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Last active December 27, 2016 03:41
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<?php return array (
'totalnetworkstats' => 'Total Network statistics',
'hereareyourchannels' => 'Here are your channels',
'date' => 'The :attribute is not a valid date.',
'gain' => 'Gain',
'loss' => 'Loss',
'and' => 'and',
'notrend' => 'No trend',
'country' => 'Country',
'source' => 'Source',
'h1' => 'Total lifetime statistics',
'h2' => 'Views and Estimated Minutes Watched',
'h3' => 'Likes, Shares and Subscribers gained',
'h4' => 'Lifetime Views per country',
'h5' => 'Lifetime Estimated Minutes Watched per country',
'h6' => 'Lifetime Views per source',
'h7' => 'Lifetime Estimated Minutes Watched per source',
'h8' => 'Recent statistical trend',
'e1' => 'Invalid number of points',
'e2' => 'You don\'t have enough points',
'e3' => 'YouTube returned null from your statistics. This is probably a channel related problem that we do not have control over',
'e4' => 'We cannot gain access to your statistics from the past 30 days',
'e5' => 'We cannot access your views per country or you have no views',
'e6' => 'We cannot access your views per country or you have no estimated minutes watched',
'e7' => 'We cannot access your views per source or you have no views',
'e8' => 'We cannot access your views per source or you have no estimated minutes watched',
'views' => 'Views',
'subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'likes' => 'Likes',
'shares' => 'Shares',
'videos' => 'Videos',
'members' => 'Members',
'channels' => 'Channels',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'sg' => 'Subscribers gained',
'emw' => 'Estimated minutes watched',
'avd' => 'Average view duration',
'avp' => 'Average view percentage',
'getting' => 'Getting your stats...',
'choose' => 'Choose a channel to manage',
'placeholder' => 'Search for a YouTube URL or channel username here.',
'startdate' => 'Start date',
'to' => 'To',
'enddate' => 'End date',
'showchannels' => 'Show channels',
'filter' => 'Filter',
'filterdesc' => 'Re-filter analytics based on the start date and end date selected',
'performance' => 'Performance',
'lifetime' => 'Lifetime',
'minuteswatched' => 'Minutes watched',
'viewduration' => 'View duration (seconds)',
'engagement' => 'Engagement',
'topvideos' => 'Top videos',
'demographics' => 'Demographics',
'otherinformation' => 'Other information',
'gender' => 'Gender',
'agegroup' => 'Age group',
'playbacklocation' => 'Playback location',
'trafficsource' => 'Traffic source',
'genderdesc' => 'Shows the percentage of woman and man viewers of your content',
'agegroupdesc' => 'Shows the percentage of age range of viewers of your content',
'pldesc' => 'Shows the percentage of views your content received via where it was viewed',
'trdesc' => 'Shows the percentage of views your content received via how the users viewed it',
'sl' => 'Subscribers lost',
'dislikes' => 'Dislikes',
'er1' => 'Start date not defined.',
'er2' => 'End date not defined.',
'er3' => 'Start date greater than end date. Invalid date range.',
'er4' => 'Start date greater equal to end date. Invalid date range.',
'er5' => 'Date selected has yet to occur. Invalid date range.',
'favorites' => 'Favorites',
'ytdefmsg' => 'There is not enough data for the selected report, location, content, and date range. If possible, try selecting a broader date range or location, different content, or come back in 1–2 days after the most recent data has been processed. Showing default values.',
'agreement#basicinfo' => 'Basic information',
'agreement#addalittlemoreaboutyourself' => 'Add a little more about yourself',
'agreement#agreement' => 'Agreement',
'agreement#thiswillbeourhandshake' => 'This will be our handshake',
'agreement#confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'agreement#almostdone' => 'Almost done',
'agreement#contract' => 'Contract',
'agreement#downloadpdfhere' => 'Download the PDF here',
'agreement#iagree' => 'I agree',
'agreement#idisagree' => 'I disagree',
'agreement#back' => 'Back',
'agreement#justafewmorethings' => 'Just a few more things and you\'re ready to start your YouTube career',
'agreement#thankyouforchoosing' => 'Thank you for choosing',
'agreement#us' => 'us',
'agreement#optional' => 'optional',
'agreement#partner' => 'Partner',
'agreement#recruiter' => 'Recruiter',
'agreement#byclickingagree' => 'By clicking agree, you will also need to add the channel you want to partner.',
'agreement#60%cangrow' => ' - can grow, contact us to learn more',
'agreement#username' => 'Username',
'agreement#emailaddress' => 'Email address',
'agreement#ytchannelcategory' => 'YouTube channel category',
'agreement#firstname' => 'First name',
'agreement#lastname' => 'Last name',
'agreement#birthyear' => 'Birthyear',
'agreement#yourpercentage' => 'Your percentage of the YouTube 100% is',
'agreement#whotoldyouaboutus' => 'Who or what prompted you to join Freedom?',
'agreement#tellusaboutyourself' => 'Tell us about yourself',
'agreement#continue' => 'Continue',
'agreement#cancelapplication' => 'Cancel application',
'agreement#nolockinforever' => 'No lock-in forever!',
'agreement#nolockinforeverdesc' => 'This is a NO LOCK-IN FOREVER contract. You are free to leave any time for any reason or no reason.',
'agreement#hereishow' => 'Here is how',
'language' => 'Language',
'cancelapplication#applicationcancelled' => 'Application cancelled',
'cancelapplication#wouldyouliketotellus' => 'Would you like to tell us why',
'cancelapplication#reason' => 'Reason',
'cancelapplication#notes' => 'Notes',
'cancelapplication#continue' => 'Continue',
'cancelapplication#nothanks' => 'No thanks',
'canceldone#thankyou' => 'Thank you',
'canceldone#pleasedocomebackagain' => 'Please do come back again if you change your mind',
'canceldone#backtohomepage' => 'Back to homepage',
'canceldone#orwatchthisvideo' => 'or watch this video',
'choose#chooseyourpath' => 'Choose your path',
'choose#applyasa' => 'Apply Now',
'choose#joinourcommunity' => 'Join our community',
'choose#needhelp' => 'Need help',
'choose#contact' => 'Contact',
'choose#yourchosenpath' => 'Your chosen path',
'choose#partner+recruiter' => 'Partner + Recruiter',
'choose#network' => 'Network',
'choose#recruiteronly' => 'Recruiter only',
'choose#musician' => 'Musician',
'choose#partnerdesc' => 'Partner your channel and recruit other channels if you want.',
'choose#recruiterdesc' => 'Recruit other channels but do not partner your own channel.',
'choose#networkdesc' => 'An organized team of people who recruit, support, and help channels grow.',
'pending#thankyouforapplyingto' => 'Thank you for applying to',
'pending#pleasewhaitwhile' => 'Please wait while we review your channel',
'pending#howlongwillittake' => 'How long will it take',
'pending#done' => 'Done',
'pending#havequestionsemail' => 'Have questions? Visit',
'pending#yourchannelgotpublished' => 'Your channel got published',
'pending#youraverageviewspermonthis' => 'Your average views per month is',
'pending#copyrightstrikes' => 'Copyright strikes',
'pending#goodstanding' => 'Good standing',
'pending#notgood' => 'Not good',
'pending#othersites' => 'Other sites',
'pending#introduceyourself' => 'Introduce yourself on our forums',
'pending#tryourheartbeat' => 'Try our HeartBeat (beta)',
'pending#ourdatingforyoutubers' => 'Our dating for YouTubers',
'pending#visitgamestm' => 'Visit',
'pending#thankyouforaddingyourchannel' => 'Thank you for adding your channel!',
'rejected#message' => 'Sadly, you were recently denied and need to wait at least 72 hours be re-applying.',
'rejected#time' => 'Time',
'rejected#reason' => 'Reason',
'rejected#detailed' => 'Detailed',
'optional' => 'optional',
'partnership' => 'Pending Channels',
'howtopartneryourchannel' => 'See how to partner your channel',
'title' => 'Title',
'audiomicro' => 'AudioMicro',
'desc' => 'Description',
'desc2' => 'sign in to AudioMicro by clicking Freedom! at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>',
'desc3' => 'AudioMicro offers thousands of royalty free stock music from GRAMMY winning artists for direct MP3 download. And awesome sound effects from Star Trek, Apocalypse Now, Kill Bill, and more!',
'sponsorship' => 'Sponsorship',
'doyouwantit' => 'Do you want it?',
'integrated' => 'Integrated sign-in with Epidemic Sound coming soon!',
'site' => 'Check out <b>Epidemic Sound</b> and try out their audiovisual production music at <a href="" style="color: red; font-size: 17px;"></a>',
'gaming' => 'Gaming',
'music' => 'Music',
'electronicmusic' => 'Electronic Music',
'fashionandbeauty' => 'Fashion and Beauty',
'menslifestyle' => 'Men\'s Lifestyle',
'womenslifestyle' => 'Women\'s Lifestyle',
'parenting' => 'Parenting',
'culinary' => 'Culinary',
'vlogging' => 'Vlogging',
'comedy' => 'Comedy',
'art' => 'Art',
'pets' => 'Pets',
'scienceandtechnology' => 'Science and Technology',
'film' => 'Film',
'animation' => 'Animation',
'dance' => 'Dance',
'stuntsandactionsports' => 'Stunts and Actions Sports',
'education' => 'Education',
'revenuesharemustbe2digitnumber' => 'Revenue Share must be a 2 digit number',
'usernametaken' => 'Username already taken',
'usernamesaved' => 'Username saved',
'error' => 'Error',
'yournewpasswordhasbeengenerated' => 'Your new password has been generated',
'resetpassword' => 'Reset password',
'newpasswordsaved' => 'New password saved - ',
'emailsnowbeingsent' => 'Emails are now being sent',
'notallowed' => 'I think you\'re not allowed in here',
'upforvoting' => 'Video has been verified and is now up for voting',
'campaignidrequired' => 'Campaign ID required',
'noavailablecampaigncodes' => 'No available campaign codes',
'notsubmitted' => 'You have not submitted an XSplit video review yet',
'rejectedvideo' => 'Your video was not accepted. You can submit another video.',
'notapprovedfreedom' => 'Your XSplit video review has not been approved by Freedom! yet',
'videoidrequired' => 'Video ID required',
'cannoteditanymore' => 'You cannot edit your entry anymore',
'makesure' => 'Make sure the video is on your YouTube channel',
'invalidyoutubeurl' => 'Invalid YouTube URL',
'noentries' => 'No entries',
'videoentryrestored' => 'The video entry has been restored',
'channelsuccessfullyadded' => 'Channel successfully added',
'channelalreadyexists' => 'Channel already exists',
'successfullyconnected' => 'successfully connected',
'pleaseselecttherightchannel' => 'Please select the right channel',
'transactionsaved' => 'Transaction saved',
'invalidcustomid' => 'Invalid custom ID',
'recipientnotfound' => 'Recipient not found',
'pointssuccessfullysent' => 'Points successfully sent',
'110%' => '110% Revshare set on',
'notfound' => 'Not found',
'somethingmissing' => 'Something missing',
'recordswereupdated' => 'records were updated',
'notyours' => 'Not yours',
'updatedthisuser' => 'Successfully updated this user!',
'recruiternotfound' => 'Failed to update this user! Recruiter not found.',
'loginwithcredentials' => 'Your application has been accepted as a referrer. You can now login using these credentials:',
'channel' => 'Channel',
'hasbeenadded' => 'has been added!',
'erroroccured' => 'Error occured',
'somethingwentwrong' => 'Something went wrong while getting total earnings.',
'missingreportid' => 'Missing report ID',
'unauthorized' => 'Unauthorized access',
'missingparameters' => 'Missing parameters',
'cannotauthenticateaccount' => 'Cannot authenticate account',
'newpasswordsaved2' => 'New password saved.',
'signintocontinue' => 'Sign in to continue',
'videonotfound' => 'Video not found',
'successfullyloggedin' => 'Successfully logged in',
'invalidcredentials' => 'Invalid credentials. Please try again.',
'featuredproject' => 'Featured project',
'review' => 'Review of',
'doyou' => 'Do you like Remag channel',
'tellus' => 'Tell us in the <a href="">comments on YouTube!</a> :-)',
'active' => 'Active',
'funded' => 'submit your project',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'comingsoon' => 'Coming soon!',
'customizeemail' => 'Customize Email',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'username' => 'Username',
'password' => 'Passwords must be at least six characters long and match the confirmation.',
'referafriend' => 'Your refer-a-friend link',
'tellyourfriends' => 'Tell your friends and earn 15% for 1 year from Freedom!\'s pocket (you take nothing away from your friend\'s earnings).',
'learnmore' => 'learn more',
'letsgrow' => 'Let\'s grow together',
'thankyou' => 'Thank you',
'freedomteam' => 'The Freedom! team',
'save' => 'Save',
'accept' => '<h1>You have been accepted to ',
'network' => 'Network',
'sent' => 'Email sent to accepted partners',
'interest' => 'Thank you for applying to join our Network. We value everyone who takes interest in Freedom!',
'infact' => 'In fact, we also train and guide all our partners so they can grow with us and get more views.',
'understand' => 'When you reach our minimum requirements of 33 views per day (which is 1,000 views per month) and you show us that you understand copyright rules, then we will be happy to Partner with you.',
'gotrejected' => 'Email sent to partners that got rejected',
'waiting' => 'Waiting Confirmation',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'user#overview' => 'Overview',
'user#profile' => 'Profile',
'user#leaderboard' => 'Leaderboard',
'user#partners' => 'Partners&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,',
'user#recruiters' => 'Recruiters&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,&nbsp,',
'user#stats' => 'Statistics',
'user#networks' => 'Networks',
'user#payout' => 'Payouts',
'user#community' => 'Freedom! forums',
'user#tools' => 'Tools',
'user#invites' => 'Invites',
'paragraph#channels' => 'channels',
'paragraph#videos' => 'videos',
'paragraph#views' => 'views',
'paragraph#subscribers' => 'subscribers',
'dashboard#welcomeback' => 'Welcome back',
'dashboard#earnings' => 'Earnings',
'dashboard#referralearnings' => 'Referral Earnings',
'dashboard#monthlyearnings' => 'Monthly Earnings',
'dashboard#totalmonthlyearnings' => 'Total Monthly Earnings',
'dashboard#importantvideos' => 'Some Important Freedom! Videos',
'dashboard#usefulquestions' => 'Some Useful Freedom! Questions',
'dashboard#todayis' => 'Today is',
'dashboard#comingsoon' => 'Coming soon',
'dashboard#findmorelink' => '',
'dashboard#yourearnings' => 'Your Earnings',
'js#totalviews' => 'Total views',
'js#totallikes' => 'Total likes',
'js#totalshares' => 'Total shares',
'js#emw' => 'Estimated Minutes Watched',
'js#tst' => 'Per traffic source type',
'js#past31days' => 'for the past 31 days',
'js#past14days' => 'for the past 14 days',
'js#past7days' => 'for the past 7 days',
'js#morethan100' => 'per country with over 100 views',
'js#and' => 'and',
'partnerstats#subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'partnerstats#referrals' => 'Referrals',
'partnerstats#channels' => 'Channels',
'partnerstats#views' => 'Views',
'insights#uniques' => 'Uniques',
'insights#views' => 'Views',
'insights#likes' => 'Likes',
'insights#shares' => 'Shares',
'insights#videosuploaded' => 'Videos Uploaded',
'insights#avgperday' => 'Avg. per day',
'insights#avgperweek' => 'Avg. per month',
'insights#sincechannelstart' => 'Since channel publication',
'insights#around' => 'around',
'insights#monthsago' => 'months ago',
'insights#avgstats' => 'Average stats',
'insights#viewforecast' => 'Approximated forecast for views',
'insights#emwforecast' => 'Approximated forecast for estimated minutes watched',
'insights#uniquesforecast' => 'Approximated forecast for uniques',
'msg#rising' => 'Your performance in the past 7 days is RISING. With the current rate of uploads and views, we can give an approximate forecast that your channel\'s possible rate of growth for the next couple of days are as follows:',
'msg#declining' => 'Your performance in the past 7 days is DECLINING. With the current rate of uploads and views, we can give an approximate forecast that your channel\'s possible rate of growth for the next couple of days are as follows:',
'msg#good' => 'This channel is doing really good! Keep up the good work!',
'msg#bad' => 'This channel is having a hard time gaining an audience! For help on how to produce quality content and earn some well-needed views, check out some handy tips from our official Growth Report',
'insights#here' => 'here',
'insights#err' => 'Sorry. YouTube returned no data for this channel. We don\'t know why.',
'profile#website' => 'Website: (URL)',
'profile#name' => 'Name:',
'profile#background' => 'Background Image: Recommended Size (360 x 1350)',
'profile#logo' => 'Logo: Recommended Size (130 x 130)',
'profile#desc' => 'Description',
'profile#power' => 'Power Lines',
'profile#support' => 'Support Email',
'profile#skype' => 'Skype',
'profile#facebook' => 'Facebook',
'profile#twitter' => 'Twitter',
'profile#youtube' => 'YouTube',
'profile#forum' => 'Community or Forum',
'profile#submit' => 'Submit',
'profile#cancel' => 'Cancel',
'profile#emailtocontact' => 'Email to contact in case of questions',
'profile#skypeusername' => 'Skype username',
'profile#communityplaceholder' => '',
'profile#taglines' => 'Enter taglines for your network',
'alltables#noresult' => 'No results. Click here to go',
'alltables#back' => 'back',
'revenue#revenue' => 'Revenue',
'revenue#dateeffective' => 'Date Effective',
'revenue#dateset' => 'Date Set',
'revenue#status' => 'Status',
'revenue#approved' => 'Approved',
'revenue#pending' => 'Pending',
'ainvites#id' => 'Owner',
'ainvites#channel' => 'Channel',
'ainvites#last30days' => 'Last 30 Days',
'ainvites#subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'ainvites#status' => 'Status',
'ainvites#referrer' => 'Referrer',
'ainvites#views' => 'Views',
'ainvites#fullyaccepted' => 'Fully accepted',
'ainvites#preconfirmed' => 'Preconfirmed',
'ainvites#unconfirmed' => 'Unconfirmed',
'ainvites#rejected' => 'Rejected',
'ainvites#pending' => 'Pending',
'payout#reminder' => 'When changing your partner\'s revenue share, Freedom! will review this change before it becomes official.',
'payout#search' => 'Search',
'statsload#hangtight' => 'Fetching your analytics... Hang tight.',
'statsload#rescaling' => 'Rescaling...',
'statsload#tinkering' => 'Tinkering with the metrics... Wait a sec.',
'partnerbtn#continue' => 'Continue',
'partnerbtn#cancel' => 'Cancel',
'partnerbtn#acceptapplication' => 'Accept Application',
'partnerbtn#remarks' => 'Remarks',
'partnerbtn#makeadmin' => 'Make Admin',
'partnerbtn#removeadmin' => 'Remove Admin',
'partnerbtn#sendanemail' => 'Send an Email',
'partnerbtn#editdashboard' => 'Edit Dashboard',
'partnerbtn#backtopending' => 'Back to Pending',
'partnerbtn#movetonetwork' => 'Move to Network',
'partnerbtn#upgradetonetwork' => 'Upgrade to Network',
'partnerbtn#savechanges' => 'Save changes',
'partnerbtn#save' => 'Save',
'partnerbtn#setrevenue' => 'Set Revenue',
'partnerbtn#close' => 'Close',
'partnerbtn#editpage' => 'Edit Page',
'partnerbtn#recruiter' => 'Recruiter',
'partnerbtn#reject' => 'Reject',
'partnerbtn#rejectapplication' => 'Reject Application',
'partnerbtn#selectchannel' => 'Select channel',
'partnerbtn#revenueshare%' => 'Revenue Share %',
'partnerbtn#dateeffective' => 'Date Effective',
'partnerbtn#dateadded' => 'Date Added',
'partnerbtn#status' => 'Status',
'partnerbtn#setrecruitertothispartner' => 'Set recruiter to this partner',
'partnerbtn#setrecruiter' => 'Set Recruiter',
'partnerbtn#reverttopartner' => 'Revert to Partner',
'partnerbtn#addedchannel' => 'Added channel',
'partnerbtn#andadmin' => 'and Admin',
'partnerbtn#youtubechannel' => 'YouTube Channel',
'partnerbtn#email' => 'Email',
'partnerbtn#otherdetails' => 'Other Details',
'partnerbtn#reasonfordeclining' => 'Reason for declining',
'partnerbtn#rejectednotes' => 'Rejected notes',
'partnerbtn#reasontoapply' => 'Reason to apply',
'partnerbtn#whatbringsyouhere' => 'What brings you here',
'partnerbtn#network' => 'Network',
'partnerbtn#acceptedby' => 'Accepted by',
'partnerbtn#acceptingremarks' => 'Accepting remarks',
'partnerbtn#analytics' => 'Analytics',
'partnerbtn#networkchannels' => 'Network Channels',
'partnerbtn#channel' => 'Channel',
'partnerbtn#videos' => 'Videos',
'partnerbtn#datepublished' => 'Date published',
'partnerbtn#averageviewspermonth' => 'Average views per month',
'partnerbtn#copyrightstrike' => 'Copyright strike',
'partnerbtn#showdetailedanalytics' => 'Show detailed analytics',
'partnerbtn#month' => 'Month',
'partnerbtn#uniques' => 'Uniques',
'partnerbtn#views' => 'Views',
'partnerbtn#likes' => 'Likes',
'partnerbtn#dislikes' => 'Dislikes',
'partnerbtn#shares' => 'Shares',
'partnerbtn#comments' => 'Comments',
'partnerbtn#subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'partnerbtn#unabletofetchanalytics' => 'Unable to fetch analytics.',
'videos#novideoswithcopyright' => 'No videos with copyright',
'videos#videoswithcopyright' => 'Videos with copyright content',
'videos#novideoscopyright' => 'No videos with copyright',
'videos#title' => 'Title',
'videos#dateuploaded' => 'Date Uploaded',
'channels#channel' => 'Channel',
'channels#name' => 'Name',
'channels#defaultchannel' => 'Default Channel',
'channels#nochannels' => 'No Channels',
'dashboardfaq#q1' => 'What CPM will I get with Freedom!?',
'dashboardfaq#q3' => 'Does Freedom! have a branding kit?',
'dashboardfaq#q4' => 'What benefits do Networks get in Freedom!?',
'dashboardfaq#q5' => 'How do I get paid by Freedom!?',
'dashboardfaq#q6' => 'How Can I Work for Freedom!?',
'dashboardfaq#q7' => 'How does Freedom! help me grow?',
'dashboardfaq#q8' => 'How can I earn 110% explained',
'dashboardfaq#q11' => 'Are mobile views monetized? Yes!',
'dashboardfaq#q12' => 'How does YouTube revenue work and how can I see it?',
'dashboardfaq#q13' => 'How does Freedom! help me get noticed on YouTube?',
'dashboardfaq#q14' => 'What is Freedom?!',
'dashboardfaq#link1' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link3' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link4' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link5' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link6' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link7' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link8' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link11' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link12' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link13' => '',
'dashboardfaq#link14' => '',
'graph#source1' => 'From another page',
'graph#source2' => 'Related video',
'graph#source3' => 'External app',
'graph#source4' => 'YouTube channel',
'graph#source5' => 'From another link',
'graph#source6' => 'External URL',
'graph#source7' => 'Google search',
'graph#source8' => 'From playlist',
'graph#source9' => 'From subscriber',
'graph#source10' => 'From an embedded link',
'graph#source11' => 'YouTube search',
'graph#source12' => 'Annotation',
'dashboardpayouts#customid' => 'Your custom ID: ',
'dashboardpayouts#forumpoints' => 'Your Forum Points: ',
'dashboardpayouts#freedompoints' => 'Your Freedom! Points: ',
'dashboardpayouts#networklandingpage' => 'Your network landing page: ',
'dashboardpayouts#networkearnings' => 'Network earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#channel' => 'Channel',
'dashboardpayouts#earnings' => 'Earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#totalearnings' => 'Total earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#channelearnings' => 'Channel earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#revenueshare' => 'Revenue share',
'dashboardpayouts#totalnetworkearnings' => 'Total network earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#earningsforthatmonth' => '*Only shows earnings for that month',
'dashboardpayouts#downloadytrawdata' => 'Download YouTube raw data',
'dashboardpayouts#clickhere' => 'Click here',
'dashboardpayouts#earn15%' => 'Earn 15%',
'dashboardpayouts#whenwilligetpaid' => 'When will I get paid?',
'dashboardpayouts#totalreferralearnings' => 'Total referral earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#totalchannelearnings' => 'Total channel earnings',
'dashboardpayouts#learnmore' => 'Learn more',
'dashboardfaq#findmorequestionshere' => 'Find more questions here...',
'dashboardfaq#link' => '',
'profile#vieweditedsuccessfully' => 'View edited successfully',
'profile#toedititagain' => 'to edit it again',
'dashboardrevenue#revenueshare' => 'Revenue share (%)',
'dashboardrevenue#effectivedate' => 'Date effective',
'dashboardrevenue#dateset' => 'Date set',
'dashboardrevenue#status' => 'Status',
'sc#logout' => 'Sign-out',
'tab_channel' => 'Channel earnings',
'tab_network' => 'Network earnings',
'tab_recruiter' => 'Recruiter earnings',
'tab_sponsor' => 'Sponsor earnings',
'tab_hitbox' => 'Hitbox Earnings',
'column_channel' => 'Channel',
'column_rawearnings' => 'Raw Earnings',
'column_channelearnings' => 'Channel Earnings',
'column_sponsorearnings' => 'Sponsorship Network Earnings',
'column_partnerrevenueshare' => 'Partner revenue share',
'column_partnerearnings' => 'Partner Earnings',
'column_networkearnings' => 'Network Earnings',
'column_estimated_earnings' => 'Estimated Earnings',
'column_paid' => 'Paid',
'column_owed' => 'Estimated Owed',
'header_downloadrawyoutubedata' => 'Download raw YouTube data',
'header_reloadreport' => 'Reload Report',
'header_searchboxplaceholder' => 'Channel name',
'header_months' => 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December',
'header_sortbys' => 'Revenue,Revenue -reverse,Channel name,Channel name -reverse,Revenue share,Revenue share -reverse',
'misc_empty' => 'Empty',
'misc_directlypartnered' => 'Directly Partnered',
'misc_grandtotals' => 'Grand totals',
'misc_showearnings' => 'Show Earnings',
'tab_home_total' => 'Total',
'tab_home_channel' => 'Channel',
'tab_home_recruiter' => 'Recruiter',
'tab_home_network' => 'Network',
'tab_home_sponsor' => 'Sponsorship Network',
'tab_home_hitbox' => 'Hitbox',
'heading_total_earnings' => 'Total Earnings',
'footer_payments' => 'Payments',
'payment_date' => 'Date',
'status' => 'Status',
'unverified' => 'Unverified - ',
'income_type' => 'Type',
'header_earnings' => 'Earnings',
'closed' => 'Closed',
'remainder' => 'Remainder',
'recruiter_revenue' => 'Recruiter Revenue',
'recruiter_rev_share' => 'Recruiter Rev-share',
'network_share' => 'Network Share',
'details' => 'Details',
'in_all_pages' => '* includes earnings in all pages',
'no_earnings' => 'No earnings found.',
'epidemicishere' => '<b>Epidemic Sound</b> is here, free for all active Freedom! partners.',
'signin' => 'Sign in',
'touse' => 'To use this sponsorship, you must have at least one active channel linked in the dashboard. If you unlink or leave Freedom, your access to Epidemic Sound will be discontinued.',
'pleaselogin' => 'Please log-in to another account',
'goback' => 'Go back',
'frozen' => 'Your account was frozen',
'contactusat' => 'Contact us at',
'dontworry' => 'Don\'t worry, it\'s not your fault',
'returnhome' => 'Return home',
'forbidden' => 'Forbidden',
'whoops' => 'Whoops! Didn\'t expect that',
'pagenotfound' => 'Page not found',
'servererror' => 'Server error',
'undermaintenance' => 'We are currently undergoing maintenance!',
'jiffy' => 'We\'ll be right back. Thank you for your patience',
'oops' => 'Oooooops!',
'currentlypartnered' => 'You are currently partnered with another network',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'highvolume' => 'Sorry but we\'re getting high volume of users right now.',
'create' => 'Create a YouTube account',
'noyoutubeaccount' => 'Sorry but the account you logged in doesn\'t have YouTube account.',
'ce_pageheader' => 'Reports',
'ce_chartheader' => 'Earnings Distribution',
'te_pageheader' => 'Country Earnings',
'te_chartheader' => 'Earnings Distribution (Top 10) in ',
'gamdias' => 'GAMDIAS',
'sponsorshiptiers' => 'Sponsorship Tiers',
'affiliate' => 'Affiliate program',
'affiliatedesc' => 'Everyone qualifies - you will receive an affiliate link to promote Ironside Computers in which you will receive 10% commission for every sale initiated by your affiliate link.',
'productsponsorship' => 'Product Sponsorship',
'tier4' => 'Tier 4',
'tier4desc' => 'For channels with 10,000+ views per month, get sponsored with GAMDIAS shirts and mouse pads.',
'tier3' => 'Tier 3',
'tier3desc' => 'For channels with 50,000+ views per month, get sponsored with a <b style="color:red;font-size:15px;">low</b> end headset, mouse and keyboard.',
'tier2' => 'Tier 2',
'tier2desc' => 'For channels with 90,000+ views per month, get sponsored with a <b style="color:blue;font-size:15px;">mid</b> end headset, mouse and keyboard.',
'tier1' => 'Tier 1',
'tier1desc' => 'For channels with 200,000+ views per month, get sponsored with a <b style="color:green;font-size:15px;">high</b> end headset and mouse.',
'branding' => 'Branding program',
'brandingdesc' => 'After being in the Gamma Army, Gamma Labs will contact you if your channel is doing exceptionally well.',
'visit' => 'Visit <b>Ironside Computers</b> and check out their gaming rigs at <a href="" style="color:red;font-size:17px;"></a>',
'allchannels' => 'All channels will be screened and can be rejected even if requirements are met by the discretion of the Merchant.',
'gfuel' => 'G Fuel',
'gammaarmy' => 'Gamma army',
'gammaarmydesc' => '5,000+ views per day qualify - you will receive your own affiliate link as well as a care package which usually includes a hat, mixing glass, a tub of G Fuel, and stickers - make sure you brand Gamma Labs on all social media sites.',
'banner' => '/images/imgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg',
'heading' => 'CMS for gamers only!',
'p1' => 'Save 10% off when using the promo code FREEDOM at checkout!',
'seelatest' => 'See the latest episode.',
'seemore' => 'See more spotlights!',
'firsttime' => 'First time in Freedom!?',
'takethis' => 'Take this',
'donotworry' => 'Need help? Confused? Not to worry! Our FAQs have you covered!',
'didwemisssomthing' => 'Did we miss something?<br/>Have any more FAQs to add?<br/>Contact us directly at <b></b>',
'home' => 'Home',
'help' => '<i class="fa fa-question"></i>Help',
'join' => 'Have any comments? Wanna start a discussion about this? Just post it below!',
'from' => 'From',
0 => 'What is Freedom?',
1 => 'Direct with YouTube?',
2 => 'No lock-in forever?',
3 => 'Revenue visibility',
4 => 'Revenue share?',
5 => 'No minimum payout?',
6 => 'Ownership',
7 => 'Content ID?',
8 => 'Audio only?',
9 => 'Record labels?',
10 => 'How does it work?',
11 => 'Is this legal?',
12 => 'Partnering-up',
13 => 'How do I partner-up?',
14 => 'Basic information',
15 => 'I can\'t register my chosen username',
16 => 'I can\'t register my chosen email address',
17 => 'YouTube channel category',
18 => 'Gaming',
19 => 'Music',
20 => 'Electronic Music',
21 => 'Fashion and Beauty',
22 => 'Men\'s Lifestyle',
23 => 'Women\'s Lifestyle',
24 => 'Parenting',
25 => 'Culinary',
26 => 'Pets',
27 => 'Vlogging',
28 => 'Comedy',
29 => 'Science and Technology',
30 => 'Film',
31 => 'Animation',
32 => 'Dance',
33 => 'Art',
34 => 'Stunts and or Action Sports',
35 => 'Why do I need to include my birth year?',
36 => 'Is this contract legitimate',
37 => 'Signing in',
38 => 'Why can\'t I sign in?',
39 => 'My password is not being accepted',
40 => 'My username is not being accepted',
41 => 'Why can\'t I sign in with my Google account?',
42 => 'My account dashboard',
43 => 'I am accepted as a network',
44 => 'Landing page',
45 => 'My website URL is not being accepted',
46 => 'Why can\'t I change my cover photo',
47 => 'Why can\'t I change my logo',
48 => 'Network profile',
49 => 'Leaderboard',
50 => 'Members',
51 => 'Network statistics',
52 => 'Members',
53 => 'Channels',
54 => 'No. of referrals',
55 => 'Network views',
56 => 'Video count',
57 => 'Subscriber count',
58 => 'Comment count',
59 => 'Network application',
60 => 'Signing out',
61 => 'I am accepted as a channel',
62 => 'Why am I not accepted yet?',
63 => 'Why was my application rejected?',
64 => 'In-depth important questions',
65 => 'Managed vs. Affiliated channels: What is the difference?',
66 => 'What CPM will I get with Freedom!?',
67 => 'How do I Get paid by Freedom!?',
68 => 'How can I earn 110% explained',
69 => 'How can I collaborate with others?',
70 => 'Can networks sponsor other networks?',
71 => 'Content ID, will I get it?',
72 => 'What contracts does Freedom!? offer',
73 => 'Network keypoints?',
74 => 'Are mobile views monetized?',
75 => 'Do recruiters get paid?',
76 => 'Does Freedom!? have a branding kit?',
77 => 'My earnings disappeared from YouTube, why?',
78 => 'What are videomarks?',
79 => 'How does YouTube revenue work and how can I see it?',
80 => 'How does Freedom!? help me get noticed on YouTube',
81 => 'Other stuff',
82 => 'When do I get paid?',
83 => 'How do I get paid?',
84 => 'Do I have to pay anything for this?',
85 => 'Why do I have to wait for 12 hours for me to be accepted?',
86 => 'What are copyright strikes?',
87 => 'Why are some pages still not working?',
88 => 'How am I sure that this is not just some elaborate scam?',
89 => 'How do I refer someone else or another network?',
'e33' => ' If my category is about animation',
'a33' => 'Then your content should focus on short animation films, cartoon shows, animation tutorials, animation effect tutorials and other stuff concerned with animation.',
'a76' => 'Yes.
Mobile views are monetized for all Freedom! partners in every country that is enabled for mobile advertising by YouTube.
Partner with us at <a href=""></a> and be free :)',
'l76' => '',
'e35' => 'If my category is about art',
'a35' => 'Then your content should focus on painting tutorials, sculptures, Adobe tutorials, art shows and other stuff concerned with art.',
'a9' => 'If you have audio-only content, we can track those who uses your audio illegally and had used them in other videos without your permission and we can explicitly help you claim back your original audio! We have very specific rights from YouTube that allows us to do so, so be confident that your content is safe if you apply with us.',
'e15' => 'Why do I need to fill-up this basic information?',
'a15' => 'So we can identify you and if your channel is legitimate. Also we need this to classify your content, contact you for issues, updates and payments. It\'s really quick to fill-up. No hassle!',
'e55' => 'What is channel under the network statistics panel?',
'a55' => 'The number of channels you own.',
'e60' => 'What are subscriber count under the network statistics panel?',
'a60' => 'The number of comments your channel have.',
'e27' => 'If my category is about culinary',
'a27' => 'Then your content should focus on cooking shows, food innovations, food news and other stuff concerned with cooking.',
'e34' => 'If my category is about dance',
'a34' => 'Then your content should focus on dance performances, dance tutorials, dance etiquette and other stuff concerned with dancing.',
'a2' => 'Yep, that\'s right. Freedom is a direct YouTube partner! That means we act as a bridge from your content to YouTube! Even if your content catalog is not that wide yet, or you\'re just starting out as a YouTuber, we can help you! Think of us as an extension of YouTube and put it this way. Your content → Freedom → YouTube.',
'a86' => 'Nope. You are free to avail of everything Freedom has to offer! Just as long as you partner with us!',
'e23' => 'If my category is about fashion and beauty',
'a23' => 'Then your content should focus on fashion tips, make-up, clothing and other stuff concerned with fashion and beauty.',
'e32' => 'If my category is about film',
'a32' => 'Then your content should focus on short films, motion capture, silent films, amateur short movies, movie reviews, interviews with movie actors and actresses and other stuff concerned with film and the film industry.',
'a90' => 'Check out this awesome video by one of our clients Kaligta, under Curve Entertainment. <a href=\'\'></a> And if you look at their other videos, they have the Videobar that we created that can help increase watch time, also they have our official watermark for music! And if you\'re still not convinced, check out our official YouTube channel <a href=\'\'>here</a>',
'a70' => 'The Freedom! base revenue share is 60% of YouTube\'s 100% (i.e. it is not 60% of 80% or some other silliness) and it can grow to 110%!
We are creating \'Freedom! Points\' (FP) in your dashboard that all partners get for good behavior. You will redeem your FP for cool things like higher revenue share.
Here are some ideas:
Start 10 active threads on these forums, get 10 FP
Upload 10 videos to your channel that get some comments and likes, get 10 FP
Recruit 4 partners who are close to your channel size, get 40 FP
If you get 110 Freedom! points, you can redeem them for 110% revenue share that month. Or you can save up your FP and redeem them in the future.
More details are coming as we are building the foundation for Freedom! points.
If you have suggestions, please share them in this thread.
Also, we enable Revenue Visibility on YouTube, so every channel can see exactly what YouTube says your channel is earning!
Partner with us at and be free :)',
'l70' => '',
'a81' => 'We enable YouTube Revenue View for every Freedom! partner (some networks choose to hide this).
This way, you can see exactly how much you are earning directly from YouTube.
YouTube will pay you a revenue share of all advertising that plays around your videos.
Also, if you make music or original productions (not gameplay videos) we can find all copies of your content anywhere on YouTube and monetize it.
'l81' => '',
'a11' => 'Simple! It\'s as easy as 1-2-3. You partner up with us by clicking the \'Partner with us\' button on the home page, you fill out the necessary information, and you wait for your account to be reviewed and accepted by our team. It\'s just that simple! Once you have been accepted, either as a channel or a network, you are now part of the Freedom family and can now avail of the various services we have to offer. After that, you can start creating and or improving your content and we\'ll get it noticed through YouTube!',
'a85' => 'Through PayPal.',
'a69' => 'Freedom! partners get paid monthly:
January monetized views are paid out end of March (Mar 31)
February monetized views are paid out end of April (Apr 30)
March monetized views are paid out end of May (May 31)
… and so on
To get paid, just tell us your PayPal email address!
Here is how:
We do not withhold any taxes!
Other networks may withhold 30% of your earnings due to USA tax laws, but Freedom! chose to incorporate in Hong Kong for its tax efficient laws.
Do not worry, we are not a sketchy Chinese company. Our CEO and founder, George Vanous, is a Canadian citizen and our staff is in North America, Europe and the Philippines. The primary reason we chose to incorporate in Hong Kong was so you can earn more.
This means we pay you 100% of everything you earn - nothing is withheld - and there are no tax forms to fill out. Simple.
Is this legal?
Yes, because Hong Kong law does not require us to submit tax forms on your behalf. USA law does require it, so companies incorporated in the USA may need to withhold 30% of your earnings and collect tax forms.
Also, we will support more payment methods than PayPal in the future, like cheque and direct deposit. Remember, we launched Freedom! on Dec 1, 2013 and are growing quickly.
Partner with us at <a href=\'\'></a> and be free :)',
'l69' => '',
'a91' => 'Log in to your account and find the "Refer-a-friend link". That is what you will give the person whom you want to refer. And when they apply, they take that refer-a-friend link and paste it to the field provided.',
'e63' => 'What happens when I am accepted as a network?',
'a63' => 'When your application has been accepted as a network, unlike a channel, networks are able to add partners to them as well. You will be able to build your partnerbase and also be able to utilize the tools that we are currently offering for our partners, like Heartbeat!',
'e45' => 'What happens when I am accepted as a network?',
'a45' => 'When your application has been accepted as a network, unlike a channel, networks are able to add partners to them as well. You will be able to build your partnerbase and also be able to utilize the tools that we are currently offering for our partners, like Heartbeat!',
'e48' => 'Why am I having trouble changing my cover photo?',
'a48' => 'Your chosen cover photo should be of the right format. E.g., (JPEG, PNG, BMP). And should come from a correct URL. To make sure you are getting the correct source of your cover photo, right click on the image, choose ""Copy image URL"" and paste it on the text field provided.',
'e49' => 'Why am I having trouble changing my logo?',
'a49' => ' Your chosen logo should be of the right format. E.g., (JPEG, PNG, BMP) And should come from a correct URL. To make sure you are getting the correct source of your logo, right click on the image, choose \'Copy Image URL\' and paste it on the text field provided.',
'a40' => 'You may have mistyped your account credentials. The fields are case-sensitive and does not accept special characters. Make sure that the information you are entering are correct without any special characters. If you still have trouble logging in, that\'s probably on us since Freedom is a work-in-progress. If that ever happens, we deeply apologize and ask if that you try again later. If you still have trouble logging in, please do contact us directly through this email, and we\'ll respond to you as soon as we can.',
'a43' => 'Sadly, that\'s something we do not have control over. If you do have trouble logging in, we deeply apologize and ask that you try again later.',
'a18' => 'Make sure that you\'re entering a valid email and there are no special characters! E.g., (, DON\'T give a fake or unaccessible email. We may contact you through email so a valid one is very important.',
'a16' => 'Make sure that you don\'t include special characters in your username, e.g., (!@#$%^&*()_) and other ASCII codes. Just use numbers and letters only. E.g., (freedom01, freedomtv, FreedomNetwork1) Also take into consideration using a username that is close if not identical to your channel name. It will be much easier to remember and prevent confusion in your channel name and username.',
'a38' => 'Yes of course! This contract is professionally formulated by our team to cater to everything you need while abiding by all laws and maintaining transparency and unbiasness. All the rules and regulations listed there are real and is effective the moment you are accepted in Freedom. Misuse of this contract, and or breaking the rules and regulations stated are subject to your application being dropped, or if you\'re already a partner, your partnership dropped. Or worse, subject to legal action. So please do read the contract as it is the one thing we require you to abide by to avoid problems.',
'a12' => 'Yes absolutely! We have a direct partnership with YouTube, which took us a long time convincing them before they gave us a CMS (Content Management System). Because we have a CMS, one service that we can offer you is that we can track your originally uploaded content that have been illegally uploaded by other channels and take them down or monetize them for you, your choice! If you\'re still unsure about us, you can contact YouTube directly and ask about us!',
'e46' => 'What\'s my landing page for?',
'a46' => ' Your landing page is kinda like your home page. This is what the users will see when they visit your profile. From here there are all sorts of stuff you can do like update your profile and view your statistics. And as development for Freedom continues, expect to have more functionalities for your landing page in the near future!',
'e51' => 'What is the leaderboard?',
'a51' => 'This function is still unavailable, but this is meant to showcase your partners who have produced the most videos, produced most views, likes, subscribers, watch times. This allows you to identify your partners who have been most proactive in making content and who is getting the most exposure. This will also help you to identify which of your partners need help on improving their content based on the statistics they have.',
'e39' => 'How do I log in?',
'a39' => ' Easy! Just click the \'Login with your account\' link below the \'Partner with us\' button and choose whether you want to login with your Google account or with your Freedom account.',
'e62' => 'How do I logout?',
'a62' => 'At the top-right side of your screen, next to the \'Network Applications\' tab is your username, next to it there is a drop down arrow. Click your username and select \'Logout\'.',
'l67' => '被管理的-managed-vs-聯盟的-affiliated-差別在那.423/',
'a67-1' => 'YouTube Changes
In early December 2013, your channel was set to Affiliated or Managed if you are in a YouTube network. If you are partnered directly with YouTube, nothing changed.
See \'Side-by-side comparison\' below for all the differences.
Am I Affiliated?
Do you see a Request to unlink button in your YouTube Video Manager | Channel Settings?',
'a67-2' => 'If so, you are Affiliated not Managed.
4 Weeks
Clicking the \'Request to unlink\' button gives your network 4 weeks to approve or decline.
If your network declines the request, your channel will remain in the network.
What YouTube Said to Networks
Here is what YouTube officially told all networks about Managed channels (\'partner strikes\' mean strikes against a network):
To avoid accumulating partner strikes, we suggest you:
Use care when selecting new channels to manage. Avoid adding channels that might pose a risk to your good standing.
Educate the channels you manage about copyright, YouTube’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, and ensure they act in accordance with YouTube’s policies.
Ensure you maintain proper internal controls as you increase the number of channels you manage.
Affiliated Channels
This is very similar to being partnered directly with YouTube.
As an Affiliated channel:
Every video is reviewed by YouTube at their discretion (this can take hours or days) so you lose the revenue from your subscribers who watch it before YouTube approves it
Content ID runs on your channel and creates 3rd party claims that you can dispute
YouTube automatically enables Revenue Visibility in your YouTube Analytics
The \'Request to unlink\' button appears in your YouTube Video Manager | Channel Settings (but your network may ignore these clicks)
A Strike against your channel only affects your channel and not the network
Managed Channels
As a Managed channel:
Every video you upload is instantly claimed and monetized from the first view
Content ID does not run on your channel
Your network decides whether or not to enable Revenue Visibility in your YouTube Analytics (some networks do, some don\'t, and Freedom! always enables Revenue Visibility)
The only way to unpartner is to ask nicely, unless you have a no lock-in contract
A Strike against your channel is a Strike against the network
Side-by-Side Comparison
Affiliated: No videos can be automatically claimed and monetized on upload
Managed: All videos are automatically claimed and monetized from the first view
Affiliated: Content ID runs on all videos
Managed: Content ID does not run on any videos, but videos can be found manually by other content owners with manual searches
Affiliated: YouTube automatically enables Revenue Visibility in your YouTube Analytics
Managed: The network decides whether or not to enable Revenue Visibility in your YouTube Analytics
Affiliated: You can request to unlink your channel from your YouTube Dashboard, but the network still needs to approve it
Managed: There is no option to unlink your channel from your YouTube Dashboard
Affiliated: All Strikes only affect the channel’s reputation with YouTube, not the network\'s
Managed: All Strikes affect the network\'s reputation with YouTube, in addition to the channel’s
At Freedom! we teach and train our partners about copyright.
This is the beginning of our copyright school that will help everyone understand how to be a responsible YouTuber!
Join us
Join Freedom! - - Be free.',
'e52' => 'What is the members panel?',
'a52' => 'The number of accepted applicants that have applied under you. Sometimes referred to as \'Partners\'.',
'e24' => 'If my category is about men\'s lifestyle',
'a24' => 'Then your content should focus on basically anything a man would want to watch.',
'e21' => 'If my category is about music',
'a21' => 'Then your content should focus on music videos, lyric videos, music visualizations, legal concert footage and live performances and other stuff concerned with music.',
'e44' => 'What does my account dashboard do?',
'a44' => 'Basically, it\'s your master control panel. Everything you need is indicated there in your dashboard, although some functionalitites are still under development, functions like viewing your statistics, editing your profile and landing page, adding channels and viewing your partners. As we development for Freedom rolls along, expect to be able to access the other functions that Freedom has to offer.',
'l79' => '',
'a79' => 'We enable Revenue Visibility on YouTube for everyone, so you can see exactly what YouTube says your channel is earning.
When we do this the first time after you join Freedom! or a Network with us, YouTube re-starts your revenue report. You will be paid everything you are owed before you join us, but YouTube chooses to hide that historical revenue data whenever you join any new Network.
How do you feel about this? Share your thoughts below!
Partner with us at and be free :)',
'a41' => 'You may have mistyped your password. The fields are case-sensitive and does not accept special characters. Make sure that the password you are entering are correct without any special characters.',
'a42' => 'You may have mistyped your username. The fields are case-sensitive and does not accept special characters. Make sure that the username you are entering are correct without any special characters.',
'e47' => 'Why is my website URL not accepted when I update it?',
'a47' => 'Your website URL should not have special characters and should be a valid and existing website. E.g.,(,',
'e61' => 'What is network application?',
'a61' => 'This is whre you\'ll find all the channels that have applied to you. If you are a network, you will be able to accept or reject these said applications.',
'e50' => 'What\'s my network profile for?',
'a50' => 'The network profile is the same as the landing page. It acts as a home page for your profile under Freedom.',
'e53' => 'What are network statistics?',
'a53' => 'Network statistics are the gauges of your network. They tell you of how many views you have, how many subscribers and how many likes you have obtained. It\'s a good ruler if a network has quality content.',
'e54' => 'What are members under the network statistics panel?',
'a54' => 'The number of accepted applicants that hve applied under you. Sometimes referred to as "Partners".',
'e57' => 'What are network views under the network statistics panel?',
'a57' => 'For us to identify how old you are and if your content is appropriate for your age range. Don\'t worry, it\'s just a preference!',
'a3' => 'Meaning you can come and go anytime! That\'s right, anytime! If you feel our service is not of help to you or you are not growing under our wing, you can leave. No questions asked. (Just give us a 30-day notice so we\'ll know.)',
'a6' => 'We pay you straight up, no BS, no hidden fees, no slashes, no anything! If you earn $1, we pay you $1. If you earn $100,000, we pay you $100,000. That goes for all our partners!',
'e56' => 'What are no. of referrals under the network statistics panel?',
'a56' => 'The number of channels and or networks that have applied to Freedom that you referred or recruited.',
'a7' => 'You own your channel and content. No questions asked. We won\'t own your content because we are only your partners. You are the one to create the content, make sure it\'s something people would want to watch while we make sure that the videos you make get noticed which makes us both happy!',
'e26' => ' If my category is about parenting',
'a26' => 'Then your content should focus on ways of how to raise a child right, parenting tips and other stuff concerned with parenting.',
'e28' => 'If my category is about pets',
'a28' => 'Then your content should focus on pet hygiene, new pet trends, new pet breeds and other stuff concerned with pets.',
'a10' => 'Yes, we have a lot of record labels that have signed with us and you, yes you! Have access to their professional music that you can use on your content to make it more enticing and more fun for people to watch. Here in Freedom, we are family and family help each other!',
'a5' => 'Your revenue starts at 60% of YouTube\'s 100% and there\'s no way else to go but up!',
'a4' => 'It means you can view your progress and earnings whenever you feel like it! We won\'t hide anything from you!',
'e31' => 'If my category is about science and technology',
'a31' => 'Then your content should focus on inventions, physics, biology, chemistry, home experiments, technology breakthroughs and other stuff concerned with science and technology.',
'a36' => 'Then your content should focus on extreme sports, skateboarding, action movie behind the scenes, skateboarding, freestyle motocross, parkour and other stuff concerned with stunts and or action sports.',
'e59' => 'What are subscriber count under the network statistics panel?',
'a59' => 'The number of subscribers your channel have.',
'e58' => 'What are video count under the network statistics panel?',
'a58' => 'The number of PUBLIC videos you have published in your channel. Unlisted and private videos are not included in the tally.',
'e29' => 'If my category is about vlogging',
'a29' => 'Then your content should focus on video blogging. Any topic that you are talking about in your vlog is okay, as long as you are doing under the circumstances of video blogging.',
'a88' => 'Copyright strikes are sort of like markers for YouTube to check if your content is illegal and if you are uploading videos without the consent of the original uploader. If you have a good copyright strike standing, it means that you upload content that are purely original and are mostly your own content. If you have a bad copyright strike standing, it means that most of the videos in your channel that you uploaded are not your original content and that basically accounts to stealing. YouTube can track this kind of activity because YouTube has a Content ID system that is embedded in most videos that identifies them as the original video, and if the same video that is re-uploaded does not have that same Content ID, it can be taken down or monetized to the original uploader\'s will.',
'l68' => '',
'a68' => 'Some channels get $20 CPM. Others get $2 CPM, and everything in between. We never make promises about CPM because it all depends on the channel\'s content.
How is this possible?
Our CEO, George Vanous, personally met with Google and signed the YouTube contract.
This means we have our own YouTube account manager and support team helping us help you, our partners. In other words, Freedom! is not a subnetwork or under some other network.
Yes, but what about your CPM?
The point we are making is: our YouTube CPM is the same as every other network\'s YouTube CPM.
Fluctuations in CPM are based on the quality of content on each channel and how \'advertiser friendly\' it is.
As a network, we do not offer guaranteed higher CPM. We distinguish ourselves by offering (to name just a few) a no lock-in contract, a fast PSN (partner support network), a friendly community and technology like the Videobar - see - all of which will help you grow faster and earn more revenue.
Our suggestion: Try us for 3 months, and if you don\'t like it, you can always unpartner because we will never lock you in!
Partner with us at and be free :)',
'a1' => 'Freedom is a YouTube MCN (Multi-Channel Network) that allows channels and networks alike to produce videos under its\' name. Applying to us gives you access to tricks and techniques to creating better content, tools that we created that can help you garner more views, likes, subscribers and watch time and be able to reach out to more people.All you have to do is sign-up, wait and voila! Just make videos and start earning and start growing!',
'l84' => '是如何支付我所賺的收入.772/',
'a84' => 'You get paid 45-60 days after the end of the monetized view of a month. For example, when December of 2013 is done, you will get your payment for that month in February 2014. and when January of 2014 is done, you will get your payment for that month in March 2014, and so on.',
'a64' => 'Every application requires for us to review your account to see if you have good copyright standing, if you have sufficient views, and if your content is appropriate or not. This process usually takes about 12 hours after the final process in your application is done. All we ask is a little patience because we should be very careful in all applications as some could be a hoax and could hurt our integrity. If after 12 hours and you still have not received the result of your channel review, you may contact us directly at',
'a89' => 'Freedom is a work-in-progress. Some of its functions are still being developed and tested to avoid any unnecessary bugs or crashes that can affect the user experience. We hope that you bear with us and continue supporting Freedom and we assure you that we are working hard to bring you the complete and flawless Freedom in the very near future.',
'a87' => 'We need to thoroughly review and assess your channel if you are eligible to be accepted or not. This is just a precautionary measure for us as there are a lot of hoax going around and channels that have illegal content. It may be a long process but we ask you to bear with us as this is important for us to make sure that we are accepting the correct people into Freedom.',
'a65' => 'Possibly because after a strict and thorough review of our team, we may had found that your channel contains inappropriate content, and or illegal content, or it is a hoax or inactive account. Either way, if we do find that your channel that is not appropriate within the terms of our contract, we will reject your application. But not to worry, you can try to apply again after 12 hours! But be sure to clean up your channel and make sure everything is within the lines so you wouldn\'t be rejected again!',
'e25' => 'If my category is about women\'s lifestyle',
'a25' => 'Then your content should focus on basically anything a woman would want to watch.',
'e19' => 'What is a YouTube channel category?',
'a19' => 'The YouTube channel category identifies the content of your videos. For example, if you are a musician or a band, your category should be Music. And if you\'re a stand-up comedian and most of your videos are of your performances, a definite category for you is Comedy. And if you talk about the universe, conduct simple home experiments or invent cool new toys, then the category Science and Technology fits you well. And so on and so forth. Categorizing content is important so that we can index your videos to the correct places and we can target them to specific audiences that will surely understand, watch and love them.',
'e13' => 'Why do I need to partner-up with Freedom?',
'a13' => 'Because we can help you grow and get your content noticed and garner more views and watch time! And longer watch times mean more revenue for you! And also we have thousands of partners that can use your content for their own content and collaborate! And in that way, you can even get more views and watch time even from your non-targeted audience. Cool!',
'e20' => ' If my category is about gaming',
'a20' => 'Then your content should focus on playthroughs, gameplay videos, game reviews, game trailers, game casting, game competition livestreaming and other stuff concerned with gaming.',
'e22' => 'If my category is about electronic music',
'a22' => 'Then your content should focus on EDM (Electronic Dance Music), dubstep, synth-pop music videos, lyric videos, music visualizations, legal concert footage and live performances and other stuff concerned with electronic music.',
'f1' => 'What is Freedom!?',
'f2' => 'Why Freedom!?',
'f3' => 'Where is Freedom!?',
'f4' => 'When did Freedom! start?',
'f5' => 'How do I join Freedom!? (Partner)',
'f6' => 'How do I join Freedom!? (Staff)',
'f7' => 'What do we offer?',
'f8' => 'Fastest growing MCN?',
'f9' => 'How does this work again?',
'f10' => 'George Vanous? Who is he?',
'f11' => 'How do I leave Freedom!?',
'af2' => 'Why don\'t you apply and find out? A lot of partners have positive feedback for us and what we do here in Freedom!. So to know why Freedom! is one of the best MCNs today, you have to experience it first hand. Try us out!<br/>Check out all of the <a href=\'\' style=\'color:red\'><b>videos</b></a> we made to help you decide!',
'af3' => 'Currently, the main office of Freedom! is situated in the Philippines where George\'s family also stays. But Freedom! also has staff members all around the world ready to help.',
'af4' => 'Since December of 2013, and still going strong.',
'af5' => 'Just click the \'Partner with Us\' button on the landing page of the site, just follow the instructions and before you know it your part of the Freedom! family!',
'af6' => 'Watch this video and find out!',
'af7' => 'We offer no lock-in contracts, transparency on earnings and 110% revenue boosts and a lot more goodies. All of these are to be availed by all our partners who put their trust in us. Everything else is shown on the website front page.',
'af8' => 'Check out our <a href="" style="color:red;"><b>earnings report</b></a> and you be the judge.',
'af10' => 'George is the CEO and Founder of Freedom!. He was also the CEO of TGN (TheGameNetwork) before. He left that venture to found any.TV and now he is back with his new YouTube startup that is making waves in the scene. People that have followed him before knows how great of a leader he is as he is leading Freedom! into a new age of MCNs.',
'af11' => 'Watch this video to find out!',
'n1' => 'Home',
'n2' => 'Training',
'n3' => 'Careers',
'n4' => 'Spotlights',
'n5' => 'Sponsorships',
'n6' => 'XSplit',
'n7' => 'Movies',
'n8' => 'Music and Music 2.0',
'n9' => 'Matchmaking and Looking for Groups',
'n10' => 'Profile',
'n11' => 'Prospects',
'n12' => 'Partners',
'n13' => 'Analytics',
'n14' => 'Payouts',
'n15' => 'Freedom! Points',
'n16' => 'Leaderboards',
'n17' => 'Tools',
'an1' => 'In the Home tab, you\'ll find short intros about your channel as well as your quick stats and notifications. You\'ll also find your payments from the previous months as well as some important Freedom! videos and some FAQs.',
'an2' => 'In the Training tab, you\'ll find important stuff to help partners improve their channels, as well as giveaways, do\'s and dont\'s and more. In this selections, videos are included to explain throroughly to the users and further their channel\'s content.',
'an3' => 'In the Careers tab, you\'ll find a video of George explaining how to work for Freedom! full time!<br/>You can also check out the video here. ',
'an4' => 'In the Spotlights tab, you\'ll find a video of George showcasing small channels and giving them the \'spotlight\'. Basically endorsing them so they will grow faster! But of course, You will have to state your claim and tell us why you deserve to be part of the Small Channel Spotlight!<br/><br/>Check out and example video here of a channel showcased in the Spotlight!',
'an5' => 'In the Sponsorships tab, you\'ll find videos on how to get sponsored and features our featured sponsor MSI!<br/><br/>You can also check out the videos here.',
'an6' => 'In the XSplit tab, you\'ll find how to get XSplit and use it on your content to make it look more professional and well done.<br/><br/>You can also check out the video here for more information.',
'an7' => 'In the Movies tab, you\'ll find movies made by our talented partners, these are showcased here.<br/><br/>Check out one and George\'s review here!',
'an8a' => 'In the Music tab, you\'ll find our partners from SoundCloud that offer their music for free. Check out this video!',
'an8b' => 'And in the Music 2.0 tab, you\'ll find the music uploader where you can upload and download your own content and or share it with other Freedom! partners. It\'s a cool way of helping content creators help others to improve their craft.',
'an9a' => 'In the Matchmaking tab, this is where you post requests for intros, banners, thumbs and other stuff to help improve your content. Check out the video here!',
'an9b' => 'And in the Looking for Groups tab, It\'s almost the same as matchmaking but for those who are looking for groups of people to help with certain things regarding YouTube.',
'an10' => 'In the Profile tab, you\'ll find your stats, channels that you\'ve added (if you\'re a network) and helpful videos on how to accept YouTube partnership and to know if you\'re partnered. You can customize your referral email here, view your network landing page, edit your profile, reset your password and visit your website.<br/><br/>You can watch the videos here as well.',
'an11' => 'In the Prospects tab, you\'ll find the YouTubers that have been referred. It is sorted as Pending, Accepted and Rejected. There is also a Recruiter Trackboard where you can list and save all of the channels you have contacted.<br/><br/>Check the video here.',
'an12' => 'In the Partners tab, you\'ll find the channels under you. (if you\'re a network) You can also select filters depending on the status of the channels.',
'an13' => 'In the Analytics tab, you can search for your YouTube analytics or the analytics of the channels under you if you are a network. It is cool tool that can help you scale and measure your performances for certain time points.',
'an14' => 'In the Payouts tab, you can see the channels and their rev shares with the date effective. You can also change these settings (increase revenue share) if the channel deserves it.',
'an15' => 'In the Freedom! Points tab, you can see your current Freedom! Points as well as redeem them for extra rev share for select months. It is still in beta and in the future, Freedom! is looking to implement it as an online currency to redeem goodies such as merchandise to increased revenue share and others.',
'an16' => 'In the Leaderboards tab, you can see the current rankings of the channels depending on various stats such as views and subscribers.',
'an17' => 'In the Tools tab, you\'ll find the various applications that can help you with your YouTube channel such as being able to change the metadata, insert videos to playlists, view the best time to upload videos and more.',
'navigation' => 'Navigation',
'important' => 'Important',
'cid1' => 'Content ID, will I get it?',
'cid2' => 'Content ID, will I get it? Yes!',
'cid3' => 'Originally posted from',
'cid4' => 'Freedom! makes Content ID available to all partners using our dashboard.',
'cid5' => 'You can specify which videos we should fingerprint, <b>including music-only tracks like MP3 files,</b> and we will find all copies of your content wherever it is used on other channels, even if it is in the middle of a video (but not gameplay videos).',
'cid6' => 'Why not gameplay?',
'cid7' => 'See',
'cid8' => 'Since many gamers create videos with similar scenes from, say, Call of Duty, then Content ID will falsely match all these similar scenes as \'copies\' of your original work. This is why no one uses Content ID for gameplay videos.',
'cid9' => 'Content ID works great for original videos, like vlogs, music, music videos, and many other non-gameplay content.',
'cid10' => 'Partner with us at and get Content ID.',
'con1' => 'What contracts does Freedom! offer?',
'con2' => 'For YouTube Channels',
'con3' => 'YouTube Freedom Contract Explained',
'con4' => 'For YouTube Networks',
'con5' => 'Freedom! Network Contract Explained',
'con6' => 'For Musicians',
'con7' => 'Freedom! Music Contract Explained',
'nk1' => 'Network keypoints?',
'nk2' => 'Your own MCN',
'nk3' => 'We are happy to sponsor Networks for a release into their own MCN with YouTube after they grow big. What is "big"? Typically 100 million views per month, but this is open to discussion.',
'nk4' => 'Network Revenue Share',
'nk5' => 'We split all net revenue 50/50 with Networks. Freedom! is your technology partner and we handle everything to do with the dashboard, websites, forums and payments.',
'nk6' => 'Partner Revenue Share',
'nk7' => 'Our base revenue share with partners is 60% that can grow to 110%, but we make exceptions when there are competing offers or the channel is large enough. See How Can I Earn 110% Explained.',
'nk8' => 'Partner Requirements',
'nk9' => 'We look for 30 views/day (which is 1,000 per month) but we can make exceptions.',
'nk10' => 'Join Us',
'nk11' => 'Become a Network at and be free',
'r1' => 'Do recruiters get paid?',
'r2' => 'Recruiters get 15% of net for 1 year.',
'r3' => 'For example, if $100 comes in from YouTube and a partner has a 60% revenue share, then:',
'r4' => 'Partner',
'r5' => 'Recruiter',
'r6' => 'for 1 year',
'r7' => 'Network',
'r8' => '$60 goes to partner. From the remaining $40, 15% ($6) goes to recruiter, and the rest ($34) is split 50/50 ($17 each) with the Network.',
'r9' => 'Basically, we both give $3 to the recruiter.',
'r10' => 'If there is no recruiter (i.e. the channel comes to you directly) then:',
'r11' => 'Everybody gets a "Refer-a-Friend" link in their Freedom! dashboard. Sharing it with your friends makes you a recruiter!',
'r12' => 'Become a Network or partner your channel with us at and be free',
'get1' => 'How does Freedom! help me get noticed on YouTube?',
'get2' => 'Good question!',
'get3' => 'Click "2" in the Videobar of this video:',
'get4' => 'Also see the Promote Your Videos and Channels forum in the Freedom! community.',
'get5' => 'You can create your own website on, a video social network built by any.TV and Freedom!',
'btn#partner' => 'Partner with us',
'paragraph#forum' => 'visit our Freedom! forums<hr class=\'hbox\'>',
'paragraph#addlink1' => '<a class=\'btn-hbox clearfix\' target=\'_blank\' href=\'\'>Partner your livestream channel now!</a>',
'paragraph#addlink2' => '<a class=\'btn-hbox clearfix\' target=\'_blank\' href=\'\'>Exclusive FiXT + Position Music - Free for you!</a>',
'paragraph#addlink3' => '<a class=\'btn-hbox clearfix\' target=\'_blank\' href=\'\'>New YouTube &quot;Global chat&quot; is here!</a>',
'paragraph#wif' => '<iframe src=\';controls=0&amp;showinfo=0\' frameborder=\'0\' allowfullscreen></iframe>',
'paragraph#revenue' => '<h1>60% base revenue share (can grow to 110%)</h1><h1>We enable Revenue Visibility for everyone (full transparency)</h1><h1>No lock-in forever (can leave anytime)</h1>',
'paragraph#direct' => '<h3>Direct with YouTube</h3><p>We are not a subnetwork under some other network, we signed the Google contract directly</p>',
'paragraph#nolockin' => '<h3>No lock-in forever</h3><p>Come or go anytime, you decide when (just give us 30 days notice)</p>',
'paragraph#transparency' => '<h3>Transparency</h3><p>We enable revenue visibility in your YouTube channel and nothing is hidden</p>',
'paragraph#revenueshare' => '<h3>Revenue share</h3><p>Start at 60% of YouTube\'s 100% net and grow from there (i.e. it is not 60% of 80% or some other silliness)</p>',
'paragraph#nominimumpayout' => '<h3>No minimum payout</h3><p>If you earn $1, we pay you $1</p>',
'paragraph#ownership' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>Ownership</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>You own your channel and content, and we are your technology partner</p></div>',
'paragraph#contentid' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>Content ID</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>We\'ll make sure that your original content will be taken care of by monetizing or taking down any copies on YouTube.</p></div>',
'paragraph#audioonly' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>Music</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>See <a href=\'\'></a> for the music you may use as our partner!</p></div>',
'paragraph#recordlabels' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>Record labels</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>Many record labels signed with us, and we negotiated access to professional music for you!</p></div>',
'paragraph#managednotaffiliated' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>Minecraft servers: Play with us!</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>Join our Minecraft Freedom! server at (type that into Minecraft, it is not a website)</p></div>',
'paragraph#nowitholdingtax' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>No withholding tax</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>You earn 100% of everything you make. This means we pay you 100% of everything you earn - nothing is withheld. Simple.</p></div>',
'paragraph#wesponsor' => '<div class=\'wu-tit\'><h3>We sponsor networks</h3></div><div class=\'wu-desc\'><p>Tell us your business plan and why you want to be a network. If accepted, we are your technology partner but you make all the decisions.</p></div>',
'paragraph#requirements' => 'Requirements',
'paragraph#viewrequirements' => '<h2>View requirements: </h2><h3>33 views a day (1,000 per month), but honestly, the only real requirement is no copyright content</h3>',
'paragraph#contentrequirements' => '<h2>Content requirements: </h2><h3>Anything! Gaming, music, vlog, beauty, and so on</h3>',
'paragraph#model' => 'Meet one of our partners: the beautiful K.A. Antonio, a professional musician.',
'paragraph#seeherunique' => '<h2>See her <a href="">unique music video on YouTube<i class="fa fa-youtube-play"></i></a></h2>',
'paragraph#partnerwith' => 'Partner with Freedom! and be free.',
'paragraph#becomeanetwork' => 'Become a Network',
'paragraph#step1' => '<h2>Step 1: </h2><h3>Watch this <a class=\'lnk-orng\' href=\'\'>video on YouTube <i class=\'fa fa-youtube-play\'></i></a></h3>',
'paragraph#step2' => '<h2>Step 2: </h2><h3>Submit your business plan <br>(The link is below the video in Step 1)</h3>',
'paragraph#orlogin' => 'Login with your account',
'paragraph#help' => 'Help',
'paragraph#about' => 'About',
'paragraph#login' => 'Sign in',
'paragraph#language' => 'Language',
'paragraph#faq' => 'FAQ',
'paragraph#freedom' => 'Freedom',
'paragraph#beayoutubepartner' => '<p>Be free.</p><h1 class=\'rbn\'><strong class=\'rbn-content\'> <p style=\'color: #333;font-weight: 300;\'>We help you grow faster!</p><span style=\'color:#ef4136; font-size:30px;\'>How?</span><a style=\'color:#ef4136; font-size:30px; font-weight: 300;\' href=\'\'> See our Growth Report</a></strong></h1><p>with NO LOCK-IN forever!</p>',
'paragraph#newherotext' => '<p class=\'hero-p1\'>We help you grow faster on YouTube!</p><p class=\'hero-p2\'>No lock-in forever!<p>',
'lbl#or' => 'or',
'vid#intro' => '',
'header#faq' => '<a href=\'\'>FAQ</a>',
'paragraph#freedomforums' => '<a href=\'\'>Freedom! forums</a>',
'whatisfreedom' => 'What is Freedom!?',
'freedomvideo' => '4fBFpipiuj0',
'login#dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'login#signin' => 'Sign in',
'login#or' => 'or',
'login#staysignedin' => 'Stay signed in',
'login#signinwithgoogle' => 'Sign in with Google',
'loginplaceholder#username' => 'Username',
'loginplaceholder#password' => 'Password',
'experience' => 'Experience with the product is highly recommended for sponsorship consideration.',
'needhelp' => '<a href="" class="pull-right"">Need help?</a>',
'walkthrough' => 'Walkthrough',
'transition1' => 'Transition to new Freedom! Dashboard',
'transition2' => 'We\'re transferring your data to the new Dashboard. Help us know your main user account so you can login to the new dashboard.',
'transition3' => 'We encourage everyone to do this before november 15, saturday. Failure to do so might result to inaccurate data in the new dashboard.',
'transition4' => 'The email that you will authenticate will be the one used for the new dashboard.',
'transition5' => 'Authenticate',
'ironside' => 'Ironside Computers',
'product' => 'Product program',
'productdesc' => 'For channels with 6,000+ views per video per day can get sponsored with Ironside products.',
'p2' => 'KontrolFreek is the leading developer of innovative gaming accessories that enhance the gaming experience and give gamers of all skill levels the competitive edge.',
'p3' => 'KontrolFreek products are developed based on a careful study of ergonomics, ensuring each product also helps to reduce gamer fatigue, improving overall comfort',
'minimum' => 'Minimum requirement of 10,000 subscribers',
'evaluated' => 'Channels will be evaluated if you are close to 10k',
'checkout' => 'Check out Kontrol Freek\'s website at',
'leaderboards#overallrankings' => 'Overall Rankings',
'leaderboards#channelname' => 'Channel name',
'leaderboards#views' => 'Views',
'leaderboards#subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'leaderboards#comments' => 'Comments',
'leaderboards#videos' => 'Videos posted',
'leaderboards#mvc' => 'Most viewed channels',
'leaderboards#msc' => 'Most subscribed channels',
'leaderboards#mcc' => 'Most commented channels',
'leaderboards#mostvideos' => 'Channels with most videos posted',
'leaderboards#recruitersleaderboard' => 'Recruiters leaderboard',
'leaderboards#name' => 'Name',
'leaderboards#successful' => 'Successful recruits',
'leaderboards#pending' => 'Pending recruits',
'leaderboards#failed' => 'Failed recruits',
'leaderboards#total' => 'Total no. of recruits',
'invites#id' => 'Custom ID',
'invites#channel' => 'Channel',
'invites#last30days' => 'Last 30 days',
'invites#subscribers' => 'Subscribers',
'invites#owner' => 'Owner',
'invites#status' => 'Status',
'invites#referrer' => 'Referrer',
'partners#allpartners' => 'All Partners',
'partners#link' => 'Links',
'partners#cms' => 'CMS',
'partners#network' => 'Network',
'partners#recruiters' => 'Recruiter',
'partners#norecruiters' => 'No recruiters',
'partners#allrecruiters' => 'All Recruiters',
'cm#comingsoon' => 'Feature coming soon!',
'cm#back' => 'Back',
'affiliated' => 'Affiliated',
'managed' => 'Managed',
'channelname' => 'Channel name',
'datecreated' => 'Date Created',
'last30dayviews' => 'Last 30 day views',
'os' => 'Average Overall Standing',
'cgs' => 'Average Community Guidelines Standing',
'css' => 'Average Copyright Strikes Standing',
'ccs' => 'Average Content Claims ID Standing',
'good' => 'Good',
'bad' => 'Bad',
'sponsor' => 'Sponsored by',
'networksubscount' => 'Network subscriber count',
'networkchannels' => 'Network channels',
'networkviews' => 'Network views',
'networkvideocount' => 'Network video count',
'recruiter' => 'Recruiter',
'name' => 'Name:',
'successfulrecruits' => 'Successful recruits',
'pendingrecruits' => 'Pending recruits',
'failedrecruits' => 'Failed recruits',
'totalnoofrecruits' => 'Total no. of recruits',
't3bsc' => 'Top 3 Best Statistical Channels',
't3mcc' => 'Top 3 Most Commented Channels',
't3mvc' => 'Top 3 Most Viewed Channels',
't3msc' => 'Top 3 Most Subscribed Channels',
't3cmvp' => 'Top 3 Channels with Most Videos Posted',
'set' => 'Set MailChimp API key',
'itlookslike' => 'It looks like it\'s your first time to use this feature. To continue, kindly complete the form below:',
'skills' => 'Skills',
'description' => 'Description',
'lookforpartner' => 'Look for a Partner',
'lookforpair' => 'Look for a Pair',
'grouprequests' => 'Group Requests',
'sentrequests' => 'Pending Requests',
'leavegroup' => 'Leave Group',
'countryandtime' => 'Country & Time Zone',
'timezone' => 'Time Zone',
'pskills' => 'Skills',
'pdesc' => 'Community Members that have between 150,000 - 599,999 views per month. You will receive a custom controller of your choosing to review.',
'selectcountry' => 'Select Country',
'selecttimezone' => 'Select Time Zone',
'training' => 'Training',
'partners' => 'Partners',
'recruiters' => 'Recruiters',
'networks' => 'Networks',
'analytics' => 'Analytics',
'payout' => 'Payout',
'all' => 'All',
'applied' => 'Applied',
'accepted' => 'The :attribute must be accepted.',
'incms' => 'Channels in CMS',
'notincms' => 'Channels not in CMS',
'acceptedfreedom' => 'Freedom! Accepted Partners',
'acceptednetworkpartners' => 'Network Partners',
'networkacceptedpartners' => 'Network Accepted Partners',
'pendingnetworkpartners' => 'Pending Network Partners',
'pendingchannels' => 'Pending channels',
'campaigns' => 'Campaigns',
'campaign' => 'XSplit',
'rejected' => 'Rejected',
'vote' => 'Vote',
'errors' => 'emails encountered errors.',
'contact' => 'Contact',
'checker' => 'Checker',
'linkedpartners' => 'Linked parnters',
'ranking' => 'Ranking',
'social_campaign' => 'Social Campaign',
'upload_suggestion' => 'Upload Suggestions',
'upload_transaction_file' => 'Upload Paypal Transactions',
'themes' => 'Themes',
'pendingrevshare' => 'Revenue Share Changes',
'sponsoredby' => 'Sponsored by',
'direct' => 'Direct',
'tweak' => 'Tweak',
'export' => 'Export Payout',
'profile' => '<i class="fa fa-user"></i>Profile',
'prospects' => 'Prospects',
'referrallink' => 'Referral Link',
'potentials' => 'Potential List',
'recruitslist' => 'Recruits List',
'contract' => 'Contract Signing',
'disagreed' => 'Disagreed',
'confirmed' => 'The :attribute confirmation does not match.',
'waitingconfirmation' => 'Waiting Confirmation',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'inviteslink' => 'Refer-a-Friend Link',
'invitesboard' => 'Recruiter Trackboard',
'invitespending' => 'Pending',
'invitesaccepted' => 'Accepted',
'invitesrejected' => 'Rejected',
'insight' => 'Insights',
'partnerslist' => 'Export All Partners',
'split_testing' => 'Split Testing',
'revenue' => 'Revenue',
'upload' => 'Upload a PayPal transaction file',
'choosingtype' => '<i class="fa fa-share"></i>Choosing Class',
'overview' => 'Home',
'leaderboard' => 'Leaderboard',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'matchmaking' => '<span>Matchmaking Service</span> for you!',
'lfg' => 'LFG - Looking for Group',
'breakdown' => 'Breakdown',
'music2' => 'Music 2.0',
'redeem' => 'Redeem',
'points' => 'Points',
'changes' => 'Changes',
'stats' => 'Stats',
'sponsored' => 'Sponsored',
'cms' => 'CMS',
'linked-partners' => 'Link Partners',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'cmslink' => 'CMS Linkage',
'crowdfunding' => 'Crowdfunding',
'spotlight' => 'Spotlights',
'movie' => 'Movie',
'careers' => 'Careers',
'emails' => 'Emails',
'accept_email' => 'Accepting Email',
'reject_email' => 'Reject Email',
'preconfirm_email' => 'Preconfirmed Email',
'mailchimp' => 'MailChimp',
'reviews' => 'Reviews',
'ipartners' => '<i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Partners',
'irecruiters' => '<i class="fa fa-link"></i>Recruiters',
'itraining' => '<i class="fa fa-book"></i>Training',
'ioverview' => '<i class="fa fa-home"></i>Home',
'iprofile' => '<i class="fa fa-user"></i>Profile',
'ileaderboard' => '<i class="fa fa-th-list"></i>Leaderboard',
'inetworks' => '<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>Networks',
'itools' => '<i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>Tools',
'ipayout' => '<i class="fa fa-usd"></i>Payouts',
'irevenue' => '<i class="fa fa-usd"></i>Revenue',
'ianalytics' => '<i class="fa fa-signal"></i>Analytics',
'iprospects' => '<i class="fa fa-users"></i>Prospects',
'ilfg' => '<i class="fa fa-comments"></i>Looking for Group <sup class="new">beta</sup>',
'icrowdfunding' => '<i class="fa fa-group"></i>Crowdfunding',
'ireviews' => '<i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i>Sponsorship Reviews',
'imusic' => '<i class="fa fa-music"></i>Music <sup class="new">beta</sup>',
'musicians' => 'Musician',
'imatchmaking' => '<i class="fa fa-group"></i>Matchmaking <sup class="new">beta</sup>',
'imusic2' => '<i class="fa fa-music"></i>Music 2.0 <sup class="new">beta</sup>',
'icampaigns' => '<i class="fa icon-xsplit"></i>XSplit',
'imore' => '<center><i style="font-size:11px;">(More sponsorships coming soon)</i></center>',
'iredeem' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i>Freedom! Points <sup class="new">beta</sup>',
'imovie' => '<i class="fa fa-video-camera"></i>Movies',
'icareers' => '<i class="fa fa-suitcase"></i>Careers',
'community' => '<i class="fa fa-comment-o"></i>Community forums',
'links' => '<i class="fa fa-exclamation"></i>Important links',
'admin' => '<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>Administrator',
'superadmin' => '<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>Super Administrator',
'isponsorships' => '<i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i>Sponsorships!',
'isponsorship' => '<i class="fa icon-sponsor-alt"></i>$100,000 Sponsorship!',
'ispotlight' => '<i class="fa fa-youtube-play"></i>Spotlights',
'igammalabs' => '<i class="fa fa-flask"></i>Gamma Labs',
'igamdias' => '<i class="fa fa-gamepad"></i>GAMDIAS',
'iironside' => '<i class="fa fa-laptop"></i>Ironside Computers',
'iaudiomicro' => '<i class="fa fa-headphones"></i>AudioMicro',
'iepidemic' => '<i class="fa fa-music"></i>Epidemic Sound',
'ienvioushost' => '<i class="fa fa-hdd-o"></i>Envious Host',
'icontrollermodz' => '<i class="fa fa-gamepad"></i>Controller Modz',
'ikontrolfreek' => '<i class="fa fa-gamepad"></i>Kontrol Freek <sup class ="new">new</sup>',
'iwatchme' => '<i class="fa fa-play"></i>Watch me!',
'ihitbox' => '<span class="lnk-hlight"><i class="fa icon-hitbox hitbox-adj"></i><span>Partner with hitbox!</span>',
'imgncms' => '<span class="lnk-hlight"><i class="fa fa-gamepad"></i><span>CMS for gamers only!</span>',
'posmusic' => '<span class="lnk-hlight"><i class="fa icon-position"></i>FiXT + Position Music <sup class ="new">free</sup></span>',
'cargvaway' => '<i class = "fa fa-gift"></i>$20,000 Car giveaway',
'freeoculus' => '<i class = "fa fa-gift"></i>Oculus giveaway',
'impulse_show' => '<i class = "fa icon-impulse"></i>Impulse Show',
'george_show' => '<i class = "fa fa-play"></i>The George Show',
'1m_paid_to_you' => '<span class="lnk-hlight"><i class="fa fa-money"></i>$1,000,000 paid to you</span>',
'hb_youtubers' => '<i class="fa icon-heartbeat"></i>Heartbeat',
'tsm_joins' => '<i class = "fa icon-tsm"></i>TSM joins Freedom!',
'position_music' => 'Position Music',
'impulse' => 'Impulse',
'heartbeat' => 'Download Heartbeat, for Chrome here!',
'tsm' => 'TSM Pro-gamers',
'envioushost' => 'Envious Host',
'gammalabs' => 'Gamma Labs',
'kontrolfreek' => 'Kontrol Freek',
'epidemic' => 'Epidemic Sound',
'controllermodz' => 'Controller Modz',
'car_giveaway' => '$20,000 Car giveaway!',
'hitbox' => 'Hitbox',
'earnings' => 'Earnings',
'watchthegeorgeshow' => 'Watch the George Show!',
'register' => 'Register',
'signout' => 'Sign out',
'applicants' => 'Applicants',
'suspects' => 'Suspects',
'upload_paypal_transaction' => 'Paypal Transactions',
'abnormal-cpm' => 'Abnormal CPM',
'potential-copyright-accounts' => 'Potential Spam Accounts',
'multiple-accounts' => 'Multiple Accounts',
'new-partners' => 'Unreviewed',
'unlink-channels' => 'Unlink Channels',
'review-channels' => 'Review Channels',
'suspect-reports' => 'Reports',
'reuters' => '<i class="fa fa-globe"></i> World News <sup class = "new">beta</sup>',
'mailchimpapikey' => 'MailChimp API Key',
'changeapikey' => 'Change API key',
'select' => 'Select MailChimp lists',
'subscribe' => 'Subscribe to XSplit',
'make' => 'Make partners subscribe to this list from now on.',
'note' => 'Note: This code gives you both XSplit Gamecaster and XSplit Broadcaster',
'added' => 'emails has been added.',
'email' => 'Visit <a href=\'\'><b></b></a> for your application, like Jovi\'s application in this video.',
'success' => 'Sucessfully connected:',
'thisfeatureisstillinbeta' => 'This feature is still in beta',
'forsuggestionsandbugreports' => 'for suggestions and bug reports, you may email <a href=""></a>',
'showmoreresults' => 'Show more results',
'findrequests' => 'Find requests',
'mymatches' => 'My matches',
'makearequest' => 'Make a request',
'myrequests' => 'My requests',
'shareyourtalent' => 'Share your talent',
'mytalents' => 'My talents',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'ineedsomeoneto' => 'I need someone to',
'preferreduser' => 'Preferred user',
'number' => 'Number',
'icanoffermyskillson' => 'I can offer my skills on',
'associateatalent' => 'Associate a talent',
'cancelmatch' => 'Cancel match',
'ohsnap' => 'Oh snap! It seems like you have had problems with this match. Please provide some feedback on the match.',
'welldone' => 'Well done! Please provide the output link below.',
'finishmatch' => 'Finish match',
'preferredprovider' => 'Preferred provider',
'client' => 'Client',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'flagasinappropriate' => 'Flag as inappropriate',
'accepttask' => 'Accept task',
'remainingslots' => 'Remaining slots',
'skillsneeded' => 'Skills needed',
'moredetails' => 'More details',
'outputlink' => 'Output link',
'related' => 'Related',
'suggestedpeople' => 'Suggested people',
'assignedto' => 'Assigned to',
'done' => 'Done',
'progress' => 'Progress',
'cancelled' => 'Cancelled',
'm1' => 'Password succesfully changed. Please check your email',
'm2' => 'An error occured. Please refresh and try again.',
'm3' => 'No related posts found',
'm4' => 'No Assignments',
'm5' => 'No Talents',
'm6' => 'No Notifications',
'whatismatchmaking' => 'What is Matchmaking?',
'desc1' => 'Dedicated YouTube CMS for gamers only!',
'heading2' => 'Benefits',
'l1' => 'Only for gamers',
'l2' => 'Access to exclusive gamer sponsorships and events',
'l3' => 'Special giveaways on <a target = "_blank" href = "">MGN</a>',
'l4' => 'Promotion for your videos on MGN hub channels like <a href = "" target="_blank">MGN LoL</a> and <a href = "" target="_blank">MGN WoW</a>',
'footer' => 'Join the new YouTube CMS for gamers only! - Simply open a ticket at ➜ <a href = "" target="_blank"></a>',
'btnvisit' => 'See MGN website',
'download' => 'Download',
'acceptapplication' => 'Accept application',
'remarks' => 'Remarks',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'makeadmin' => 'Make admin',
'removeadmin' => 'Remove admin rights',
'sendanemail' => 'Send an Email',
'editdashboard' => 'Edit profile',
'backtopending' => 'Back to pending',
'movetonetwork' => 'Move to network',
'movetosponsor' => 'Move to sponsor',
'upgradetonetwork' => 'Upgrade to network',
'savechanges' => 'Save changes',
'close' => 'Close',
'editpage' => 'Edit page',
'reject' => 'Reject',
'rejectapplication' => 'Reject application',
'restore' => 'Restore',
'reverttopartner' => 'Revert to partner',
'txtboxplaceholder' => 'Search ID, channel name, name of an applicant here',
'makedefaultchannel' => 'Make default channel',
'removechannel' => 'Remove channel',
'defaultchannel' => 'Default channel',
'nochannels' => 'No channel',
'applynow' => 'Apply now',
'setrecruiter' => 'Set recruiter',
'setpartnertorecruiter' => 'Set this partner to recruiter',
'enteruseridofrecruiter' => 'Enter user ID of recruiter',
'changeto' => 'Change to',
'toggledropdown' => 'Toggle dropdown',
'changetopartner' => 'Change to partner',
'nochannelsfound' => 'No channels found. Cannot move to partner',
'reportby' => 'Report by',
'day' => 'Day',
'week' => 'Week',
'30days' => '30 days',
'month' => 'Month',
'datefrom' => 'Date from',
'dateto' => 'Date to',
'totalviewcount' => 'Total view count',
'statistics' => 'Statistics',
'published' => 'Published',
'areyousure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry? All information of this user will be deleted if you continue.',
'yes' => 'Yes, Freedom! has a branding kit.',
'no' => 'No',
'reset_success' => 'Password succesfully changed.',
'reset_failed' => 'An error occured. Please refresh and try again.',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'nosubmittedvideos' => 'No submitted videos',
'togglenavigation' => 'Toggle navigation',
'errorlogs' => 'Error logs',
'contactnetworks' => 'Contact networks',
'contactpartners' => 'Contact partners',
'applications' => 'Applications',
'acceptednetworks' => 'Accepted networks',
'applicationsinnetworks' => 'Applications in networks',
'pendingpartners' => 'Pending partners',
'acceptedpartners' => 'Accepted partners',
'undecidedapplications' => 'Undecided applications',
'rejectedapplications' => 'Rejected applications',
'disagreedapplications' => 'Disagreed applications',
'allapplications' => 'All applications',
'deletedapplications' => 'Deleted applications',
'listmembers' => 'List members',
'overallfreedomstatistics' => 'Overall Freedom! Statistics',
'numberofmanagedchannels' => 'Number of Managed Channels',
'numberofaffiliatedchannels' => 'Number of Affiliated Channels',
'numberofsubpartneredchannels' => 'Number of subpartnered channels',
'generalinfo' => 'General Information',
'partnersos' => 'Partners\' Average Overall Standing',
'partnerscgs' => 'Partners\' Community Guidelines Standing',
'partnerscss' => 'Partners\' Copyright Strikes Standing',
'partnersccs' => 'Partners\' Content Claims ID Standing',
'exportpayout' => 'Export payout',
'selectdate' => 'Select date',
'choosewhichfilestoexport' => 'Choose which files to export',
'networkpayout' => 'Network payout',
'channelpayout' => 'Channel payout',
'recruiterpayout' => 'Recruiter payout',
'adminboard' => 'Admin board',
'copyrightissues' => 'Copyright issues',
'thisuser' => 'This user has passed the evaluations but did not signed the contract yet.',
'usergotrejected' => 'User got rejected.',
'pendingin' => 'Pending in',
'acceptedin' => 'Acceptedin',
'superadminactions' => 'Super Admin actions',
'datepublished' => 'Date published',
'averageviewspermonthis' => 'Average views per month is',
'goodstanding' => 'Good standing',
'notgoodstanding' => 'Not good standing',
'copyrightstrikes' => 'Copyright strikes',
'cantgetchannelanalytics' => 'Can\'t get channel analytics',
'searchresults' => 'Search results',
'networkmembers' => 'Network members',
'information' => 'Information',
'subject' => 'Subject',
'message' => 'Message',
'addemailaddress' => 'Add email address',
'subjectofyouremail' => 'Subject of your email',
'freedomnetworks' => 'Freedom! Networks',
'freedompartners' => 'Freedom! partners',
'invalidemailaddress' => 'Invalid email address',
'exportrevenueshares' => 'Export revenue shares',
'currentrevshare' => 'Current revenue shares',
'newrevshare' => 'New revenue shares',
'reason' => 'Reason',
'modified' => 'Modified',
'nomoreresults' => 'No more results',
'channelalreadyinuse' => 'Channel already in use',
'tmc' => 'Movie Channel',
'poweredbyfreedom' => 'Powered by Freedom!',
'watch' => 'Watch full-length feature films on our movie channel!',
'featured' => 'Featured movie:',
'doyoulike' => 'Do you like the',
'more' => 'Watch more movies!',
'fulllength' => 'Watch full-length movies for free (and some for pay) on The Movie Channel powered by Freedom!',
'enjoy' => 'Enjoy',
'noreviews' => 'This movie has no reviews yet',
'searchvia' => 'Search via',
'search' => 'Search',
'track' => 'Track',
'artist' => 'Artist',
'genre' => 'Genre',
'welcomeback' => 'Welcome back',
'tousesearch' => 'To use search, you must connect with SoundCloud first',
'enterakeyworkdhere' => 'Enter a keyword here',
'oursoundcloudpartners' => 'Our Music Partner',
'mymusic' => 'My Music',
'nameplaceholder' => 'Enter new track name here',
'genreplaceholder' => 'Enter new track genre here',
'descriptionplaceholder' => 'Enter new track description here',
'type' => 'Type',
'typeother' => 'Other',
'typeoneshotsample' => 'One Shot Sample',
'typesoundeffect' => 'Sound Effect',
'typeloop' => 'Loop',
'typestem' => 'Stem',
'typeworkinprogress' => 'Work in Progress',
'typedemo' => 'Demo',
'typepodcast' => 'Podcast',
'typespoken' => 'Spoken',
'typerecording' => 'Recording',
'typelive' => 'Live',
'typeremix' => 'Remix',
'typeoriginal' => 'Original',
'downloadable' => 'Downloadable',
'tags' => 'Tags',
'tagsplaceholder' => 'Enter tags here, separate by spaces',
'updatesuccess' => 'Update successful. Change may not reflect instantly due to some constraints in SoundCloud\'s API. (You may check SoundCloud to see if the track has indeed been updated.)',
'tracknamenotempty' => 'The track name should not be empty',
'youhavenotracks' => 'You have no tracks in your SoundCloud account',
'connecttosoundcloud' => 'Connect with SoundCloud',
'toseeyourmusic' => 'to see your music',
'attributionins' => 'Copy and paste the attribution below to your videos whenever using this music',
'attributiondesc' => 'Music used with permission for commercial purposes by any.TV for all Freedom! partners',
'freedom' => 'What is Freedom!?',
'noresultsfound' => 'No results found for',
'resultsfound' => 'Results found for',
'everypartner' => 'Every Freedom! partner has permission to use all the music below for commercial purposes in their videos or live streams',
'getmoremusic' => 'Get even more music',
'followers' => 'Followers',
'following' => 'Following',
'openwidget' => 'Fullplay',
'quickplay' => 'Quickplay',
'attribution' => 'Attribution',
'zhmusiclink' => '',
'zhmusictext' => '',
'info' => 'All of these songs are copyright free! Check out <a href="">this sheet</a> for the list of copyrighted and none-copyrighted tracks.',
'toview' => 'To view the tracks, choose an artist from the gallery to the left.',
'downloadme' => 'Download me!',
'duration' => 'Duration',
'downloads' => 'Downloads',
'playwidget' => 'Play widget',
'viewattribution' => 'View attribution',
'copypaste' => '*Copy and paste this attribution to your videos whenever using this track.',
'viewpaypal' => 'View PayPal Transactions',
'due' => 'due',
'video' => 'Video',
'friend' => 'Friend',
'livestream' => 'Livestream',
'esports' => 'eSports event',
'research' => 'My own research',
'thelisted' => 'The listed channels were flagged for suspicious activity, such as more monetized views than views. Your earnings are withheld until we determine there is no suspicious activity.',
'detailed' => 'For detailed information, click \'learn more\'',
'popoversuspicious' => 'See section 7 and section 4.2 of the YouTube contract you agreed to when applying to Freedom! or a network powered by Freedom!',
'paymentdate' => 'Payment date',
'paypaltransactions' => 'PayPal transactions',
'id' => 'ID',
'datesubmitted' => 'Date submitted',
'amount' => 'Amount',
'fee' => 'Fee',
'totalamount' => 'Total amount',
'completed' => 'Completed',
'unclaimed' => 'Unclaimed',
'returned' => 'Returned',
'denied' => 'Denied',
'blocked' => 'Blocked',
'userprospects' => 'User Prospects',
'exportascv' => 'Export as CSV',
'mailingaddress' => 'Mailing Address',
'nostatus' => 'No status',
'contacted' => 'Contacted',
'freedompending' => 'Pending for review',
'companypending' => 'Waiting for company\'s response',
'finalized' => 'Finalized',
'new' => 'new',
'sidenavigation' => 'Side Navigation',
'onhover' => 'On hover',
'background' => 'Background Image: Recommended Size (360 x 1350)',
'textcolor' => 'Text Color',
'betaicon' => 'Beta Icon',
'topnavigationbanner' => 'Top Navigation Banner',
'toplefttextcolor' => 'Top-left Text Color',
'toprighttextcolor' => 'Top-right Text Color',
'badgepoints' => 'Badge Points',
'text' => 'Text',
'applicationpageview' => 'Application Page View',
'aplicationmessage' => 'Application Message',
'applicationsteps' => 'Application Steps',
'currentstepbackground' => 'Current Step Background',
'currentsteptext' => 'Current Step Text',
'donemarker' => 'Done Marker',
'deletethisuser' => 'Delete this user?',
'loginasuser' => 'Login as user',
'setrecruitercommission' => 'Set recruiter commission',
'maxvalue' => 'Max value : 20',
'showreferrals' => 'Show Referals',
'exportchannels' => 'Export channels',
'perpage' => 'Per page',
'max1000' => 'max 1,000',
'skype' => 'Skype',
'keyword' => 'Keyword',
'slower' => 'slower',
'emailverification' => 'Email Verification',
'verificationsent' => 'NEW: Your email verification sent to <span id=\'user_email\'></span> is still pending. To send it again, <a href=\'/verify/send-mail\'>click here</a>.',
'hb' => 'Heartbeat - Dating for YouTubers',
'freedomlabs' => 'by Freedom! Labs',
'try' => 'Try Heartbeat! Don\'t get left in the dark.',
'heartbeatheading' => 'Heartbeat is dating for YouTubers!',
'get' => 'Get',
'if' => 'Freedom! will buy you a brand new $20,000 car if...',
'helpus' => 'Help us celebrate 10 billion views in the #FreedomFamily by entering this new car giveaway!',
'justfollow' => 'Just follow the instructions in the video above',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'requirements' => 'Requirements must be met, based on the videos that were uploaded in the last 30 day\'s and content must be relevant to the company\'s industry, ie "gaming channel promotes gaming mouse"',
'amdesc' => ' is Europe\'s Leading Retailer in Custom Modded Controllers for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 & PS4. They stock an extensive range of exclusive high quality designs as well as a comprehensive selection of customization and modchip upgrades, giving you full control over how your controller looks and performs.',
'adesc' => 'Community Members that have less than 150,000 views per month',
'bdesc' => 'Community Members that have 600,000+ views per month. You will receive a custom controller of your choosing to review and some financial support at the discretion of Controller Modz.',
'envdesc' => 'Envious Host Sponsorship Application',
'tier' => 'Tier',
'subs' => 'Subscribers',
'mineser' => 'Minecraft server',
'envdesc1' => 'Tiers may be adjusted individually based on views per month',
'envdesc2' => 'Envious Host may offer an ongoing monthly financial support for product promotions',
'hbheading' => 'Global chat on YouTube!',
'getaroom' => 'Get a room',
'hbhelps' => 'Heartbeat helps you grow faster!',
'hbdesc1' => 'YouTube Features',
'hbdesc2' => 'Realtime chat in "Get a room!"',
'hbdesc3' => 'turn on dark mode for night-time viewing',
'hbdesc4' => 'add your own website to youtube',
'hbdesc5' => 'search Youtube comments more easily',
'hbdesc6' => 'add on-click Youtube icons for video manager, analytics and comments',
'hbdesc7' => 'Videos',
'hbdesc8' => 'Get a room!',
'hbdesc9' => 'estimated earnings for each video',
'hbdesc10' => 'who monetizes each video',
'hbdesc11' => 'social stats on facebook, twitter, Google+',
'hbdesc12' => 'all video tags',
'hbdesc13' => 'video age',
'hbdesc14' => 'copy youtube annotations to you videos',
'hbdesc15' => 'channels',
'hbdesc16' => 'new custom tab on your channel',
'hbdesc17' => 'track view growth per day or month',
'hbdesc18' => 'track subscriber growth per day or month',
'hbdesc19' => 'track video count',
'hitdesc1' => 'Partner your livestream channel with Hitbox!',
'hitdesc2' => 'Freedom! is now a livestream MCN on Hitbox',
'hitplaceholder' => 'This will replace your current linked Hitbox account',
'hitp1' => 'Freedom is happy to announce a partnership with Hitbox. You can now earn revenue on your livestream.',
'hitp2' => 'All you need to do is to join the Hitbox Freedom! team by clicking the button below and you will receive your monthly earnings on your paypal.',
'hitp3' => 'After you have joined, you will receive an email from Hitbox confirming your membership of the Hitbox Freedom! team. You can add multiple Hitbox channel by repeating the process.',
'hitp4' => 'Watch the video announcement by George below or <a href = "" target = "_blank">click here</a> to read the FAQ on our support forum.',
'hitp5' => 'Press Release:',
'hitth' => 'Hitbox channels joined with the Freedom! team',
'hitsync' => 'Sync with Hitbox',
'hitpartnered' => 'You are now part of the Freedom! team on hitbox.',
'watchmore' => 'Watch more of Impulse',
'1mheading' => '$1,000,000 paid to you - the #FreedomFamily',
'1mdesc1' => 'In December 2014, we broke the payment record!',
'1mdesc2' => 'We paid out over $1,000,000 to our partners and networks for their earnings in December.',
'1mwatch' => 'Watch this video!',
'1mwatchmore' => 'Watch more of The George Show',
'fixtheading' => 'FiXT + Position Music is free only for #FreedomFamily at ➜ <a href = "" target = "_blank"></a>',
'fixtvisit' => 'Visit Position Music website',
'biggest' => 'Biggest prize ever!',
'impulsemore' => 'See more of Impulse',
'togetstatistics' => 'To get statistics for your channel(s), please click Connect.',
'todayis' => 'Today is',
'yourcustomid' => 'Your custom ID',
'freedompoints' => 'Freedom! Points',
'yournetworklandingpage' => 'Your network landing page',
'earn15%' => 'Earn 15%',
'referafriendlink' => 'Your refer-a-friend link',
'lastmonth' => 'Last month',
'legend' => 'Legend',
'yourpayments' => 'Your payments',
'whenwilligetpaid' => '<a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration:underline">When will I get paid?</a>',
'earningsfaq' => '<a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration:underline">Earnings FAQ</a>',
'createsupportticket' => '<a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration:underline">Create a support ticket</a>',
'earningspageexplained' => '<a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration:underline">Earnings page explained</a>',
'paid' => 'Paid',
'owed' => 'Owed',
'totals' => 'Totals',
'none' => 'None',
'yourearnings' => 'Your earnings',
'networkearnings' => 'Network earnings',
'channelearnings' => 'Channel earnings',
'earningsforthatmonth' => '*Only show earnings for that month',
'revenueshare' => 'Revenue share',
'downloadyoutuberawdata' => 'Download raw YouTube data',
'totalnetworkearnings' => 'Total network earnings',
'totalearnings' => 'Total earnings',
'totalreferralearnings' => 'Total referral earnings',
'totalchannelearnings' => 'Total channel earnings',
'referralearnings' => 'Referral earnings',
'someimportantfreedomvideos' => 'Some important Freedom! videos',
'someusefulfreedomquestions' => 'Some useful Freedom! questions',
'link1' => '',
'link3' => '',
'link4' => '',
'link5' => '',
'link6' => '',
'link7' => '',
'link8' => '',
'link11' => '',
'link12' => '',
'link13' => '',
'link14' => '',
'q1' => 'What CPM will I get with Freedom!?',
'q3' => 'Does Freedom! have a branding kit?',
'q4' => 'What benefits do Networks get in Freedom!?',
'q5' => 'How do I get paid by Freedom!?',
'q6' => 'How Can I Work for Freedom!?',
'q7' => 'How does Freedom! help me grow?',
'q8' => 'How can I earn 110% explained',
'q11' => 'Are mobile views monetized? Yes!',
'q12' => 'How does YouTube revenue work and how can I see it?',
'q13' => 'How does Freedom! help me get noticed on YouTube?',
'q14' => 'What is Freedom?!',
'findmorequestionshere' => '<a href="" class="btn btn-default btn-orng-inv">Find more questions here...</a>',
'setrevenue' => 'Set revenue',
'viewdetailed' => 'View detailed...',
'previous' => 'Previous',
'next' => 'Next',
'channelsawaitingpartnership' => 'Channels awaiting partnership',
'totalsubscribers' => 'Total subscribers',
'estimatedearnings' => 'Estimated earnings',
'monthlyearnings' => 'Monthly earnings',
'totalmonthlyearnings' => 'Total monthly earnings',
'hide' => 'Hide',
'advancedsearch' => 'Advanced search',
'category' => 'Category',
'last30days' => 'Last 30 days',
'owner' => 'Owner',
'referrer' => 'Referrer',
'allpartners' => 'All partners',
'link' => 'Link',
'musician' => 'Musician',
'norecruiters' => 'No recruiters',
'allrecruiters' => 'All recruiters',
'fullyaccepted' => 'Fully accepted',
'preconfirmed' => 'Preconfirmed',
'unconfirmed' => 'Unconfirmed',
'rejected_network' => 'Rejected by network',
'nonetwork' => 'No network',
'view' => 'View',
'noresult' => 'No result',
'clickheretogo' => 'Click here to go',
'back' => 'back',
'acceptedinfreedom' => 'Accepted by Freedom!',
'acceptedinnetwork' => 'Accepted by network',
'status#choosingcareer' => 'Choosing Career',
'status#affiliated' => 'Affiliated',
'status#recruiter' => 'Recruiter',
'status#partner' => 'Partner',
'status#managed' => 'Managed',
'status#network' => 'Network',
'status#partner+recruiter' => 'Partner + Recruiter',
'status#andadmin' => 'and Admin',
'action#viewedthepage' => 'Viewed the page',
'action#choosingusertype' => 'Choosing user type',
'action#contractsigning' => 'Contract signing',
'action#disagreed' => 'Disagreed',
'action#pending' => 'Pending',
'action#rejected' => 'Rejected',
'action#unconfirmed' => 'Unconfirmed',
'action#preconfirmed' => 'Preconfirmed',
'action#fullyaccepted' => 'Fully accepted',
'youtubechannel' => 'YouTube channel',
'otherdetails' => 'Other details',
'reasonfordeclining' => 'Reason for declining',
'rejectednotes' => 'Rejected notes',
'reasontoapply' => 'Reason to apply',
'whatbringsyouhere' => 'What brings you here',
'acceptedby' => 'Accepted by',
'acceptingremarks' => 'Accepting remarks',
'unabletofetchanalytics' => 'Unable to fetch analytics',
'averageviewspermonth' => 'Average views per month',
'copyrightstrike' => 'Copyright strikes',
'showdetailedanalytics' => 'Show detailed analytics',
'uniques' => 'Uniques',
'novideoswithcopyright' => 'No videos with copyright',
'videoswithcopyright' => 'Videos with copyright content',
'novideoscopyright' => 'No videos with copyright',
'dateuploaded' => 'Date Uploaded',
'addedchannel' => 'Added channel',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'choosetype' => 'Choose type',
'filters' => 'Filters',
'timeago' => 'Time ago',
'ok' => 'Ok',
'reminder' => 'When changing your partner\'s revenue share, Freedom! will review this change before it becomes official',
'dateeffective' => 'Date effective',
'dateadded' => 'Date added',
'approved' => 'Approved',
'enterrevshare' => 'Enter revenue share',
'enterdateeffective' => 'Enter date effective',
'jan' => 'January',
'feb' => 'February',
'mar' => 'March',
'apr' => 'April',
'may' => 'May',
'jun' => 'June',
'jul' => 'July',
'aug' => 'August',
'sep' => 'September',
'oct' => 'October',
'nov' => 'November',
'dec' => 'December',
'110%revshare' => '110% Revenue share',
'selectamonth' => 'Select a month of your choice where you get to have 110% of your revenue share in that month\'s payment.',
'notenough' => 'You don\'t have enough Freedom! points!',
'revenueshares' => 'Revenue shares',
'transactiondate' => 'Transaction date',
'notransactionsyet' => 'No transactions yet',
'pleaseselect' => 'Please select a month',
'thiscanonlybesetonce' => 'This can only be set once. Are you sure?',
'revenuesharesaved' => 'Revenue share saved.',
'revshare' => 'Revenue Share',
'viewdetails' => 'View details',
'pointsbreakdown' => 'Points breakdown',
'channelgrowth' => 'Channel Growth',
'forumpoints' => 'Forum Points',
'bonuspoints' => 'Bonus points',
'mytransactions' => 'My transactions',
'total' => 'Total',
'half' => 'Half of your Trophy Points on the Freedom! Forums',
'pointsgiven' => 'Points given by Freedom! Admins',
'additionalpoints' => 'Additional points given by moderators for doing good.',
'channelgrowthnote1' => 'Channel Growth points are updated every second day of the month since that is when the Youtube Analytics will be available for the previous month.',
'channelgrowthnote2' => 'Note: If you increase your views or subscribers by more than 100% you will be given an additional 100 Freedom! points.',
'channelgrowtherror' => 'There was an error getting your channel\'s growth. Please try re-connecting your channels in the homepage.',
'pointsrequired' => 'Points required',
'quantity' => 'Quantity',
'notransactions' => 'No transactions',
'loading' => 'Loading',
'totalgrowth' => 'Total growth',
'fp' => 'Freedom! Points',
'howdidiearn' => 'How did I earn these Freedom! Points?',
'youhave' => 'You have',
'redeemfreedompoints' => 'Redeem Freedom! points',
'forbonuses' => 'Here you can redeem your Freedom Points for bonuses.',
'dailygrowth' => 'Daily growth',
'increased' => 'Increased',
'cannotget' => 'Cannot get growth analytics',
'example' => 'Example',
'ifyour' => 'If your views is 1000 last two months ago and your views last month went up to 3000. You will be given an additional 100 Freedom! points aside from the 100% increase. This also applies to subscribers.',
'stillinbeta' => 'This feature is still in beta',
'forsuggestions' => 'For suggestions and bug reports, you may email <a href=""></a>',
'sendfp' => 'Send Freedom! points',
'recipient' => 'Recipient',
'entercustomid' => 'Enter Custom ID',
'send' => 'Send',
'whatarefreedompoints' => 'What are Freedom! points?',
'agreement' => 'XSPLIT AGREEMENT',
'popper#waitingconfirmation' => 'Applicants that are accepted in your network awaiting Freedom! confirmation',
'popper#acceptedfreedom' => 'Applicants that are accepted in Freedom! waiting for network confirmation',
'popper#acceptednetworkpartners' => 'Applicants that are accepted in their network and Freedom!',
'popper#pendingnetworkpartners' => 'Applicants that are waiting for confirmation in their network and Freedom!',
'popper#networkacceptedpartners' => 'Applicants that are accepted in their networks waiting for Freedom! confirmation',
'editlandingpage' => 'Edit landing page',
'officialwebsite' => 'Enter your official website here',
'enternetworkname' => 'Enter network name',
'website' => 'Website: (URL)',
'logo' => 'Logo: Recommended Size (130 x 130)',
'power' => 'Power Lines',
'support' => 'Support Email',
'facebook' => 'Facebook',
'twitter' => 'Twitter',
'youtube' => 'YouTube',
'forum' => 'Community or Forum',
'dbtheme' => 'Dashboard Color Scheme',
'applytheme' => 'Application Page Color Scheme',
'emailtocontact' => 'Email to contact in case of questions',
'skypeusername' => 'Skype username',
'communityplaceholder' => '',
'taglines' => 'Enter taglines for your network',
'vieweditedsuccessfully' => 'View edited successfully',
'viewprofile' => 'View landing page',
'editprofile' => 'Edit profile',
'visitwebsite' => 'Visit website',
'addchannels' => 'Add channels',
'networkstats' => 'Network statistics',
'ownersname' => 'Owner\'s name',
'ownersfamilyname' => 'Owner\'s family name',
'birthyear' => 'Birthyear',
'selectcategory' => 'Select category',
'paypalemail' => 'PayPal email',
'contactinfo' => 'Contact info',
'tooltipthiswillbeused' => 'This will be used in your url once you become a network',
'clickhere' => 'Click here to apply!',
'toedititagain' => 'to edit it again',
'pendingfreedom' => 'Pending for Freedom! approval',
'pendingnetwork' => 'Pending for network approval',
'connectwithyourforumaccount' => 'Connect with your Forum Account',
'forumusername' => 'Forum username:',
'forumpassword' => 'Forum password:',
'howdoiaccept' => 'How do I accept a YouTube partnership?',
'amipartnered' => 'Am I partnered',
'forumcredentials' => 'Forum Credentials',
'customemail' => 'Custom Email',
'unlink' => 'Unlink',
'editpartnerexp' => 'Edit your partner\'s dashboard experience.',
'networklink' => 'Your network link',
'location' => 'Location',
'noreferrer' => 'No referrer',
'noresults' => 'No results',
'leads' => 'Leads',
'pitched' => 'Pitched',
'demo' => 'Demo',
'negotiating' => 'Negotiating',
'closedlost' => 'Closed (lost)',
'closedwon' => 'Closed (won)',
'check' => 'Check',
'generatereport' => 'Generate report',
'acceptchannel' => 'Accept channel',
'declinechannel' => 'Decline channel',
'alreadyaccepted' => 'Channel already accepted',
'daterecruited' => 'Date recruited',
'currentstatus' => 'Current status',
'recruiternote' => 'Recruiter note',
'modalmsg' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected channels?',
'rating' => 'Rating',
'recruitedby' => 'Recruited by',
'recruited' => 'Date recruited',
'excellent' => 'Excellent',
'verygood' => 'Very good',
'average' => 'Average',
'belowaverage' => 'Below average',
'poor' => 'Poor',
'verypoor' => 'Very poor',
'user' => 'We can\'t find a user with that email address.',
'token' => 'This password reset token is invalid.',
'paypal' => 'We would love to pay you! But you did not tell us your PayPal email address.',
'freedom_not_approved' => 'Network increased the revenue share of one of your channels, and Freedom! needs to confirm this.',
'forum_username_not_set' => 'Your Forum username is not set. Set it to get additional Freedom! points!',
'outdated_country' => 'Your country has been automatically detected as <b>:outdated_country</b> since your country is not set. If this is incorrect, please update your profile.',
'tab_live_news' => 'Live News Feed',
'tab_favorites' => 'My Favorites',
'tab_my_downloads' => 'My Downloads',
'tab_statistics' => 'Statistics',
'list_view' => 'List View',
'grid_view' => 'Grid View',
'date_shown' => 'Date Shown',
'th_published' => 'Published (UTC)',
'th_download_time' => 'Download Time (UTC)',
'th_watch' => 'Watch',
'th_headline' => 'Headline',
'th_length' => 'Length',
'th_download' => 'Download',
'th_date' => 'Date',
'download_video' => 'Download Video',
'th_preview' => 'Preview',
'th_link' => 'Link',
'th_usage' => 'Usage Report',
'th_count_downloads' => 'No. of Downloads',
'th_count_favorite' => 'No. of Favorites',
'th_count_usage' => 'No. of Usage',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'video_used' => 'Used in a video?',
'video_not_used' => 'Not used',
'undecided' => 'Undecided',
'save_changes' => 'Save changes',
'use_video' => 'Use video?',
'where_did_you' => 'Where did you use the video?',
'please_paste' => 'Please paste the video link below in the textbox',
'no_news' => 'No news found in the selected date range. Please try another.',
'notice' => 'Notice: Terms of Usage',
'notice_details' => 'All use of Reuters news footage must be reported using the tab ‘My dwnloads’. We are required by Reuters to track use of their content. By downloading any Reuters footage (no matter how you do it) you automatically accept these terms and agree to tell us the video ID of your production.',
'selectchannel' => 'Select channel',
'dateset' => 'Date set',
'msg1' => 'Please set the date effective for this revenue share.',
'msg2' => 'Please enter a date after December 2013.',
'saved' => 'Saved',
'requestsent' => 'Request sent',
'invalid_user' => 'Invalid user_id',
'no_campaign' => 'No campaign_id found.',
'no_video_id' => 'No video_id found.',
'campaign_not_found' => 'Campaign not found.',
'redeemed' => 'Code already redeemed.',
'no_codes_available' => 'No codes available.',
'restricted' => 'Sorry, you have redeemed a number of codes, but either haven\'t submitted videos for review or they haven\'t yet been approved. Please wait for a video to get approved, or contact sponsorship support team',
'campaign_expired' => 'Campaign already expired.',
'campaign_not_launched' => 'Campaign not yet launched.',
'code_redeemed' => 'Code successfully redeemed.',
'campaign_created' => 'Campaign successfully created.',
'campaign_changed' => 'Campaign successfully changed.',
'no_videos' => 'No videos found on campaign ',
'no_codes_redeemed' => 'No codes redeemed on campaign ',
'video_approval' => 'Video still on approval campaign ',
'user_not_allowed' => 'User not allowed',
'action_not_allowed' => 'Action not allowed.',
'video_changed' => 'Video successfully changed.',
'campaign_id_required' => 'Campaign ID required.',
'youtube_invalid' => 'YouTube Video invalid',
'youtube_exists' => 'YouTube video already exists.',
'video_submitted' => 'Video successfully submitted and is now waiting to be approved.',
'review_restriction_1' => 'Hey there, you are new aren\'t you? Review Sponsorships are for partners whom have been partnered for more than three days and has accepted the CMS agreement. Thanks for taking such interest in these projects at such an early stage as a partner. Please give it a few days and revisit this dashboard. Mind you, Review Sponsorships are for partners whom want to make reviews of these titles. All the best!',
'review_restriction_2' => 'Thanks for taking interest in this title, however this title has certain requirement that you don\'t yet meet. Don\'t fret, this doesn\'t mean you can\'t review some of the other titles we have in the review sponsorships. If you find that in the future you have the Subscriber Requirements for this title please feel free to revisit the dashboard and claim a key to this game. All the best!',
'yourcode' => 'Your code',
'ytvideo' => 'YouTube Video',
'enterytlink' => 'Enter youtube link',
'content' => 'Content must be made by you and will be reviewed by admins.',
'pleasesubmit' => 'Please submit a review on <span ng-bind="campaigns[$index-1].title"></span> first',
'featuredsponsor' => 'Featured sponsor',
'allabout' => 'All about sponsorships',
'leave' => 'Leave your comment beneath this video on YouTube and stay tuned for updates!',
'nolinkedchannel' => 'Must have atleast 1 linked channel to access this page.',
'channelspotlight' => 'Channel Spotlight',
'deserving' => 'We spotlight deserving channels in the Freedom! family right here.',
'scs' => 'Small channel spotlight',
'seethe' => 'See the Remag channel',
'seeall' => 'See all the channel spotlights',
'how' => 'How do I submit my channel to get a spotlight?',
'meantime' => 'In the meantime, simply leave comments beneath any channel spotlight video on <a href= "">Freedom! Central</a>. We read every comment :-)',
'no_suspect_added' => 'No suspect added',
'no_suspect_updated' => 'No suspect updated',
'suspect_added' => 'Suspect(s) successfully added',
'suspect_updated' => 'Suspect(s) successfully updated',
'no_channel_id' => 'No Channel ID found',
'invalid_channel_id' => 'Channel ID :channel_id is not a suspect',
'channel_notunique' => 'Channel ID :channel_id is already in the database.',
'channel_notindb' => 'Channel ID :channel_id is not in the database.',
'failed_suspects' => 'Failed adding to suspects: ',
'unknown_error' => 'An unknown error occured.',
'manage_channels' => 'Manage Reviews',
'potential' => 'Potential Copyright Accounts',
'no_users_found' => 'No partners found',
'abnormal_cpm' => 'Abnormal CPM',
'checker#inputchannelname' => 'Input channel names:',
'checker#search' => 'Search',
'checker#channelresults' => 'Channel Results',
'checker#username' => 'Username',
'checker#channelid' => 'Channel ID',
'checker#subscribers' => 'Subscriber count',
'checker#totalviews' => 'Total views',
'checker#channelage' => 'Channel age',
'checker#latestvideoupload' => 'Latest video upload',
'checker#networkclaim' => 'Network claims',
'split#desc' => 'This tool can help determine which version of a video can get more viewership. You can create two versions of the same video, vary their thumbnails and tags, and upload them to YouTube. Get the links of both versions and input them here. The tool will track how many views, likes, dislikes, and shares are gathered by both videos for a period of time. You can choose the version with better stats.',
'split#compare' => 'Compare',
'split#video1' => 'Video 1',
'split#video2' => 'Video 2',
'split#startdate' => 'Start date',
'split#enddate' => 'End date',
'split#from' => 'From',
'split#to' => 'To',
'split#clear' => 'Clear',
'split#ytvideolink' => 'Paste the YouTube video link here',
'split#errormsg' => 'Sorry, something went wrong, or the video doesn\'t exist. Please check your links and try again.',
'rank#desc' => 'This retrieves rank information of your own videos. The video tag will be used as a keyword. This does not show the rank information of videos you do not own. When the rank of your videos is >250, it will not be shown at all.',
'rank#enterkeyword' => 'Enter keywords:',
'rank#videoresults' => 'Video Results',
'rank#type' => 'Type',
'rank#video' => 'Video',
'rank#owner' => 'Owner',
'rank#ranking' => 'Ranking',
'rank#loading' => 'Ranking your videos (This may take some time...)',
'rank#errormsg' => 'No videos were found, or your videos rank greater than 250.',
'sc#desc' => 'This tool lists all your videos in YouTube so you can share them in Facebook, Twitter and Google+ with just one click. The more contacts you have in your social network, the more chances the videos get at getting more views.',
'sc#yourvideos' => 'Your videos',
'sc#select' => 'Select a channel',
'sc#novideosfound' => 'No videos found',
'sc#signoutfacebook' => 'You have been successfully logged out of Facebook',
'us#desc' => 'This tool collects past stats per day and identifies the day wherein the stats are at its highest. You can decide from the data when the best time to upload is in order to maximize views, likes, shares, and subscribers. This needs a Google Analytics account. To register one, click <a href=""><u>here</u></a>. To enable tracking, follow the instructions <a href=""><u>here</u></a></h3>',
'us#besttime' => 'Best time to upload',
'us#select' => 'Select channel:',
'us#sites' => 'Select site:',
'us#getsites' => 'Get sites:',
'us#nogoogleanalytics1' => 'Sorry, it seems that you do not have a Google Analytics account. Register <a href=\'\'><u>here</u></a>. Follow George\'s instructions <a href=\'\'><u>here</u>',
'us#nosites' => 'Google Analytics cannot track your website.',
'us#sorry' => 'Sorry, an error occured. Please check if your dates are correct and try again.',
'us#nogoogleanalytics2' => 'Sorry, it seems that you do not have a Google Analytics account. Register<a href=\'\'>here</a>',
'us#msg2' => 'Sorry, it seems that you don\'t have a Google Analytics account. Please register one <a href=\'\'><u>here</u></a>. To enable tracking, follow George\'s instructions <a href=\'\'><u>here</u></a>',
'us#msg3' => 'You have no sites being tracked on Google Analytics.',
'us#msg4' => 'Sorry, it seems that you don\'t have a Google Analytics account. Please register one <a href=\'\'>here</a>.',
'us#msg5' => 'You have no sites being tracked on Google Analytics.',
'us#msg6' => 'Sorry, something went wrong. Please check your dates and try again.',
'us#views' => 'Views - Best Day to Upload:',
'us#likes' => 'Likes - Best Day to Upload:',
'us#shares' => 'Shares - Best Day to Upload:',
'us#subscribers' => 'Subscribers - Best Day to Upload:',
'syncpartners' => 'Sync partners',
'fromfreedom' => 'From Freedom!',
'fromyoutubecms' => 'From the YouTube CMS',
'retrievestats' => 'Retrieve stats',
'index' => 'Index',
'channelid' => 'Channel ID',
'linked' => 'Linked',
'tweak#status' => 'Status',
'tweak#thumb' => 'Thumbnail',
'tweak#chooseachannel' => 'Choose a channel to manage',
'tweak#yourplaylists' => 'Your playlists',
'tweak#yourvideos' => 'Your videos',
'tweak#a1' => 'You have no playlists in this channel',
'tweak#a2' => 'You currently have no videos in this playlist',
'tweak#e1' => 'We cannot retrieve this video\'s information because it is private. Switch this video\'s status other than private in YouTube to be able to edit it here',
'tweak#e2' => 'We cannot retrieve this playlist\'s information because it is private. Switch this playlist\'s status other than private in YouTube to be able to edit it here',
'tweak#videoname' => 'Video name',
'tweak#videostatus' => 'Video status',
'tweak#name' => 'Name',
'tweak#actions' => 'Actions',
'tweak#playlistname' => 'Playlist name',
'tweak#videoispublic' => 'This video is PUBLIC',
'tweak#videoisunlisted' => 'This video is UNLISTED',
'tweak#videoisprivate' => 'This video is PRIVATE',
'tweak#playlistispublic' => 'This playlist is PUBLIC',
'tweak#playlistisunlisted' => 'This playlist is UNLISTED',
'tweak#playlistisprivate' => 'This playlist is PRIVATE',
'tweak#prev' => 'Previous',
'tweak#next' => 'Next',
'tweak#updatevideo' => 'Update video',
'tweak#updateplaylist' => 'Update playlist',
'tweak#currentvideothumbnail' => 'Current video thumbnail',
'tweak#changevideothumbnail' => 'Change current video thumbnail',
'tweak#currentplaylistthumbnail' => 'Current playlist thumbnail',
'tweak#changeplaylistthumbnail' => 'Change current playlist thumbnail',
'tweak#views' => 'Views',
'tweak#likes' => 'Likes',
'tweak#deletevideo' => 'Delete video',
'tweak#cancel' => 'Cancel',
'tweak#confirmdelete' => 'Confirm delete',
'tweak#insert' => 'Insert',
'tweak#toplaylist' => 'to playlist',
'tweak#removevideosfrom' => 'Remove videos from',
'tweak#savechanges' => 'Save changes',
'tweak#comments' => 'Comments',
'tweak#videotags' => 'Video tags',
'tweak#playlistdesc' => 'Playlist description',
'tweak#playliststatus' => 'Playlist status',
'tweak#playlisttags' => 'Playlist tags',
'tweak#descplaceholder' => 'Enter new description here',
'tweak#nameplaceholder' => 'Enter new name here',
'tweak#needsavideoname' => 'Needs a video name',
'tweak#needsaplaylistname' => 'Needs a playlist name',
'tweak#spublic' => 'Public',
'tweak#sunlisted' => 'Unlisted',
'tweak#sprivate' => 'Private',
'tweak#saved' => 'Saved',
'tweak#updatefailed' => 'Update failed! There might have been an error. Please try again later.',
'tweak#statusnote' => 'Note: If you change this video\'s status to private, you will not be able to edit it here, to be able to edit it here once it becomes private, change the video status first in YouTube.',
'tweak#playlistnote' => 'Note: If you change this playlist\'s status to private, you will not be able to edit it here, to be able to edit it here once it becomes private, change the playlist status first in YouTube.',
'tweak#videotagsdesc1' => 'Enter new tags here. Separate by commas.',
'tweak#tagswarning' => 'You currently do not have tags in this video. You can enter new tags in the field provided.',
'tweak#updatesuccessful' => 'Update successful!',
'tweak#areyousureyouwanttodelete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete',
'tweak#whenyoudelete' => 'When you delete a video here, it will also be deleted in YouTube.',
'tweak#whenyoudelete2' => 'When you delete a playlist here, it will also be deleted in YouTube.',
'tweak#videosuccessfullydeleted' => 'Video successfully deleted!',
'tweak#therewasanerror' => 'Oops! There was an error! Try again later.',
'tweak#playlistsuccessfullydeleted' => 'Playlist successfully deleted',
'payments' => 'Payments',
'whendoesfreedompayme' => 'When does Freedom! <span>pay me?</span>',
'seeyourrawytdata' => 'See your <span>raw YouTube data</span>',
'seeyourdatavid' => '//',
'earn15%more' => 'Earn <span>15% more!</span>',
'earn15%morevid' => '//',
'getmorecpm' => 'Get more CPM',
'monetizeallyourvideos' => '<span>Monetize all</span> your videos quickly',
'monetizeallyourvideosvid' => '//',
'monetizenewuploads' => '<span>Monetize</span> new uploads <span>automatically</span>',
'increaserevshare' => '<span>Increase</span> your revenue share!',
'getpromoted' => 'Get promoted!',
'fmagazine' => 'F! <span>Magazine</span>',
'podcast' => 'Freedom! <span>Podcast</span>',
'idol' => 'Freedom! <span>Idol</span>',
'getmoreviews' => 'Get more views',
'makebettercomments' => 'Make <span>better comments!</span>',
'makebettercommentsvid' => '//',
'endcardstip' => '<span>End cards!</span> - 11 million subscribers tip',
'whenshouldiupload' => 'When should I <span>upload</span>?',
'improveyourbranding' => 'Improve your branding',
'getyourfreedombrandingkit' => 'Get your Freedom! <span>branding kit</span>',
'endcards' => 'End cards',
'partnerbuttons' => 'Partner buttons',
'freedombranding' => 'Freedom! branding',
'minecraftfreedombranding' => 'Minecraft Freedom! branding',
'downloadbrandingkit' => 'Download branding kit',
'anythingyouneed' => 'Get your <span>intro, logo, banner</span> and more created, anything you need!',
'createcustomyturl' => 'Create your <span>custom YouTube channel URL!</span>',
'growfaster' => 'Grow faster',
'gethelp' => 'Get help <span>growing faster</span> on YouTube and Twitch!',
'opengrowthreport' => 'Open Growth Report in new window',
'dontdothis' => 'Don\'t do this!',
'livestreaming' => 'Livestreaming',
'partnerlivestream' => 'Partner your livestream channel now!',
'partnerlivestreamvid' => '//',
'channelterminated' => 'Channel terminated for <span>spamming</span>',
'verifiedlost' => 'Verified <span>lost!</span>',
'ddtclickmails' => 'Don\'t do this! - Blindly click in YouTube emails',
'promusic' => 'Professional music',
'spiceup' => 'Get <span>professional music</span> to spice up your videos!',
'wecollectedallthemusic' => 'We collected all the music that you may use for commercial purposes in one place in exchange for attribution!',
'seethefulllist' => 'See the full list',
'freeforyou' => '<span>Professional music</span> - Free for you!',
'ourfuture' => 'Our future - <span>From $20,000 to $120,000!</span>',
'onebillionviews' => '<span>1 billion</span> views in Freedom!',
'tenthousandchannels' => '<span>10,000 channels</span> join Freedom!',
'roadto1' => 'Road to <span>#1!</span>',
'globals' => 'Global',
'bigyoutubers' => '<span>3 big YouTubers</span> join Freedom! 中文 (Chinese)',
'gameservers' => 'Game servers',
'freeminecraftserver' => 'Free <span>2,000-slot</span> Minecraft server',
'sixnewminecraftservers' => '<span>6 new Minecraft servers</span> for you!',
'giveaways' => 'Giveaways',
'newgiveawaysforyou' => '<span>New giveaway</span> for you!',
'thirtykgiveaway' => '<span>$30,000 giveaway </span>for you!',
'tenkxsplitkeys' => '<span>10,000 XSplit keys</span> - Free for you!',
'merchandise' => 'Merchandise',
'freedomshirts' => '<span>Freedom! shirts</span> for you - see <a href=""></a>',
'partnersupport' => 'Partner support',
'readimportantstufffirst' => 'Read the <span>important stuff</span> first',
'seeimportantstuff' => 'See the important stuff',
'seeimportantstufflink' => '//',
'readourfaq' => 'Read our <span>FAQ</span> next',
'seethefaq' => 'See the FAQ',
'seethefaqlink' => '//',
'ifyoustillhaveaquestion' => 'If you still have a question, <span>email Freedom! support</span>',
'emailfreedomsupport' => 'Email',
'leavefreedom' => 'Leave Freedom!',
'youarefreetoleave' => 'You are <span>free to leave</span> at any time for any reason or no reason',
'earn110%revshare' => '<span>Earn 110% revenue share</span> - Freedom! Points',
'gfx' => '<span></span> for all qualified Designers!',
'whatare' => 'What are Freedom! Points?',
'fpdesc' => 'Freedom! points is like a form of currency that you can use to redeem cool things like higher revenue share.',
'howtoearn' => 'How to earn Freedom! points?',
'exp1' => ' - For bigger channels, uploading videos to your channel, increasing views and subscribers will give you Freedom points based on the percentage increase.',
'exp2' => 'Note: If you increase your views or subscribers by more than 100% you will be given an additional 100 Freedom! points.',
'exp3' => 'Example: If your views is 1000 last two months ago and your views last month went up to 3000. You will be given an additional 100 Freedom! points aside from the 100% increase. This also applies to subscribers.',
'exp4' => 'Channel Growth points are updated every second day of the month since that is the Youtube Analytics will be available for the previous month.',
'exp5' => 'For smaller partners (who dont have 1000 subscribers) will undergo the road to 1k subscribers, every milestones achieved will give you Freedom! Points',
'exp6' => ' - Connecting your <a href=\'//\'>Forum</a> account will give you Freedom! points which is 50% of your Forum Trophy Points located in your forum profile page.',
'sendingreceiving' => 'Sending / Receiving Freedom! Points',
'exp7' => ' - Freedom! Points can be gifted to others if they did a favor to you like rewarding people who completed your request in the matchmaking service.',
'exp8' => 'Freedom! Points will be reset when the beta ends, just like a game resets all characters when the game launches.',
'ilostmoneyonjanuarywhy' => 'I lost money in January! - Why?',
'whywasinotpaid' => 'Why was I not paid?',
'notpaidvid' => '//',
'playlist4playlist' => 'Playlist-4-playlist - Not sub-4-sub!',
'mgn' => 'MGN - Multi Gaming Network!',
'geekishere' => 'Geek is here!',
'growthtipsbygeorge' => 'Get more views! - 6 growth tips by George',
'newcustomyoutubeurlsforyou' => 'New custom YouTube URLs for you!',
'yourchannelisterminated' => 'Your channel is TERMINATED - How to prevent this',
'positionmusic' => 'Free exclusive Position Music for you',
'positionmusicvid' => '//',
'fixtmusic' => 'FiXT Music free for the #FreedomFamily',
'fixtmusicvid' => '//',
'epidemicsound' => 'Epidemic Sound is here!',
'epidemicsoundvid' => '//',
'freedombecomesno1mcn' => 'Freedom! becomes No.1 MCN',
'freedombecomesno1mcnvid' => '//',
'winanewcar' => 'Win a new $20,000 car!',
'ticket' => 'If you still have a question, open a ticket at <span style="color:#ef4136;"></span>',
'worldwide' => 'Worldwide',
'watchme' => 'Watch me!',
'active_url' => 'The :attribute is not a valid URL.',
'after' => 'The :attribute must be a date after :date.',
'alpha' => 'The :attribute may only contain letters.',
'alpha_dash' => 'The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.',
'alpha_num' => 'The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must be an array.',
'before' => 'The :attribute must be a date before :date.',
'between' =>
array (
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.',
'date_format' => 'The :attribute does not match the format :format.',
'different' => 'The :attribute and :other must be different.',
'digits' => 'The :attribute must be :digits digits.',
'digits_between' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.',
'exists' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'image' => 'The :attribute must be an image.',
'in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'integer' => 'The :attribute must be an integer.',
'ip' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IP address.',
'max' =>
array (
'numeric' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max.',
'file' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute may not have more than :max items.',
'mimes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
'min' =>
array (
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must have at least :min items.',
'not_in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be a number.',
'regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
'required_if' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.',
'required_with' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
'required_without' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.',
'same' => 'The :attribute and :other must match.',
'size' =>
array (
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be :size.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be :size characters.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must contain :size items.',
'unique' => 'The :attribute has already been taken.',
'url' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'page_email' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'in_blacklist' => 'Spam email detected! Please use an appropriate email.',
'custom' =>
array (
'attributes' =>
array (
'conclusion' => 'Cliffhanger conclusion!',
'finale' => 'See the finale to the cliffhanger in the video above.',
'stay' => 'Stay up-to-date',
'newvideos' => 'New videos every day keep you up-to-date on Freedom! Central',
'step1' => 'Step 1: Learn about XSplit',
'step2' => 'Step 2: Get your 1-week fully-licensed XSplit code 1',
'step3' => 'Step 3: Submit your XSplit video review',
'step4' => 'Step 4: Get your extended fully-licensed XSplit code 2',
'gamecaster' => 'What is XSplit Gamecaster',
'broadcaster' => 'What is XSplit Broadcaster',
'ytvideolink' => 'YouTube video link',
'getxsplitcode1' => 'Get XSplit code 1',
'getxsplitcode2' => 'Get XSplit code 2',
'redeemxsplitcode1' => 'Redeem your XSplit code 1',
'redeemxsplitcode2' => 'Redeem your XSplit code 2',
'usethislink' => '(use this link to get XSplit)',
'togetyourfullylicensedxsplit' => 'to get your fully-licensed XSplit license',
'note2' => 'Note: Add the following to your video description',
'step5' => 'Step 5 - Tell us your XSplit username',
'yourxsplitusername' => 'Your XSplit username',
'wheredoigetit' => 'Where do I get it',
'goto' => 'Go to',
'signintoxsplit' => 'Sign in to XSplit or create an account',
'redbox' => 'Your XSplit username is in the red box below',
'whyshouldidothis' => 'Why should I do this',
'inthefuture' => 'In the future, we will pay you a commission if your video reviews generate XSplit sales after people click your PlayNow link',
'correctusername' => 'If you do not give us your correct XSplit username, we will not know who to pay',
'additionalinfo' => 'Additional Information',
'xsplitexplained' => 'XSplit free! - Explained!',
'5weeks' => 'XSplit Free for 5-Weeks at Freedom! - Fully-licensed',
'rank' => 'Rank',
'partner' => 'Partner',
'like' => 'Like',
'adminlikes' => 'Admin likes',
'submitted' => 'Submitted',
'remove' => 'Remove',
'additionalinfo2' => 'Additional Info 2',
'xsplitround2' => 'XSplit - Round 2',
'validlink' => 'Please enter a valid YouTube video link',
'codes_remaining' => 'XSplit codes remaining.',
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