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Last active February 19, 2020 13:46
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Save esolitos/692e1b81209053ae9be5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OUTDATED # Devel settings for Drupal + RamsaltMedia platforms - MOVED to
This config assumes that:
- `platform.settings.php` is placed in the `sites/` directory
- you have a `sites/files` directory in your drupal installation.
- you have a `ramsalt` user that can access all your databases starting with `ramsalt_`
- the files on the "live" site are placed in the drupal's default directory: `sites/hostname.tld/files`
* This file contains most of the default settings that otherwise we will have to share among all the Media Sites
$conf['site_name'] = '*DEV* '.$site_name;
$conf['site_mail'] = $your_email;
$conf['site_slogan'] = empty($slogan) ? '' : $slogan;
$conf['file_temporary_path'] = 'sites/files/'.$host.'/private/temp';
$conf['file_public_path'] = 'sites/files/'.$host.'/files';
$conf['file_private_path'] = 'sites/files/'.$host.'/private';
if ( $real_host ) {
$real_host_directory = isset($real_host_directory) ? $real_host_directory : $real_host;
if ( isset($real_host_access) )
$conf['stage_file_proxy_origin'] = 'http://'.$real_host_access.'@'.$real_host;
$conf['stage_file_proxy_origin'] = 'http://'.$real_host;
$conf['stage_file_proxy_hotlink'] = FALSE;
$conf['stage_file_proxy_origin_dir'] = 'sites/'.$real_host_directory.'/files';
$update_free_access = FALSE;
$drupal_hash_salt = 'you-should-really-change-this-but-on-the-other-hand-this-is-a-dev-site';
$conf['cache'] = FALSE;
$conf['block_cache'] = FALSE;
$conf['cache_lifetime'] = 0;
$conf['page_cache_maximum_age'] = 0;
$conf['page_compression'] = FALSE;
$conf['preprocess_css'] = FALSE;
$conf['preprocess_js'] = FALSE;
$conf['css_gzip_compression'] = FALSE;
$conf['js_gzip_compression'] = FALSE;
if (empty($default_db_user)) {
$default_db_user = 'ramsalt';
$default_db_password = 'SUPERSTRONGPASSWORD!! ..or a weak one, it does not matter, I have a firewall..';
if (empty($db_host)) {
$db_host = 'localhost';
$databases = array (
'default' => array (
'default' => array (
'database' => $db_name,
'username' => $default_db_user,
'password' => $default_db_password,
'host' => $db_host,
'port' => '',
'driver' => 'mysql',
'prefix' => '',
* Ramsalt Media Settings
$conf['move_main_illustration_region'] = 'header';
$conf['main_illustration_gallery_field'] = 'field_image_gallery';
$conf['facebook-page'] = 'ramsaltlab';
$conf['twitter-user-name'] = 'ramsalt';
// Locally turning off SMTP by default
$conf['smtp_on'] = FALSE;
// Disable cron by default
$conf['cron_safe_threshold'] = 0;
// Enable theme debug if required.
$conf['theme_debug'] = isset($enable_theme_debug) ? $enable_theme_debug : FALSE;
$default_theme = ( !empty($custom_theme) ) ? $custom_theme : 'ramsalt_media';
$conf['htmlmail_theme'] = $default_theme;
$conf['mailsystem_theme'] = $default_theme;
$conf['simplenews_from_name'] = $your_email;
$conf['simplenews_test_address'] = $your_email;
$conf['smtp_from'] = $your_email;
$conf['smtp_fromname'] = $conf['site_name'];
$conf['disqus_domain'] = 'disqus';
* PHP settings:
$thirty_days = (60*60*24*30);
ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100);
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $thirty_days);
ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', $thirty_days);
ini_set('error_reporting', -1);
* TODO: Base info about this file and its structure.
* @author Marlon Saglia
// Set the local hostname for this site, this option is mostly used to generate
// the local public+private files
$host = '';
// Set the real hostname of the site, it will be used for stage_file_proxy
// set it to any "false" value to disable it.
$real_host = '';
// This is used if the files are not in the typical
// structure: sites/{$real_host}/files but in a sites/{$real_host_directory}/files
// $real_host_directory = ''
// Set the name of the site (the real one)
$site_name = "This is My New Site";
// if $db_name starts with 'ramsalt_' there's no need for changing db user
// since there's a user `ramsalt` that can access al DBs with that pattern
$db_name = 'ramsalt_example';
// Set this if *ONLY* you're using a custom database config,
// but note that in te 99% of tha cases there's no need to do that!
// $db_host = '';
// $default_db_user = '';
// $default_db_password = '';
// Set only if needed, a default value will be given in the platform.settings
// $custom_theme = '';
// Uncomment the next line to enable theme debuging output.
// More info:
// $enable_theme_debug = TRUE;
// if your online host (in this config: $real_host) has an authentication you sould set here the info
// using the format: username:password
// $real_host_access = 'username:password';
* Your Data
* In theory this data is shared among all the local config files
$your_email = '';
// ...and here's the real magic. ;)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../platform.settings.php';
// Other Stuff and overrides, if you REEEALY need to override some settings, this is the place where to do it!
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