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Last active November 30, 2023 19:49
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Anki Deadline
# Anki Deadline
# Anki 2 plugin
# Author: EJS
# Version 0.1
# Description: Adjusts 'New Cards per Day' setting of options group to ensure all cards
# are seen by deadline.
# License: GNU GPL v3 <>
from __future__ import division
import datetime, time, math
from anki.hooks import wrap, addHook
from aqt import *
from aqt.main import AnkiQt
from anki.utils import intTime
deadlines = {}
# One definition for each profile (default profile is User 1)
# deadlines['User 1'] = ... for User 1
# deadlines['Tom'] = ... for Tom's profile
# deadlines['Jerry'] = ... for Jerry's profile
# etc.
# Format: ["OGName", "DeadlineDate"]
# OGName = "Options Group Name"
# DeadlineDate = last day of studying ("YYYY-MM-DD")
# Examples:
# deadlines['profile name'] = [
# ["Silly Cards", "2017-01-01"],
# ["Options Group 2", "2018-01-01"],
# etc... (**no comma afer the last pair**)
# ]
# Tip: The whole string must be enclosed within square brackets
# and each name/date pair must be enclosed within its own
# set of square brackets. INCLUDE a COMMA between deadlines,
# but not between the last deadline and the final ] bracket.
# *Deadline date is the *last day of new cards*, not the day after
# all new card should be seen.
# Format: [["OGName", "YYYY-MM-DD"]]
deadlines['User 1'] = [
["Options Group 1 Name", "2018-12-31"],
["Options Group 2 Name", "2017-12-31"]
# ------------Nothing to edit below--------------------------------#
DeadlineMenu = QMenu("Deadline", mw)
# count new cards in a deck
def new_cards_in_deck(deck_id):
new_cards = mw.col.db.scalar("""select
from cards where
type = 0 and
queue != -1 and
did = ?""", deck_id)
return new_cards
# Find settings group ID
def find_settings_group_id(name):
dconf = mw.col.decks.dconf
for k in dconf:
if dconf[k]['name'] == name:
return k
return False
# Find decks in settings group
def find_decks_in_settings_group(group_id):
members = []
decks = mw.col.decks.decks
for d in decks:
if 'conf' in decks[d] and int(decks[d]['conf']) == int(group_id):
return members
# Count new cards in settings group
def new_cards_in_settings_group(name):
new_cards = 0
new_today = 0
group_id = find_settings_group_id(name)
if group_id:
# Find decks and cycle through
decks = find_decks_in_settings_group(group_id)
for d in decks:
new_cards += new_cards_in_deck(d)
new_today += first_seen_cards_in_deck(d)
return new_cards, new_today
# Count cards first seen today
def first_seen_cards_in_deck(deck_id):
#return mw.col.decks.decks[deck_id]["newToday"][1] #unreliable
#a new Anki day starts at 04:00 AM (by default); not midnight
dayStartTime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mw.col.crt).time()
midnight = datetime.datetime.combine(, dayStartTime)
midNight = int(time.mktime(midnight.timetuple()) * 1000)
query = ("""select count() from
(select as review, as card, c.did as deck
from revlog as r, cards as c
where r.cid =
and r.type = 0
order by, DESC)
where deck = %s
and review >= %s
group by card""" % (deck_id, midNight))
ret = mw.col.db.scalar(query)
if not ret:
ret = 0
return ret
# find days until deadline
def days_until_deadline(deadline_date, include_today=True):
if not deadline_date:
# No deadline date
return False
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
today =
deadline_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(deadline_date, date_format)
delta = deadline_date - today
if include_today:
days_left = delta.days + 1 # includes today
days_left = delta.days # today not included
if days_left < 1:
days_left = 0
return days_left
# calculate cards per day
def cards_per_day(new_cards, days_left):
if new_cards % days_left == 0:
per_day = int(new_cards / days_left)
per_day = int(new_cards / days_left) + 1
#sanity check
if per_day < 0:
per_day = 0
return per_day
# update new cards per day of a settings group
def update_new_cards_per_day(name, per_day):
group_id = find_settings_group_id(name)
if group_id:
if group_id in mw.col.decks.dconf:
mw.col.decks.dconf[group_id]["new"]["perDay"] = int(per_day)
# utils.showInfo("updating deadlines disabled")[group_id])
# Calc new cards per day
def calc_new_cards_per_day(name, days_left, silent=True):
new_cards, new_today = new_cards_in_settings_group(name)
per_day = cards_per_day((new_cards + new_today), days_left)
if not silent:
"%s\n\nNew cards seen today: %s\nNew cards remaining: %s\nDays left: %s\nNew cards per day: %s" % (
name, new_today, new_cards, days_left, per_day)
update_new_cards_per_day(name, per_day)
# Main Function
def allDeadlines(silent=True):
profile = str(
include_today = True # include today in the number of days left
if profile in deadlines:
for d in deadlines[profile]:
name = d[0]
# new_cards, new_today = new_cards_in_settings_group(name)
days_left = days_until_deadline(d[1], include_today)
# Change per_day amount if there's still time
# before the deadline
if days_left:
calc_new_cards_per_day(name, days_left, silent)
#Manual Version
def manualDeadlines():
manualDeadlineAction = QAction("Process Deadlines", mw)
mw.connect(manualDeadlineAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), manualDeadlines)
# Add hook to adjust Deadlines on load profile
addHook("profileLoaded", allDeadlines)
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I just wanted to let folks know that I've extended this project to be GUI configurable at . It can also be found at .
@eshapard , I used your code as the starting base, and am going to see if there is a way to retroactively show a fork from this original code in my repo.

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