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Last active October 19, 2017 17:40
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package starling.extensions.starlingCallLater
/** Convenience method for <code>StarlingCallLater.callLater()</code>. */
public function callLater(method:Function, args:Array = null, nextFrameBut:uint = 0, allowDuplicate:Boolean = false):void
StarlingCallLater.callLater(method, args, nextFrameBut, allowDuplicate);
package starling.extensions.starlingCallLater
/** Convenience method for <code>StarlingCallLater.clear()</code>. */
public function clearCallLater(method:Function, callCleared:Boolean = false):void
StarlingCallLater.clear(method, callCleared);
package starling.extensions.starlingCallLater
import starling.core.Starling;
import starling.display.Stage;
public class StarlingCallLater
* 2D Array of vectors containing FunctionReference instances.
* The indexes represent the number of frames ahead the functions will be called.
private static var callStack:Array = [];
* Calls a function in a future frame.
* @param method The function to call.
* @param args An array of arguments that the function will be called with in order.
* @param nextFrameBut How far into the future (in frames) to call the function. Default is 0 i.e. the very next frame.
* @param allowDuplicate Whether identical functions already in the given frame are kept or removed. Default is false meaning that the function will only be called once in a given frame.
public static function callLater(method:Function, args:Array = null, nextFrameBut:uint = 0, allowDuplicate:Boolean = false):void
if (!Boolean(method))
if (!allowDuplicate)
var stage:Stage = Starling.current.stage;
if (!stage)
method.apply(null, args);
if (callStack[nextFrameBut] == null)
callStack[nextFrameBut] = new Vector.<FunctionReference>;
callStack[nextFrameBut].push(new FunctionReference(method, args));
if (!stage.hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stage_enterFrameHandler))
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stage_enterFrameHandler);
* Clears all entries of the passed function from the call stack, or all functions if no function is passed.
* @param method The function reference to clear. Pass null to clear all pending methods.
* @param callCleared Whether to instantly call those functions cleared from the call stack.
public static function clear(method:Function = null, callCleared:Boolean = false):void
var functionRef:FunctionReference;
if (method != null)
for each (var functionRefs:Vector.<FunctionReference> in callStack)
if (!functionRefs)
for (var i:int = 0; i < functionRefs.length; i++)
functionRef = functionRefs[i];
if (functionRef.method == method)
functionRefs.splice(i--, 1);
if (callCleared)
functionRef.method.apply(null, functionRef.args);
else if (callCleared)
while (callStack.length)
functionRefs = callStack.shift() as Vector.<FunctionReference>;
if (functionRefs)
while (functionRefs.length)
functionRef = functionRefs.shift();
functionRef.method.apply(null, functionRef.args);
callStack = [];
if (!callStack.length && Starling.current.stage)
Starling.current.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stage_enterFrameHandler);
public static function methodIsQueued(method:Function):Boolean
for each (var functionRefs:Vector.<FunctionReference> in callStack)
if (functionRefs)
for (var i:int = 0; i < functionRefs.length; i++)
var functionRef:FunctionReference = functionRefs[i];
if (functionRef.method == method)
return true;
return false;
private static function stage_enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
var functionRefs:Vector.<FunctionReference>;
if (callStack.length)
functionRefs = callStack.shift() as Vector.<FunctionReference>;
if (functionRefs)
while (functionRefs.length)
var functionRef:FunctionReference = functionRefs.shift();
functionRef.method.apply(null, functionRef.args);
if (!callStack.length), stage_enterFrameHandler);
class FunctionReference
public var method:Function;
public var args:Array;
public function FunctionReference(method:Function, args:Array)
this.method = method;
this.args = args;
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