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Last active August 9, 2020 07:30
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AnimatiorController 内の同じ Motion を一括で置き換えるツール
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Animations;
namespace EsnyaFactory {
public class MotionReplacer : EditorWindow {
[MenuItem("EsnyaFactory/Motion Replacer")]
[MenuItem("Assets/EsnyaFactory/Motion Replacer")]
private static MotionReplacer ShowWindow() {
var window = GetWindow<MotionReplacer>();
return window;
AnimatorController controller;
AnimatorController prevController;
KeyValuePair<Motion, Motion>[] motionTable;
private IEnumerable<Motion> GetMotions(AnimatorStateMachine stateMachine)
return stateMachine.stateMachines
.SelectMany(sub => GetMotions(sub.stateMachine))
.Concat(stateMachine.states.Select(state => state.state.motion));
private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Motion, Motion>> GetMotionTable(AnimatorController controller)
return controller.layers
.SelectMany(layer => GetMotions(layer.stateMachine))
.Where(motion => motion != null)
.OrderBy(motion =>
.Select(motion => new KeyValuePair<Motion, Motion>(motion, null));
private void ReplaceMotions(AnimatorStateMachine stateMachine, Dictionary<Motion, Motion> motionDict)
.Where(state => state.state.motion != null && motionDict.ContainsKey(state.state.motion))
.ForEach(state => {
var prev = state.state.motion;
var next = motionDict[prev];
Debug.Log($"Repling {} by {}");
state.state.motion = next;
stateMachine.stateMachines.ToList().ForEach(subStateMachine => ReplaceMotions(subStateMachine.stateMachine, motionDict));
private void ExecuteReplace(AnimatorController controller, KeyValuePair<Motion, Motion>[] motionTable)
var motionDict = motionTable.Where(pair => pair.Value != null).ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);
controller.layers.ToList().ForEach(layer => {
Debug.Log($"Replacing layer {}");
ReplaceMotions(layer.stateMachine, motionDict);
private void OnGUI() {
titleContent = new GUIContent("Motion Replacer");
controller = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Animation Controller", controller, typeof(AnimatorController), false) as AnimatorController;
if (controller != null && (controller != prevController || motionTable == null)) {
motionTable = GetMotionTable(controller).ToList().ToArray();
prevController = controller;
if (controller == null) {
prevController = null;
if (motionTable != null) {
motionTable = motionTable
.Select(motionMap => new KeyValuePair<Motion, Motion>(
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(, motionMap.Value, typeof(Motion), false) as Motion
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(controller == null);
if (GUILayout.Button("Reload Motions")) {
prevController = null;
var hasChange = motionTable != null && motionTable.Any(motionMap => motionMap.Value != null);
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!hasChange || controller == null);
if (GUILayout.Button("Replace")) {
ExecuteReplace(controller, motionTable);
prevController = null;
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