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Last active October 30, 2019 08:14
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CLI script to optimize Sugar mysql tables, by dropping all non-primary indices, optimizing and finally re-creating indices. Script similar to but implementing the recommendations described here - USE TOOT…
// Enrico Simonetti
// 2019-01-04 on Sugar 8.0.2
// CLI script to optimize Sugar mysql tables, by dropping all non-primary indices, optimizing and finally re-creating indices
function usage($error = '') {
if (!empty($error)) print(PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $error . PHP_EOL);
print(' php ' . __FILE__ . ' --instance /full/path' . PHP_EOL);
// only allow CLI
$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) != 'cli') {
die(__FILE__ . ' is CLI only.');
// get command line params
$o = getopt('', array('instance:'));
if (!$o) usage();
// find directory
if (!empty($o['instance']) && is_dir($o['instance'])) {
print('Debug: Entering directory ' . $o['instance'] . PHP_EOL);
} else {
if (!file_exists('config.php') || !file_exists('sugar_version.php')) {
usage('The provided directory is not a Sugar system');
// sugar basic setup
define('sugarEntry', true);
if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
echo 'Xdebug is enabled on this system. It is highly recommended to disable Xdebug on PHP CLI before running this script. Xdebug will cause unwanted slowness.'.PHP_EOL;
// temporarily stop xdebug, xhprof and tideways if enabled
if (function_exists('xdebug_disable')) {
if (function_exists('xhprof_disable')) {
if (function_exists('tideways_disable')) {
if (empty($current_language)) {
$current_language = $sugar_config['default_language'];
$app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($current_language);
$app_strings = return_application_language($current_language);
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Administration');
global $current_user;
$current_user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users');
$start_time = microtime(true);
echo 'Running optimize on all database tables' . PHP_EOL;
$totals = ['initial' => 0, 'final' => 0];
$results = [];
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if ($db->dbType != 'mysql') {
echo 'The database in use is not MySQL, stopping.' . PHP_EOL;
$processedTables = array();
global $beanList;
// modules
$fullModuleList = array_merge($beanList, $app_list_strings['moduleList']);
$queryDataSizeEstimation = 'select ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) as size from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_NAME = ?';
foreach($fullModuleList as $module => $label) {
$bean = BeanFactory::newBean($module);
$table = $bean->table_name;
// if the table exists
if(!empty($table) && $db->tableExists($table)) {
if (!isset($processedTables[$table])) {
$processedTables[$table] = '';
// some tables are processed multiple times as they are considered storage for multiple beans, and I have to keep it that way or the indices won't be rebuilt properly
if (!isset($results[$table]['initial'])) {
// store initial size
$stmt = $db->getConnection()->executeQuery($queryDataSizeEstimation, array($table));
if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
$results[$table]['initial'] = $row['size'];
$totals['initial'] += $row['size'];
// get current indices
$indices = $db->get_indices($table);
if (!empty($indices)) {
$indicesToRemove = [];
foreach ($indices as $idx) {
if ($idx['type'] !== 'primary') {
$indicesToRemove[] = $idx;
// drop all non-primary indices
$queries = $db->dropIndexes($table, $indicesToRemove);
$processedTables[$table] .= $queries;
// running optimize table
$query = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $table;
echo 'Running query ' . $query . '... ';
$stmt = $db->getConnection()->executeQuery($query);
echo 'done.' . PHP_EOL;
$processedTables[$table] .= PHP_EOL . $query . PHP_EOL;
// repair table
$queries = $db->repairTable($bean);
$processedTables[$table] .= $queries;
// check final size
$stmt = $db->getConnection()->executeQuery($queryDataSizeEstimation, array($table));
if ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
$results[$table]['final'] = $row['size'];
$totals['final'] += $row['size'];
echo $table . PHP_EOL;
echo ' Initial est. size: ' . $results[$table]['initial'] . ' MB. Current est size: ' . $results[$table]['final'] . ' MB' . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL . 'Total initial est. size was: ' . $totals['initial'] . ' MB, total current est. size is: ' . $totals['final'] . ' MB' . PHP_EOL;
print('Completed in ' . (int)(microtime(true) - $start_time) . ' seconds.' . PHP_EOL);
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