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Created August 30, 2011 19:35
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Wordnet 3.0 Manifest
@prefix lib: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix wn30: <> .
@prefix wnschema: <> .
@prefix basic: <basic/> .
@prefix full: <full/> .
@prefix standoff: <standoff/> .
@prefix wn20map: <wn20mappings/> .
@prefix lexvodir: <../> .
@prefix wn20: <../../w3c-wordnet/> .
a lib:Namespace ;
lib:mnemonic "wn30" ;
lib:namespace wn30: .
a lib:Namespace ;
lib:mnemonic "wnschema" ;
lib:namespace wnschema: .
a lib:Ontology ;
a lib:Virtual ;
dcterms:title "Complete RDF conversion of Princeton Wordnet 3.0" ;
owl:versionInfo "3.0" ;
lib:source wn30: ;
<wn30-skos> ,
<wn30-common> ,
wn20map:wnhubs ,
standoff:wn30-morph ,
basic:wn30-basic-only , # Hack: we only load this to get skos:altLabel mapped
full:wn30-full-only .
a lib:Ontology ;
a lib:Virtual ;
a lib:CloudNode ;
dcterms:title "Basic RDF conversion of Princeton Wordnet 3.0" ;
owl:versionInfo "3.0" ;
lib:source wn30: ;
<wn30-skos> ,
<wn30-common> ,
basic:wn30-basic-only .
a lib:Ontology ;
a lib:Virtual ;
dcterms:title "Partial RDF conversion of Princeton Wordnet 3.0" ;
owl:versionInfo "3.0" ;
lib:source wn30: ;
standoff:wn30-teleo ,
<wordnet-attribute.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-causes.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-classifiedby.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-entailment.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-frame.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-glossary.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-hyponym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-instances.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-membermeronym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-partmeronym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-sameverbgroupas.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-similarity.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-substancemeronym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-synset.ttl.gz> .
a lib:Ontology ;
a lib:Virtual ;
dcterms:title "Mapping from Wordnet/RDF to SKOS/RDF" ;
lib:source wn30: ;
<../../w3c-wordnet/wnskosmap.rdfs> ,
<wnskosmap.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-skos-inScheme.ttl.gz> .
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