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Last active April 11, 2020 16:49
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Save eshafeeqe/dbe94e11949b37772994 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys , os , random
import cv, cv2
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
size = 40
def sliding_window(arr, window_size):
""" Construct a sliding window view of the array"""
arr = np.asarray(arr)
window_size = int(window_size)
if arr.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("need 2-D input")
if not (window_size > 0):
raise ValueError("need a positive window size")
shape = (arr.shape[0] - window_size + 1,
arr.shape[1] - window_size + 1,
window_size, window_size)
if shape[0] <= 0:
shape = (1, shape[1], arr.shape[0], shape[3])
if shape[1] <= 0:
shape = (shape[0], 1, shape[2], arr.shape[1])
strides = (arr.shape[1]*arr.itemsize, arr.itemsize,
arr.shape[1]*arr.itemsize, arr.itemsize)
return as_strided(arr, shape=shape, strides=strides)
def harrisfeature ( image ) :
global WINDOW_SIZE #size of mask
width = image.shape[1]
height = image.shape[0]
R_final = np.zeros( ( height,width ), float)
R_supressed_final = np.zeros( ( height,width ), float)
#order of derivative in x
order_x = 1
#order of derivative in y
order_y = 1
#using 3x3 sobel operator
aperturesize = 3
gray_scale_image1 = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
image_der_x = cv2.Sobel(gray_scale_image1,cv2.CV_64F,order_x,0,aperturesize)
image_der_y = cv2.Sobel(gray_scale_image1,cv2.CV_64F,0,order_y,aperturesize)
windows_x = sliding_window(image_der_x, WINDOW_SIZE)
windows_y = sliding_window(image_der_y, WINDOW_SIZE)
ix = (windows_x * windows_x)/WINDOW_SIZE
iy = (windows_y * windows_y)/WINDOW_SIZE
ixy = (windows_x * windows_y)/WINDOW_SIZE
Ix = ix.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)
Iy = iy.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)
Ixy = ixy.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)
C = np.vstack(([Ix.T], [Ixy.T], [Ixy.T], [Iy.T])).T
C_reshaped = C.reshape(1,-1,2,2)
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(C_reshaped, full_matrices=True)
#Sum and product of eigen values
sum_ = s.sum(axis=-1)
prod =
Response = (prod - 0.04*np.power((sum_) , 2)).reshape(-1)
Reshaped_Response = Response.reshape(height - WINDOW_SIZE + 1,width - WINDOW_SIZE + 1)
R_final[WINDOW_SIZE/2:height - (WINDOW_SIZE/2) , WINDOW_SIZE/2:width - (WINDOW_SIZE/2)] \
= Reshaped_Response
R_feature = sliding_window(R_final, WINDOW_SIZE)
R_max = R_feature.max(axis=-1).max(axis=-1)
Reshaped_Response[R_max>Reshaped_Response] = 0
R_supressed_final[WINDOW_SIZE/2:height - (WINDOW_SIZE/2) , WINDOW_SIZE/2:width - (WINDOW_SIZE/2)]\
= Reshaped_Response
features = np.column_stack(np.where(R_supressed_final>HARRIS_CORNER_THRESHOLD))
return features
def getNeighbours(image,features):
global size
gray_scale_image1 = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
windowed_image = sliding_window( gray_scale_image1 , size )
features_x = features[:,0]
features_y = features[:,1]
desired_features_x = (features_x<(gray_scale_image1.shape[0]-size)) & (features_x > size)
desired_features_y = (features_y<(gray_scale_image1.shape[1]-size)) & (features_y > size )
desired_features = np.logical_and(desired_features_x,desired_features_y)
desired_features = features[desired_features]
neighbors = windowed_image[desired_features[:,0],desired_features[:,1]]
return desired_features, neighbors
def ssd_(neighbors_set,desired_features_set):
global size
neighbors_1 = neighbors_set[0]
neighbors_2 = neighbors_set[1]
subs = (neighbors_2 - neighbors_1[:,None])
squre_of_subs = subs**2
average_of_squares = ((squre_of_subs.sum(axis = -1)).sum(axis = -1))/(size*size)
matches = np.argmin(average_of_squares, axis=-1)
matching_score = np.sort(average_of_squares,axis=-1)[:,:2]
ratio = np.true_divide(matching_score[:,0],matching_score[:,1])
invalid_matches = np.logical_or(matching_score[:,0]>SSD_THRESHOLD,ratio>SSD_RATIO_THRESHOLD)
matching_score[invalid_matches] = -1
matches[invalid_matches] = -1
return matches, matching_score[0]
def ncc_(neighbors_set,desired_features_set):
global size
neighbors_1 = neighbors_set[0]
neighbors_2 = neighbors_set[1]
mean_1 = ((neighbors_1.mean(axis=-1)).mean(axis=-1)).reshape(-1,1,1)
mean_2 = ((neighbors_2.mean(axis=-1)).mean(axis=-1)).reshape(-1,1,1)
mean_1_sub = neighbors_1 - mean_1
mean_2_sub = neighbors_2 - mean_2
mul = mean_2_sub * mean_1_sub[:,None]
numerator = mul.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)
squre_mean_1_sub = mean_1_sub**2
squre_mean_2_sub = mean_2_sub**2
sum_1 = squre_mean_1_sub.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)
sum_2 = squre_mean_2_sub.sum(axis=-1).sum(axis=-1)
demominator = np.sqrt( sum_2 * sum_1[:,None] )
ncc = numerator/demominator
matching_score = np.sort(ncc,axis=-1)[:,-2:]
matches = np.argmax(ncc, axis=-1)
ratio = np.true_divide(matching_score[:,0],matching_score[:,1])
invalid_matches = np.logical_or( matching_score[:,-1] < NCC_THRESHOLD, ratio > NCC_RATIO_THRESHOLD )
matching_score[invalid_matches] = -1
matches[invalid_matches] =-1
return matches, matching_score[-1]
def main ( ) :
image =[]
features_set = []
desired_features_set =[]
neighbors_set = []
for i in range (len ( sys . argv ) - 1 ):
filename = sys . argv [ i + 1 ]
image.append(cv2.imread (filename))
#Assuming two image widths and heights are same
width = image[0].shape[1]
height = image[0].shape[0]
harris_corner = np.zeros((height , len(image)*width ,3) ,np.uint8)
harris_corner_desired = np.zeros((height , len(image)*width ,3) ,np.uint8)
full_image = np.zeros((height , len(image)*width ,3) ,np.uint8)
for i in range(len(image)):
features = harrisfeature ( image[i] )
desired_features, neighbors = getNeighbours( image[i] , features )
full_image[0:height , i*width : (i + 1)*width , :] = image[i]
harris_corner[0:height , i*width : (i + 1)*width , :] = image[i]
for j in range ( features.shape[0] ) : ( harris_corner , ( (i*width)+features.item(j,1) , features.item(j,0)) , 0 , (255 , 0 , 0) , 4)
harris_corner_desired[0:height , i*width : (i + 1)*width , :] = image[i]
for j in range ( desired_features.shape[0] ) : ( harris_corner_desired , ( (i*width)+desired_features.item(j,1) , desired_features.item(j,0)) , 0 , (255 , 0 , 0) , 4)
cv2.imwrite('harris_corner.png', harris_corner)
cv2.imwrite('harris_corner_desired.png', harris_corner_desired)
ssd_image = full_image
matches_1, matching_score_1 = ssd_(neighbors_set,desired_features_set)
for i in range ( len ( matches_1 ) ) :
match = matches_1.item(i)
if match != -1:
cv2.line(ssd_image , ((desired_features_set[0]).item(i,1) , (desired_features_set[0]).item(i,0)), \
((desired_features_set[1]).item(match,1)+width , (desired_features_set[1]).item(match,0)), \
(255*( i%4) ,255*(( i+1)%4) , 255*(( i+2)%4) ) , 1 , cv2.CV_AA, 0)
cv2.imwrite('ssd_image.png', ssd_image)
ncc_image = full_image
matches_2, matching_score_2 = ncc_(neighbors_set,desired_features_set)
for i in range ( len ( matches_2 ) ) :
match = matches_2.item(i)
if match != -1:
cv2.line(ncc_image , ((desired_features_set[0]).item(i,1) , (desired_features_set[0]).item(i,0)), \
((desired_features_set[1]).item(match,1)+width , (desired_features_set[1]).item(match,0)), \
(255*( i%4) ,255*(( i+1)%4) , 255*(( i+2)%4) ) , 1 , cv2.CV_AA, 0)
cv2.imwrite('ncc_image.png', ncc_image)
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Hi @eshafeeqe Thanks much for such a helpful code. I tried to implement sum of absolute difference like this:

def sumofabsdiff(neighbors_set):
	size = 40
	neighbors_1 = neighbors_set[0]
	neighbors_2 = neighbors_set[1]

	subs = np.abs(neighbors_2 - neighbors_1[:,None])
	average_of_squares = ((subs.sum(axis = -1)).sum(axis = -1))/(size*size)
	matches = np.argmin(average_of_squares, axis=-1)
	# average_of_squares = ((squre_of_subs.sum(axis = -1)).sum(axis = -1))/(size*size)
	matches = np.argmin(average_of_squares, axis=-1)
	matching_score = np.sort(average_of_squares,axis=-1)[:,:2]

	ratio = np.true_divide(matching_score[:,0],matching_score[:,1])

	invalid_matches = np.logical_or(matching_score[:,0]>SAD_THRESHOLD,ratio>SAD_RATIO_THRESHOLD)

	# Putting larger values here, because np.nan threw error.
	matching_score[invalid_matches] = np.nan
	matches[invalid_matches] = -1

	return matches, matching_score[:,-1]

But the result is really weird, I've basically tried to imitate what you have done for SSD, is there any chance you could quickly look at this? I know I should have figured it out, but my understanding of numpy isn't that advanced. My problem is that I'm getting the matches of one single point in the I2, given any feature windows on the I1.

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