') != bot1.opt.new_page_name:
options['new_page_name'] = bot1.opt.new_page_name
# if image thumbnail field was filled in, do not upload.
if bot1.opt.upload is False:
options['upload'] = False
if options.get('upload'):
description = make_image_file_description(ep=options['ep'],
summary = f"{options['ep'].code} episode thumbnail (uploaded via pywikibot)"
filename = options['ep'].image_filename
thumbnail_bot = UploadRobot(
if options.get('ep_array'):
bot2 = EpArrayBot(generator=gen, **options)
options['array_dicts'] = bot2.opt.array_dicts
if options.get('yt_switcher'):
bot3 = YTSwitcherBot(generator=gen, **options)
if options.get('ep_list'):
bot4 = EpListBot(generator=gen, **options)
if bot4.opt.episode_summary and not options.get('episode_summary') and options.get('update_page'):
options['episode_summary'] = bot4.opt.episode_summary
tinybot = EpisodeBot(generator=gen,
summary=f"Adding {options['ep'].code} summary (via pywikibot)",
**{k: v for k, v in options.items() if k in ['episode_summary',
# TO DO: run teeny episodebot with one option for summary
if options.get('transcript'):
if options['ep'].prefix in TRANSCRIPT_EXCLUSIONS:
pywikibot.output(f'Skipping transcript page creation for {options["ep"].show} episode')
bot5 = TranscriptBot(generator=gen, **options)
if options.get('transcript_list'):
if options['ep'].prefix in TRANSCRIPT_EXCLUSIONS:
pywikibot.output(f'Skipping transcript list update for {options["ep"].show} episode')
bot6 = TranscriptListBot(generator=gen, **options)
if options.get('redirects'):
bot7 = RedirectFixerBot(generator=gen, **options)
if options.get('navbox'):
bot8 = NavboxBot(generator=gen, **options)
if options.get('airdate_order'):
if not options.get('airdate'):
airdate_string = pywikibot.input('Please enter episode airdate (YYYY-MM-DD)')
options['airdate'] = Airdate(airdate_string)
bot9 = AirdateBot(generator=gen, **options)
options['airdate_dict'] = bot9.opt.airdate_dict
if options['ep'].prefix == '4SD' and options.get('4SD'):
bot10 = Connect4SDBot(generator=gen, **options)
if not options.get('array_dicts'):
options['array_dicts'] = bot10.opt.array_dicts
if not options.get('airdate_dict'):
options['airdate_dict'] = bot10.opt.airdate_dict
if options.get('main_page'):
bot11 = MainPageBot(generator=gen, **options)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except QuitKeyboardInterrupt:'\nUser quit vod bot run.')
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