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Created July 7, 2021 12:36
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using UdonSharp;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDKBase;
// using InariUdon.UI;
using UCS;
namespace EsnyaAircraftAssets
public class SFUdonChips : UdonSharpBehaviour
public EngineController[] engineControllers;
public UdonSharpBehaviour fogSource;
public string fogVariableName;
public Transform sunSource;
public float altitudeThreshold = 60.0f;
public float onKill = 2000.0f;
public float onLanded = 500.0f, onResupplyed = 50.0f;
public float onEscaped = -500.0f, onDead = -1000.0f;
public float darkBonus = 500, fogBonus = 3000, fogBonusCurve = 2;
private EngineController pilotingController;
private Scoreboard_Kills scoreboard;
private UdonChips udonChips;
private float seaLevel, fullFuel, landedFogLevel;
private int prevFuel;
private bool landedInDark, prevTaxiing;
private int targetCount;
private float maxAltitude;
private bool landed;
private void Start()
udonChips = GameObject.Find("UdonChips").GetComponent<UdonChips>();
targetCount = engineControllers.Length;
Log("Info", $"Initialized (tracking {targetCount} vehicles)");
private void AddMoney(float value, string reason)
Log("Info", $"{value:#.##} ({reason})"); += value;
private bool GetIsDark()
if (sunSource == null) return false;
return Vector3.Dot(sunSource.forward, Vector3.up) > 0;
private float GetFogLevel()
if (fogSource == null) return 0;
var value = fogSource.GetProgramVariable(fogVariableName);
return (float)value;
private bool GetIsFullHealth()
var health = pilotingController.Health;
var fullHealth = pilotingController.FullHealth;
return health == fullHealth;
private void OnEntered(EngineController engineController)
pilotingController = engineController;
fullFuel = pilotingController.FullFuel;
seaLevel = pilotingController.SeaLevel;
scoreboard = pilotingController.KillsBoard;
private void OnExited()
if (scoreboard != null)
var kills = scoreboard.MyKills;
for (int i = 0; i < kills; i++) AddMoney(onKill, "Kill");
if (pilotingController.dead)
AddMoney(onDead, "Dead");
else if (!pilotingController.Taxiing)
AddMoney(onEscaped, "Escaped");
pilotingController = null;
maxAltitude = 0;
private void OnLanded()
if (maxAltitude - seaLevel < altitudeThreshold) return;
landed = true;
maxAltitude = 0;
if (GetIsFullHealth())
landedInDark = GetIsDark();
landedFogLevel = GetFogLevel();
Log("Debug", $"landed with full health (dark: {landedInDark}, fog: {landedFogLevel})");
private void OnResupplied()
AddMoney(onResupplyed, "Resupplied");
if (landed)
AddMoney(onLanded, "Landed");
if (landedInDark) AddMoney(darkBonus, "Night Bonus");
var calculatedFogBonus = Mathf.Floor(Mathf.Pow(landedFogLevel, fogBonusCurve) * fogBonus);
if (calculatedFogBonus > 0) AddMoney(fogBonus, "Weather Bonus");
landedInDark = false;
landedFogLevel = 0;
landed = false;
maxAltitude = 0;
private void Update()
if (pilotingController == null)
var engineController = engineControllers[Time.frameCount % targetCount];
if (engineController.Piloting) OnEntered(engineController);
if (pilotingController != null)
if (!pilotingController.Piloting) OnExited();
maxAltitude = Mathf.Max(maxAltitude, Networking.LocalPlayer.GetPosition().y);
var fuel = Mathf.CeilToInt(pilotingController.Fuel);
if (fuel == fullFuel && prevFuel < fuel) OnResupplied();
prevFuel = fuel;
var taxiing = pilotingController.Taxiing;
if (!prevTaxiing && taxiing) OnLanded();
prevTaxiing = taxiing;
// [Header("Logger")]
// public UdonLogger logger;
private void Log(string level, string log)
// if (logger == null) Debug.Log(log);
// else logger.Log(level,, log);
Debug.Log($"[{level}] ({}) {log}");
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