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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save eskim/d263dff4f6649fe0732b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eskim/d263dff4f6649fe0732b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
q.longStackSupport = true
Agent.check = ->
url = ""
q.nfcall(request, url).then (res)=>
xml = res[0].body
console.log xml
$ = cheerio.load(res[0].body)
selects = "hour day temp tmx tmn wfEn wfKor pop".split(" ")
console.log selects
results = []
$('data').each ->
results.push _.reduce selects, (memo, key)=>
memo[key] = $(@).find(key).text()
, {}
msgs = results, (r)->
{msg: "#{r.hour}시 - #{r.temp}도 (#{r.tmn}/#{r.tmx}) #{r.wfKor} (강수확률:#{r.pop}%)"}
@create_event title: 'weather forecast', items: msgs
Agent.check = ->
url = ""
q.nfcall(request, url).then (res)=>
body = res[1]
$ = cheerio.load(body)
results = []
$('ol.list_info li').each (i, e)->
link = $(@).find('> a').attr('href')
link = require('url').resolve(url, link)
results.push title: $(@).find('em').text(), link: link
payload =
title: "Social Pick"
items:, (r)-> msg: "<a href='#{}'>#{r.title}</a>")
@create_event payload
console.log results
# {"id":12,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":[{"playerid":1,"type":"video"}]}
# {"id":12,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"item":{"label":"264.540p-iCong.avi","type":"unknown"}}}
jsonrpc = (method, params = [])->
url = ""
data = {jsonrpc: "2.0", method: method, params:params, id: 1}
q.nsend(request,'post', url, json: data).then (res)->
Agent.check = ->
jsonrpc("Player.GetActivePlayers").then (re)=>
if re.length
jsonrpc("Player.GetItem", [re[0].playerid])
@log "no playing"
.then (re)=>
@create_event re.item
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