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Last active November 13, 2017 16:25
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prim algorithm for some Graph structure
// iPair ==> Integer Pair
typedef std::pair<int, int> iPair;
std::vector<int> Graph::primtMST(int src) // Taking vertex 0 as source
// Create a priority queue to store vertices that
// are being preinMST. This is weird syntax in C++.
// Refer below link for details of this syntax
std::priority_queue< iPair, std::vector <iPair>, std::greater<iPair> > pq;
// Create a vector for keys and initialize all
// keys as infinite (INF)
std::vector<int> key(m_vGraphVertexes.size(), INF);
// To store parent array which in turn store MST
std::vector<int> parent(m_vGraphVertexes.size(), -1);
// To keep track of vertices included in MST
std::vector<bool> inMST(m_vGraphVertexes.size(), false);
// Insert source itself in priority queue and initialize
// its key as 0.
pq.push(std::make_pair(0, src));
key[src] = 0;
/* Looping till priority queue becomes empty */
while (!pq.empty())
// The first vertex in pair is the minimum key
// vertex, extract it from priority queue.
// vertex label is stored in second of pair (it
// has to be done this way to keep the vertices
// sorted key (key must be first item
// in pair)
int u =;
inMST[u] = true; // Include vertex in MST
// 'i' is used to get all adjacent vertices of a vertex
for (auto i = m_vGraphVertexes[u].getNeighbours().begin(); i != m_vGraphVertexes[u].getNeighbours().end(); ++i)
// Get vertex label and weight of current adjacent
// of u.
int v = (*i).first;
int weight = (*i).second;
// If v is not in MST and weight of (u,v) is smaller
// than current key of v
if (!inMST[v] && key[v] > weight)
// Updating key of v
key[v] = weight;
pq.push(std::make_pair(key[v], v));
parent[v] = u;
//reserve the space
std::for_each(m_vGraphVertexes.begin(), m_vGraphVertexes.end(), [&](CGraphVertex & v)
CGraphVertex newVertex(v.getIndex(), v.getPtr());
//Copy edges of MST using parent array
for (int i = 1; i < m_vGraphMST.size(); ++i)
if (parent[i] != -1)
double d = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(m_vGraphVertexes[i].getPtr(), m_vGraphVertexes[parent[i]].getPtr());
m_vGraphMST[i].link(m_vGraphMST[parent[i]].getIndex(), d);
m_vGraphMST[parent[i]].link(m_vGraphMST[i].getIndex(), d);
return parent;
//std::vector<Vertex>::iterator findVertexIndex(double* val, bool& res)
// std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it;
// Vertex v(val);
// it = std::find(m_vVertexes.begin(), m_vVertexes.end(), v);
// if (it != m_vVertexes.end()) {
// res = true;
// return it;
// }
// else {
// res = false;
// return m_vVertexes.end();
// }
//void addEdge(int n1, int n2)
// bool foundNet1 = false, foundNet2 = false;
// auto vit1 = findVertexIndex(n1, foundNet1);
// int node1Index = -1, node2Index = -1;
// if (!foundNet1)
// {
// Vertex v1(n1);
// m_vVertexes.push_back(v1);
// node1Index = m_vVertexes.size() - 1;
// }
// else
// {
// node1Index = vit1 - m_vVertexes.begin();
// }
// Vertices::iterator vit2 = findVertexIndex(n2, foundNet2);
// if (!foundNet2)
// {
// Vertex v2(n2);
// m_vVertexes.push_back(v2);
// node2Index = m_vVertexes.size() - 1;
// }
// else
// {
// node2Index = vit2 - vertices.begin();
// }
// assert((node1Index > -1) && (node1Index < vertices.size()));
// assert((node2Index > -1) && (node2Index < vertices.size()));
// addEdgeIndices(node1Index, node2Index);
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