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Drush command "executor" on alias pattern. Built for Wodby aliases naming standard, but can work on other setups.

DrCmd - DrushComander

drush command runner for Wodby aliases

0. Install

Save the file in /usr/local/bin/ (or anywhere else as long as it is in your $PATH) and verify that it is executable.

a. Right click on "Raw" button (for drcmd) and copy the URL.

b. curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/drcmd (Use the url from step a.)

c. chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/drcmd

d. which drcmd should return you the above path, if not you should add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH.

e. Profit

1. Usage

To execute the user-login action on an alias just run drcmd followed by a portion of the alias name. This will default on the Live instance. If more results will match you'll be promted to chose which one the comand shouyld be run into.

For example drcmd rams will match an alias like and run drush command uli.

If you want to run uli in a differetn instance, just pass part of the name as the 2nd parameter

For example: drcmd rams dev will match and run drush command uli.

Any more parameter passed is directly forwarded to drush, by default of no other parameter is passed the script assumes "user-login". You can also pass flags and options to drush see the examples.

drcmd foo dev ssh will run drush command ssh. drcmd foo dev core-cron --verbose will run drush command core-cron with the --verbose option.

Protip: Try using a single letter (or maybe two) for sitename and for the instance name, often it just works: drcmd pa l status

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Searches trough the drush aliases based on a pattern and optional instance
# type performing user-login or another command.
# Usage:
# drcmd slug instance cmd
# slug = excerpt of the domain name. Example: "rams" for "" or
# "goo" for ""
# instance = *optional* excerpt of the Wodby instance name
# cmd... = *optional* any command to execute with optionsl flags, this is all
# passed to 'drush' so be careful on what you're passing here.
# Defaults on "user-login"
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
if [[ ${DEBUG:-} ]]; then
set -x
readonly _self="$0"
readonly DRUSH=$(which drush)
readonly excerpt="${1:-}"
readonly instance="${2:-live}"
# Remove the first two parameters
if [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then
if [[ ! -x $DRUSH ]]; then
echo "FATAL: Drush cannot be found." 1>&2
exit 1
# A "excerpt" used to filter the aliases.
if [[ -z "$excerpt" ]]; then
echo "Wrong usage: you need to specify a name and optionally an instance name"
echo "Exmaple: $0 morgenbladet"
exit 2
drush-get-major-version() {
local __resultvar=$1
local version_string=$($DRUSH version --pipe)
local IFS=.
declare -a v=(${version_string[@]})
if [[ ! ":${v[0]}:" =~ :[0-9]+: ]]; then
printf "FATAL: Unexpected drush version:\n> '%s'\n" "${version_string}" 1>&2
exit 1
eval $__resultvar="'${v[0]}'"
ensure-correct-drush-version() {
drush-get-major-version drush_v
if [[ ${drush_v} -ne 8 ]]; then
printf "FATAL: Only drush 8 is currently supported.\nTry running the command like this:" 1>&2
printf "\n (cd ~ && %s %s %s %s)\n\n" "$(basename ${_self})" "${excerpt}" "${instance}" "${drush_cmd}" 1>&2
exit 1
return 0
drush-run() {
# First is the alias name
# Pass all other parameters to drush
printf "#\n# Running command 'drush %s' on %s\n#\n" "${dr_cmd}" "${dr_alias}"
$DRUSH "$dr_alias" "$dr_cmd"
main() {
printf -v regex 'wodby\.[^\.]+\.%s[a-z0-9_\-]*\.%s[a-z0-9_\-]*$' "${excerpt}" "${instance}"
declare -a alias_list=(`${DRUSH} site-alias | grep -E "${regex}"`)
if [[ ${#alias_list[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No matching alias found." 1>&2
elif [[ ${#alias_list[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then
drush-run "${alias_list[0]}" "$drush_cmd"
echo -e "Multiple matches, please select one\n"
select name in ${alias_list[@]}; do
drush-run "${name}" "${drush_cmd}"
exit $?
main "$@"
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Fixed regex to match multiple dashes in alias

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esolitos commented Nov 6, 2018

Updated documentation and improved matching, now wodby is required as prefix for the match.

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Updated to handle errors from drush-launcher.

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