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Created July 10, 2012 20:27
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C++ version of chunkservs TimeWindowedStats, using boost.python.
C++11 version of chunkserv.util.TimeWindowedStats
A dumb test that feeds a ton of entries into both the python and C++ version shows that;
- insert_events time 0.237569570541
- compute_stats time 19.1441180706
- insert_events time 0.234213590622
- compute_stats time 10.5404567719
So roughly 2x faster at doing the compute_stats. This is with -g and no optimisation. With -O3 ;
- insert_events time 0.074560880661
- compute_stats time 0.906313896179
#include "chunkserv.hh"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>
#include <boost/python/suite/indexing/map_indexing_suite.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
namespace {
using namespace boost::python;
template<class T1, class T2>
struct PairToTupleConverter {
static PyObject* convert(const std::pair<T1, T2>& pair) {
return incref(make_tuple(pair.first, pair.second).ptr());
// Python bindings
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(chunkserv_cxx) {
using namespace boost::python;
// For the unit-tests, we need to expose some of the internal types. This is because the unit-tests were
// written in python for the python version of the class. So they inspect some of the guts, and there
// We need to expose all the internal types.
// Expose windows_list_t to python
class_<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::windows_list_t> ("WindowsVector")
// Expose entry_list_t to python. Passes true to have boost.python magically look for type
// converters. In this case the std::pairs that it contains, which is defined using the
// to_python_converter later.
class_<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::entry_list_t> ("EntryVector")
.def(vector_indexing_suite<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::entry_list_t, true>())
// And also export time_windows_t
class_<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::time_windows_t> ("TimeWindowsMap")
.def(map_indexing_suite<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::time_windows_t, true>())
// magic that converts entry_t to a corresponding python tuple. Used by EntryVector
to_python_converter<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::entry_t, PairToTupleConverter<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::entry_t::first_type, yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::entry_t::second_type> >();
scope().attr("__doc__") = "Hey I'm a docstring for this module";
class_<yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats>("TimeWindowedStats", "A class which holds a window of statistics, and computes stats on it.")
.def("insert_event", &yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::insert_event, "docstrings go here..")
.def("compute_stats", &yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::compute_stats, "docstrings go here..")
.def_readonly("WINDOWS", &yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::windows, "docstrings go here..")
.def_readonly("time_windows", &yelp::chunkserv::TimeWindowedStats::time_windows, "docstrings go here..")
namespace {
using namespace yelp::chunkserv;
inline double time_time() {
struct timeval tv;
::gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000000.0;
double get_std_dev(double count, double mean, const TimeWindowedStats::entry_list_t &window) {
if (count <= 1.0) {
return 0.0;
auto variances = 0.0;
for (auto val_it = window.cbegin(); val_it != window.cend(); ++val_it) {
const auto &val = *val_it;
for (const auto &val: window) {
variances += std::pow((val.first - mean), 2);
auto variance = variances / double(count - 1);
return sqrt(variance);
double get_percentile(const TimeWindowedStats::entry_list_t &window, int percentile) {
if (window.size() == 0) {
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
auto count = window.size() - 1;
auto index = percentile / 100.0 * count;
if (index <= 0.0) {
return window.front().first;
if (index >= count) {
return window.back().first;
auto lo_index = static_cast<unsigned int> (std::floor(index));
auto hi_index = static_cast<unsigned int> (std::ceil(index));
auto weight = index - lo_index;
if (lo_index < 0) {
return window.front().first;
if (hi_index > count) {
return window.back().first;
auto lo = window[lo_index].first;
auto hi = window[hi_index].first;
if (lo == hi) {
return lo;
return lo * (1 - weight) + hi * weight;
namespace yelp {
namespace chunkserv {
TimeWindowedStats::TimeWindowedStats() : init_time (time_time()) {
percentiles = {50, 75, 95, 99};
windows = {60, 300};
void TimeWindowedStats::cull_old_events(timestamp_t now) {
for (auto wit = windows.cbegin(); wit != windows.cend(); ++wit) {
auto &window = time_windows[*wit];
double lowest_time_allowed = now - *wit;
// We loop over the list until we've reached an recent enough events. And while
// doing that, keep track of the sum. This lets us update the window and
// time_windows_sum quickly.
value_t sum = 0.0;
auto end = window.begin();
for (; end != window.end(); ++end) {
if (end->second >= lowest_time_allowed) break;
sum += end->first;
time_windows_sums[*wit] -= sum;
window.erase(window.begin(), end);
// shrink
entry_list_t tmp(window);
void TimeWindowedStats::insert_event(timestamp_t ts, value_t val) {
for (auto window_size_it = windows.cbegin(); window_size_it != windows.cend(); ++window_size_it) {
const auto &window_size = *window_size_it;
for (const auto &window_size: windows) {
// I tried keeping 2 lists, one new and one old. When calling compute_stats, I could
// sort the new and compare the head of that with the tail of old. That let me avoid
// resorting the entire set. It did not improve perf, just added a 8% slowdown.
time_windows[window_size].push_back(entry_t(val, ts));
time_windows_sums[window_size] += val;
boost::python::dict TimeWindowedStats::compute_stats() {
using namespace boost::python;
auto stats = list();
auto total_data_points = 0U;
auto now = time_time();
for (auto window_size_it = windows.cbegin(); window_size_it != windows.cend(); ++window_size_it) {
const auto &window_size = *window_size_it;
for (const auto &window_size: windows) {
auto window = entry_list_t(time_windows[window_size]);
std::sort(window.begin(), window.end());
auto count = window.size();
total_data_points += count;
auto total = time_windows_sums[window_size];
auto mean = (count > 0.0) ? (double(total) / double(count)) : 0;
auto std_dev = get_std_dev(count, mean, window);
dict win_stats = dict();
win_stats["mean"] = mean;
win_stats["std_dev"] = std_dev;
win_stats["rate_per_sec"] = double(count) / double(window_size);
for (auto percentile_it = percentiles.cbegin(); percentile_it != percentiles.cend(); ++percentile_it) {
const auto &percentile = *percentile_it;
for (const auto &percentile: percentiles) {
char name[128];
auto sz = snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%dth", percentile);
BOOST_ASSERT(sz < static_cast<int>(sizeof(name)));
auto pct = get_percentile(window, percentile);
if (pct == std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {
// If there's not valid percentile, return 'U', which is magic RRD value for undefined.
win_stats[name] = "U";
} else {
win_stats[name] = get_percentile(window, percentile);
char stat_name[128];
int sz = snprintf(stat_name, sizeof(stat_name), "%ds_window", window_size);
BOOST_ASSERT(sz < static_cast<int>(sizeof(stat_name)));
dict stat = dict();
stat["name"] = stat_name;
stat["stat_type"] = 1; // STAT_TYPE_PERCENTILE :-(
stat["stats"] = win_stats;
auto result = dict();
result["timestamp"] = now;
result["stats"] = stats;
result["data_point_count"] = total_data_points;;
return result;
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