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Created June 1, 2016 02:30
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#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! -smp enable -sname bvi_group
%% escript ./bvi_group.erl
% Magic compiler directive to make reduce/1 be visible in main/1.
%% This is a variant of the debt reduce interview question that works
%% on a group of people, with persons making payments for things that
%% are for the entire group or a subgroup should reimburse them for.
%% Here's some common rounding functions we'll need.
round(Number, Precision) ->
P = math:pow(10, Precision),
round(Number * P) / P.
floor(X) when X < 0 ->
T = trunc(X),
case X - T == 0 of
true -> T;
false -> T - 1
floor(X) ->
ceiling(X) when X < 0 ->
ceiling(X) ->
T = trunc(X),
case X - T == 0 of
true -> T;
false -> T + 1
%% Main entry for debt reduction.
-spec reduce(list(atom()), list(tuple())) -> list(tuple()).
reduce(_, []) ->
reduce(Group, Debts) ->
%% First find out who is owed/owes how much.
Balance = reduce_to_balances(Group, Debts, dict:new()),
io:format("Balance: ~p~n", [dict:to_list(Balance)]),
{Debtors, Creditors} = lists:partition(fun({_, Amount}) -> Amount < 0 end,
io:format("Debtors: ~p~n", [Debtors]),
io:format("Creditors: ~p~n", [Creditors]),
reduce_debts(lists:keysort(2, Debtors),
lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, Creditors)), []).
%% Reduce to balances, where each payment is either for the entire
%% group or just a subgroup.
reduce_to_balances(Group, [{Creditor, Amount}|T], Acc) ->
%% For entire group.
% ceiling/1 amounts because cents are lame.
PerHead = ceiling(Amount/length(Group)),
Acc2 = reduce_to_balances_for_group(Group, {Creditor, PerHead}, Acc),
reduce_to_balances(Group, T, Acc2);
reduce_to_balances(Group, [{Creditor, Amount, SubGroup}|T], Acc) ->
%% For a subgroup only.
% ceiling/1 amounts because cents are lame.
PerHead = ceiling(Amount/length(SubGroup)),
Acc2 = reduce_to_balances_for_group(SubGroup, {Creditor, PerHead}, Acc),
reduce_to_balances(Group, T, Acc2);
reduce_to_balances(_Group, [], Acc) ->
%% Helper for reduce_to_balances/3 that reduces for the group.
reduce_to_balances_for_group([Creditor|T], {Creditor, Amount}, Acc) ->
%% On a miss, dict:update_counter will set the value to the given amount.
io:format("~w paid ~w to self~n", [Creditor, Amount]),
reduce_to_balances_for_group(T, {Creditor, Amount}, Acc);
reduce_to_balances_for_group([Debtor|T], {Creditor, Amount}, Acc) ->
%% On a miss, dict:update_counter will set the value to the given amount.
io:format("~w paid ~w to ~w~n", [Creditor, Amount, Debtor]),
D = dict:update_counter(Creditor, Amount, Acc),
D2 = dict:update_counter(Debtor, -Amount, D),
reduce_to_balances_for_group(T, {Creditor, Amount}, D2);
reduce_to_balances_for_group([], _, Acc) ->
%% Reduce payments, must be perfectly balanced.
reduce_debts([{_Debtor, Owes}|Debtors], Creditors, Acc) when Owes >= -0.01 ->
%% If a debtor owes (close to) 0, remove from list.
reduce_debts(Debtors, Creditors, Acc);
reduce_debts(Debtors, [{_Creditor, Owed}|Creditors], Acc) when Owed =< 0.01 ->
%% If a creditor is owed (close to) 0, remove from list.
reduce_debts(Debtors, Creditors, Acc);
reduce_debts([{Debtor, Owes}|Debtors], [{Creditor, Owed}|Creditors], Acc) ->
%% Otherwise, alter their amount and create a payout from Debtor to Creditor.
Amount = round(min(abs(Owes), Owed), 2),
io:format("Reducing ~w from ~w to ~w, ~w from ~w to ~w by ~w~n",
[Debtor, Owes, Owes + Amount, Creditor, Owed, Owed - Amount, Amount]),
% It's important to keep the lists sorted so the most in-debt pays
% the most-owed person.
reduce_debts(lists:keysort(2, [{Debtor, Owes + Amount}|Debtors]),
lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, [{Creditor, Owed - Amount}|Creditors])),
lists:append(Acc, [{Creditor, Debtor, Amount}]));
reduce_debts([], [], Acc) ->
%% Once both lists are empty, we're done.
% Helper to print result "nicely".
print_result([{Creditor, Debtor, Amount}|T]) ->
%% Fuck cents, ain't nobody got time for that. Round/1 everything to ints.
io:format("~w pays ~w $~w~n", [Debtor, Creditor, round(Amount)]),
print_result([]) ->
test() ->
%% A pays 30 the group of 3, b pays 10 to b and c.
%% A should get 20 back, 5 from b and 15 from c.
Reduced = reduce([a, b, c], [{a, 30}, {b, 10, [b, c]}]),
Result = sets:from_list(Reduced),
Expected = sets:from_list([{a, b, 5.0}, {a, c, 15.0}]),
Result = Expected.
Reduced = reduce([eskil, shelley, alex, john, chris, phil],
{eskil, 592}, % Boat remainder for all.
{eskil, 1200, [john]}, % Boat for John.
{eskil, 721, [alex]}, % flight
{eskil, 230, [phil, chris]}, % hotel
{eskil, 230, [shelley, eskil]}, % hotel
{eskil, 230, [john]}, % hotel
{eskil, 230, [alex]}, % hotel
{eskil, 438}, % provisioning
{alex, 133, [alex, eskil, shelley]}, % airport food
{alex, 90}, % Airport beers
{chris, 307}, % dinner at base
{eskil, 99}, % Phone & inverter rental
{eskil, 20, [alex]}, % Spending money
{chris, 60, [phil, chris, john, eskil]}, % Breakfast at base
{alex, 419}, % Provisioning at base
{eskil, 248, [eskil, alex]}, % diving the rhone
{eskil, 60, [phil]}, % not diving the rhone
{john, 115}, % drinks Fat Hogs Bay
{eskil, 30}, % Mooring Peter Island
{eskil, 33, [eskil, shelley, chris, john]}, % drinks Peter Island
{phil, 85}, % drinks at the Baths
{eskil, 30}, % mooring at Cooper Island
{john, 400}, % dinner and drinks at cooper island
{chris, 15}, % Ice at cooper island
{eskil, 40}, % Virgin Gorda mooring (20$) & trash (3 x 3$) & water (75 gallons)
{shelley, 120}, % Virgin Gorda Groceries
{chris, 341}, % bitter end dinner
{eskil, 93, [eskil, alex, chris, phil, john]}, % loblolly cab + drinks
{eskil, 10}, % Ice anegada
{eskil, 5}, % Anegada Trash haul
{eskil, 30}, % Anegada mooring
{phil, 470}, % Lobster at anegada
{eskil, 60}, % Groceries at trellis
{eskil, 30}, % Mooring at trellis
{john, 30, [eskil, shelley, chris, john]}, % Drinks at loose mongoose
{phil, 237}, % dinner at loose mongoose
{phil, 188}, % Lunch at Myetts Cane Garden Bay
{john, 30}, % mooring at Cane garden bay
{eskil, 49, [chris, eskil, phil, alex, shelley]}, % Breakfast at elm beach cafe
{alex, 0, [alex, eskil]}, % Diving JVD
{john, 30}, % Mooring at JVD Great Harbour
{alex, 272, [alex, eskil]}, % JVD diving
{eskil, 43}, % Drinks at Foxys Taboo
{phil, 245}, % Dinner at Corsairs
{john, 411}, % Dinner at Pirates Bight
{eskil, 100}, % Drinkts at Pirates Bight
{eskil, 90}, % Drinks and snacks at base
{john, 252}, % dinner at Charlies at base
{eskil, 70}, % taxi to airport
{chris, 32}, % stuff
{chris, 80, [chris, phil, shelley, alex, eskil]} % Airport snacks
io:format("~p~n", [Reduced]),
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