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Created August 15, 2021 17:12
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Example of Stack implementation using operator overloading using an array (fixed size).
#include <iostream.h> //example of operator overloading
template<class T>
class Stack {
Stack(int n);
Stack(Stack<T>& s); //copy constructor
~Stack() {delete [] stackPtr;} // destructor
Stack<T> operator + (const Stack<T>& s2) const; //overloading +
Stack<T>& operator = (const Stack<T>& s); //overloading assignment
bool Push (const T& element); // Push element onto stack
bool Pop (T& element); // Pop element off stack
int size; // size of stack
int top; // location of the top element
T *stackPtr; // pointer to stack
bool Isempty (){return (top == -1);}
bool Isfull () {return (top == size - 1);}
template<class T>
Stack<T>& Stack<T> :: operator = (const Stack<T>& s) // overloading assignemnt
if (&s != this) {
delete [ ] stackPtr;
size=s.size;; stackPtr= new T [size];
for (int i=0; i < size; i++)
return *this;
template<class T>
Stack<T> Stack<T> :: operator + (const Stack<T>& s2) const
Stack<T> temp(totsize); // totsize = size of stack1 + size of stack2
// do your work here
// + operator what is does is to concatenate two stacks
// s1 and s2
// example s1={1,3} and s2={4,6,7,8}, suppose that size s1=3, and size s2=7
// top of stack1 = 1 (top element = 3}, top of stack2 = 3 (top element = 8)
// totsize= 10 (that is size of s1 + size of s2)
// temp={1,3,4,6,7,8}, where the top is 5 and the top element is 8
return temp;
template<class T>
Stack<T> :: Stack (Stack<T>& s) //copy constructor
{ size=s.size;
stackPtr = new T [size];;
for (int i=0; i < size; i++)
stackPtr[i]=s.stackPtr[i]; // allocate space for size elements of type T
template<class T>
Stack<T> :: Stack (int n)
size = n > 0 ? n :10;
top = -1; // empty stack
stackPtr = new T [size]; // allocate space for size elements of type T
template<class T>
bool Stack<T>::Push (const T& element)
if ( !Isfull() ) {
return (true);
return (false);
template<class T>
bool Stack<T>::Pop (T& element)
if ( !Isempty() ) {
return true;
return false;
int main()
int size1, size2, element;
cout << endl << "Enter size of stack1: " ;
cin >> size1;
cout << endl << "Enter size of stack2: " ;
cin >> size2;
Stack< int > intS1 (size1), intS2 (size2), intS3 (1);
//create stack1
{ cout << endl << "Enter element of stack1: ";
cin >> element;
} while (intS1.Push(element));
// create stack2
{ cout << endl << "Enter element of stack2: ";
cin >> element;
} while (intS2.Push(element));
intS3 = intS1 + intS2;
cout << endl << "displaying S3";
cout << endl << "=============";
while ( intS3.Pop(element))
cout << endl << "element: " << element;
cout << endl;
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