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Created March 14, 2019 23:14
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resource "aws_ecs_cluster" "demo-ecs-cluster" {
name = "${var.ecs_cluster}"
# TODO convert to aws_launch_template
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "ecs-launch-configuration" {
# Notice create_before_destroy lifecycle setting and name_prefix. As we can’t create a new resource with
# the same name as the old one, we don’t hard-code the name and only specify the prefix. Terraform adds
# a random postfix to it, so the new configuration doesn’t clash with the old one before it is destroyed.
name_prefix = "demo-cluster-lc"
# image_id = "${}"
image_id = "ami-4cc5072e"
instance_type = "${var.instance_type}"
iam_instance_profile = "${}"
root_block_device {
volume_type = "standard"
volume_size = 16
delete_on_termination = true
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
security_groups = ["${module.security_group.this_security_group_id}"]
associate_public_ip_address = "true"
key_name = "${var.key_name}"
user_data = <<EOF
echo ECS_CLUSTER=${var.ecs_cluster} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "ecs-autoscaling-group" {
# We reference the launch configuration name in the name of the Auto Scaling group.
# Updating the name of an ASG requires its replacement, and the new Auto Scaling
# group would spin up its instances using the new launch configuration.
name = "${}-asg"
max_size = "${var.max_instance_size}"
min_size = "${var.min_instance_size}"
desired_capacity = "${var.desired_capacity}"
vpc_zone_identifier = ["${}", "${}"]
launch_configuration = "${}"
health_check_type = "ELB"
# Required to redeploy without an outage.
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "demo-cluster" {
name = "demo-ecs-auto-scaling"
policy_type = "TargetTrackingScaling"
estimated_instance_warmup = "90"
# adjustment_type = "ChangeInCapacity"
autoscaling_group_name = "${}"
target_tracking_configuration {
predefined_metric_specification {
predefined_metric_type = "ASGAverageCPUUtilization"
target_value = 40.0
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