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Last active January 27, 2018 08:23
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
# Author: Slaven Rezic
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Mail:
# WWW:
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(O_CREAT O_EXCL);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $get_process_table;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
require P9Y::ProcessTable;
$get_process_table = sub { P9Y::ProcessTable->table };
no warnings 'once';
*P9Y::ProcessTable::Process::cmndline = sub { shift->cmdline(@_) };
} else {
require Proc::ProcessTable;
$get_process_table = sub { @{ Proc::ProcessTable->new->table } };
use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
sub search_prereqcheck_pid ();
sub search_perl_test_candidates ();
sub guess_distvname ($);
sub mywarn ($);
sub v_warn ($);
sub debug ($);
my @known_problematic_distvnames =
($^O eq 'freebsd' ?
'AnyEvent-PgRecvlogical-0.001', # seen on fbsd12 smoker
'File-FDpasser-0.09', # t/t07fork.t may hang
'Filesys-POSIX-0.9.19', # test after t/tar-missing.t may hang on 9.2
'Message-Passing-Output-Log-Any-Adapter-0.003', # (locking issue)
'UV-1.000000_01', # hangs after t/05-poll-close.t
'UV-1.000004', # hangs in t/03-timer-from-check.t
'XS-Logger-0.001', # tests may hang
'XS-Logger-0.002', # "
'XS-Logger-0.003', # "
'Wight-0.02', # don't know about linux, requires phantomjs
) : ()),
($^O eq 'linux' ?
'AnyEvent-IRC-Server-0.03', #
'HTTP-Proxy-0.304', # may hang on centos6 systems
'IO-Async-XMLStream-SAXReader-0.001002', #
'Mail-GnuPG-0.23', # hangs only on jessie
'Rstat-Client-2.2', # hanging XXX killing does not seem to work...
) : ()),
($^O eq 'MSWin32' ?
'Unix-Passwd-File-0.24', # tests never finish, consuming CPU
) : ()),
'AnyEvent-FDpasser-0.3.0', # various tests may hang, seen on freebsd and linux
'AnyEvent-Net-MPD-0.001', # busy loop in test (would be killed anyway after 3600 CPU seconds)
'Catalyst-View-Reproxy-0.05', #
'code-UnifdefPlus-v0.4.0', # see also distropref file
'DBD-Firebird-1.29', # t/embed-80-event-ithreads.t may hang
'Encode-ISO2022-0.04', #
'FCGI-Engine-0.22', # may hang
'File-BSDGlob-0.94', # see distroprefs file
'File-Lock-Multi-1.02', #
'File-ReadBackwards-1.05', # may hang with -jX, see
'IPC-Transit-1.133280', # ticket exists
'IO-Socket-Socks-0.71', #
'Mail-GPG-1.0.11', # may hang on freebsd & linux
'Net-Ping-2.53', #
'Net-Ping-2.54', #
'Net-Proxy-0.13', #
'POE-Component-Server-HTTP-KeepAlive-0.0307', # test t/25_poco_simplehttp.t may hang
'POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork-2.10', # may hang
'Vim-Debug-0.904', # (hangs with perl 5.25.x)
# old, unconfirmed
'Alvis-Pipeline-0.11', # used to be in 01.DISABLED.yml - 1-read.t may hang
'Alvis-Convert-0.4', # used to be in 01.DISABLED.yml - 1-read.t may hang
'Lock-Server-1.4', # but not really killable...
'Redis-1.982', # at least on some linux systems
## maybe missing XXX
# Gtk2
# Gtk3
# Gapp
# Inline-Ruby
# POE-Loop-AnyEvent
# Net-Random
# Vim-Debug (may hang on FreeBSD)
# Net-Netcat
# Data::OFAC
# Glib @ FreeBSD
# MogileFS (under FreeBSD)
my @known_problematic_distnames =
($^O eq 'freebsd' ?
'Devel-Examine-Subs', # hangs sometimes, seen with 1.61, 1.62, 1.63
'Log-Any-Adapter-Multiplexor', # 0.01, 0.02, 0.03
'Schedule-LongSteps', # hangs (at least on 9.2 smoker), seen with 0.008, 0.009, 0.010
'Wrap-Sub', # hangs seen with 0.05, 0.06
'Zabbix-ServerScript', # hangs seen with 0.03, 0.04, 0.06
) :
$^O eq 'linux' ?
'App-Netdisco', # hangs on: 2.035000, 2.035001, 2.035002, 2.035003
) :
'Message-Passing-ZeroMQ', # hangs seen with 0.009 and 0.010 (freebsd) and 0.010 (jessie)
'Mojo-Redis2', # hangs seen with 0.28 .. 0.31
'Firefox-Marionette', # may hang seen with '0.01'..'0.13'
'Gearman', # hangs seen with: 'Gearman-1.12.003', 'Gearman-1.12.004', 'Gearman-1.12.005', 'Gearman-1.12.006', 'Gearman-1.12.008'
'HPCI', # hangs with 'HPCI-0.39', 'HPCI-0.40', 'HPCI-0.41', 'HPCI-0.42', 0.46
'POE-Component-CPAN-YACSmoke', # hangs with 1.36 and 1.38
'WWW-WebKit', # may hang with 0.08..0.11
my @known_problematic_verbose_loop_distvnames =
my %known_problematic_distvnames = map {($_,1)} @known_problematic_distvnames;
my %known_problematic_distnames = map {($_,1)} @known_problematic_distnames;
my %known_problematic_verbose_loop_distvnames = map {($_,1)} @known_problematic_verbose_loop_distvnames;
my $doit;
my $v;
my $debug;
my $sleep = 10;
my $max_runtime = 200; # for idle tty
my $max_total_runtime = 1800; # process runtime
my $max_prereq_check_runtime = 600;
my $do_strace;
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
warn "INFO: Exiting because of SIGTERM.\n";
'doit' => \$doit,
'v+' => \$v,
'debug' => \$debug,
'maxruntime=f' => \$max_runtime,
'sleep=f' => \$sleep,
'strace!' => \$do_strace,
or die "usage: $0 [-doit] [-v] [-maxruntime seconds] [-sleep seconds] [-strace]\n";
my %old_killed_pids;
my %reported_unkillable_pid;
while() {
my %pids_to_kill;
# check for hanging PrereqCheck
my $pid = search_prereqcheck_pid;
if (defined $pid) {
v_warn "Found pid $pid through 'hanging PrereqCheck'";
$pids_to_kill{$pid} = 1;
# check for hanging tests
my @candidates = search_perl_test_candidates;
if (@candidates) {
my %searchpids = map { ($_->{pid},1) } @candidates;
my %children; # pid -> [childpid,...]
my %pid_to_rec;
for my $p ($get_process_table->()) {
my $pid = $p->pid;
my $ppid = $p->ppid;
if (defined $ppid) {
push @{ $children{$ppid} }, $p;
$pid_to_rec{$pid} = $p;
my $check_and_kill_process;
$check_and_kill_process = sub {
my($p, $kill_descendents) = @_;
my $pid = $p->pid;
my $child_runtime = time - $p->start;
if ($kill_descendents || $child_runtime > $max_runtime) {
for my $childp (@{ $children{ $pid } || [] }) {
$check_and_kill_process->($childp, 1);
my $p = $pid_to_rec{$pid};
if (!$p) {
mywarn "Unexpected: no process entry for pid $pid found\n";
} else {
if (($p->state||'') =~ m{^(defunct|zombie)$}) {
my $ppid = $p->ppid;
v_warn "Process $pid is a zombie. Can we kill the parent (pid=$ppid)?";
if ($ppid <= 1) {
v_warn "Parent is the init process, don't do anything";
# fall through
} else {
my $pp = $pid_to_rec{$ppid};
if (!$pp) {
mywarn "Unexpected: no process entry for pid $ppid found\n";
} else {
if ($pp->cmndline =~ m{perl}) {
v_warn "Will kill parent process " . $pp->cmndline;
$pids_to_kill{$ppid} = 1;
} else {
v_warn "Parent does not look like a perl process '" . $pp->cmndline . "', won't kill it";
# fall through
v_warn "Found pid $pid through 'hanging perl test' (candidates are: " . join(", ", map { $_->{distvname} } @candidates) . ")";
$pids_to_kill{$pid} = 1;
for my $searchpid (keys %searchpids) {
for my $childp (@{ $children{$searchpid} || [] }) {
# Kill processes (if there are any)
if (%pids_to_kill) {
for my $pid (keys %pids_to_kill) {
print STDERR "kill $pid...";
if ($doit) {
kill 9 => $pid;
} else {
print STDERR " (dry run mode, not killing)";
print STDERR "\n";
# Handle unkillable processes
if ($doit) {
my @unkillable_pids;
while(my($pid) = each %old_killed_pids) {
if ($pids_to_kill{$pid} && !$reported_unkillable_pid{$pid}) {
push @unkillable_pids, $pid;
$reported_unkillable_pid{$pid} = 1;
my $signal_file = "/tmp/wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker-unkillable-pids-" . (eval { ((getpwuid($<))[0]) } || 'unknown');
if (@unkillable_pids) {
sysopen my $fh, $signal_file, O_CREAT|O_EXCL
or warn "Cannot touch $signal_file; maybe other user created this file? $!";
my $msg = "Warning: unkillable pid(s): @unkillable_pids";
warn "$msg\n";
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
if (fork == 0) {
my @args = ('-bg', 'red', '-fg', 'white', "wait-and-kill\@".hostname.": $msg");
if (is_in_path('tkmessage')) {
system('tkmessage', @args);
} else {
system('xmessage', @args);
} else {
if (-e $signal_file) {
unlink $signal_file;
%old_killed_pids = %pids_to_kill;
sleep $sleep;
sub search_prereqcheck_pid () {
for my $p ($get_process_table->()) {
my $cmndline = $p->cmndline;
my $duration = time-$p->start;
if (
$cmndline =~ m{perl[\d\.]*[dt]? \S+/CPAN/Reporter/ < \S*tmp\S*CPAN-Reporter-PI} &&
$duration >= $max_prereq_check_runtime
) {
my $pid = $p->pid;
warn "Found hanging prereq check <$cmndline>, duration=${duration}s, pid=$pid\n";
if ($do_strace) {
my $strace_log = "/tmp/strace_wakcp_$<.log";
if (-s $strace_log) {
warn "WARN: non-empty $strace_log already exists, won't overwrite...\n";
} else {
system("strace -p $pid -o $strace_log -tt -T -s512 &");
warn "strace'ing hanging process, log is in $strace_log...\n";
return $pid;
sub search_perl_test_candidates () {
my @candidates;
for my $p ($get_process_table->()) {
my $cmndline = $p->cmndline;
next if !defined $cmndline;
if (
$cmndline =~ m{perl[\d\.]*[dt]? .*-M(Test::Harness|ExtUtils::Command::MM) .*test_harness} ||
$cmndline =~ m{perl[\d\.]*[dt]? \./Build test} ||
$cmndline =~ m{perl[\d\.]*[dt]? "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch"} ||
$cmndline =~ m{perl[\d\.]*[dt]? -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch} ||
($^O eq 'MSWin32' && (
# perl.exe + extra quotes around arguments
$cmndline =~ m{perl.exe"? .*-M(Test::Harness|ExtUtils::Command::MM)"? .*test_harness}
# XXX other forms are missing
) {
my $pid = $p->pid;
my $duration = time-$p->start;
debug "Found perl test script pid=$pid duration=$duration";
if ($duration > $max_runtime) {
my $distvname = guess_distvname $pid;
my $push_candidate = sub {
push @candidates, { cmndline => $cmndline, distvname => $distvname, duration => $duration, pid => $pid };
if ($known_problematic_verbose_loop_distvnames{$distvname}) {
debug " distvname=$distvname verbose endless loop candidate";
} else {
my $age;
my $timeout_type;
my $check;
my $ttydev = $p->ttydev;
if (defined $ttydev) {
my(@ttydev_stat) = stat($ttydev);
if (!@ttydev_stat) {
warn "Strange: cannot stat $ttydev...";
# assume running forever
$ttydev_stat[9] = 0;
my $ttydev_age = time - $ttydev_stat[9];
debug " distvname=$distvname tty=$ttydev age=$ttydev_age";
$age = $ttydev_age;
$timeout_type = "no output";
$check = $max_runtime;
} else {
$age = time - $p->start;
$timeout_type = 'still running';
$check = $max_total_runtime;
if ($age > $check) {
(my $distname = $distvname) =~ s{(.*)-.*}{$1};
if (exists $known_problematic_distvnames{$distvname} ||
exists $known_problematic_distnames{$distname}) {
} else {
mywarn "$pid (distvname=$distvname) is long-running (${duration}s, with $timeout_type in the last ${age}s), but not in known problematic dists...";
if (@candidates) {
@candidates = sort { $b->{duration} <=> $a->{duration} } @candidates;
sub guess_distvname ($) {
my $pid = shift;
my $cwd;
if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
my @cmd = ('procstat', '-f', $pid);
if (open my $fh, '-|', @cmd) {
while(<$fh>) {
my @f = split /\s+/, $_;
if ($f[2] eq 'cwd') {
$cwd = $f[9];
close $fh;
} else {
my $err = $!;
if (!kill 0 => $pid) {
# pid vanished, ignore
} else {
die "Running command '@cmd' failed: $err";
} elsif ($^O eq 'linux') {
$cwd = readlink "/proc/$pid/cwd";
$cwd =~ s{\Q (deleted)\E$}{};
$cwd =~ s{/$}{}; # seen on cvrsnica-jessie
} elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') {
open my $fh, '-|', 'lsof', '-p', $pid or die $!;
while(<$fh>) {
my(@f) = split /\s+/, $_;
if ($f[4] eq 'DIR') {
$cwd = $f[8];
warn "Cannot detect CWD for process $pid using lsof...\n";
} elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
## cwd returns undef, cannot use it...
# my $process = P9Y::ProcessTable->process($pid);
# if ($process) {
# $cwd = $process->cwd; # XXX returns undef XXX
# } else {
# warn "Cannot find process for pid=$pid...\n";
# }
my $output = `handle -p $pid`;
my @candidates;
for my $l (split /\n/, $output) {
$l =~ s{\r}{};
if ($l =~ /^\s*[0-9A-F]+:\s+File\s+\S+\s+(.*)/) {
my $candidate = $1;
if ($candidate =~ m{\\cpan\\build\\\d+\\[^\\]+$}) {
push @candidates, $candidate;
if (@candidates == 1) {
$cwd = $candidates[0];
} elsif (@candidates == 0) {
warn "Did not found cwd candidate using command 'handle'...\n";
} else {
warn "Too many cwd candidates found: @candidates\n";
if (defined $cwd) {
my $distvname = basename $cwd;
if ($distvname =~ m{\d-(\d|1\d)$}) {
$distvname =~ s{-(\d|1\d)$}{}; # new-style CPAN temporary directory
} else {
$distvname =~ s{-......$}{}; # old-style
return $distvname;
sub mywarn ($) {
warn strftime('[%F %T] ', localtime), $_[0], "\n";
sub v_warn ($) {
if ($v) {
sub debug ($) {
if ($debug) {
warn strftime('[%F %T] ', localtime) . "DEBUG: $_[0]\n";
# REPO NAME is_in_path /home/e/eserte/src/srezic-repository
# REPO MD5 e18e6687a056e4a3cbcea4496aaaa1db
sub is_in_path {
my($prog) = @_;
if (file_name_is_absolute($prog)) {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
return $prog if (-f $prog && -x $prog);
return "$prog.bat" if (-f "$prog.bat" && -x "$prog.bat");
return "$" if (-f "$" && -x "$");
return "$prog.exe" if (-f "$prog.exe" && -x "$prog.exe");
return "$prog.cmd" if (-f "$prog.cmd" && -x "$prog.cmd");
} else {
return $prog if -f $prog and -x $prog;
require Config;
%Config::Config = %Config::Config if 0; # cease -w
my $sep = $Config::Config{'path_sep'} || ':';
foreach (split(/$sep/o, $ENV{PATH})) {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# maybe use $ENV{PATHEXT} like maybe_command in ExtUtils/
return "$_\\$prog" if (-f "$_\\$prog" && -x "$_\\$prog");
return "$_\\$prog.bat" if (-f "$_\\$prog.bat" && -x "$_\\$prog.bat");
return "$_\\$" if (-f "$_\\$" && -x "$_\\$");
return "$_\\$prog.exe" if (-f "$_\\$prog.exe" && -x "$_\\$prog.exe");
return "$_\\$prog.cmd" if (-f "$_\\$prog.cmd" && -x "$_\\$prog.cmd");
} else {
return "$_/$prog" if (-x "$_/$prog" && !-d "$_/$prog");
# REPO NAME file_name_is_absolute /home/e/eserte/src/srezic-repository
# REPO MD5 89d0fdf16d11771f0f6e82c7d0ebf3a8
if (eval { require File::Spec; defined &File::Spec::file_name_is_absolute }) {
*file_name_is_absolute = \&File::Spec::file_name_is_absolute;
} else {
*file_name_is_absolute = sub {
my $file = shift;
my $r;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$r = ($file =~ m;^([a-z]:(/|\\)|\\\\|//);i);
} else {
$r = ($file =~ m|^/|);
=head1 NAME
wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker --- kill hanging perl tests
=head1 USAGE
Just to show processes which are likely to hang:
wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker -v -debug
Actually kill processes which are mentioned in the list and not
creating any terminal output for more than 200s:
wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker -v -debug -doit
Verbosity may be increased by adding more C<-v> options.
Distributed to smoker machines like this (would kill and restart a
running wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker process if started like outlined
(cd ~/bin/sh && gmake rsync-wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker-and-restart)
Started on the smokers like this:
forever /tmp/wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker -doit -v -debug
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c wait-and-kill-cpan-smoker && ssh -A cvrsnica /home/e/eserte/devel/"
# End:
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