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esquifit / append.vim
Created January 24, 2017 12:49 — forked from wellle/append.vim
Commands to append after (and insert before) any text object.
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>a :set opfunc=<SID>Append<CR>g@
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>i :set opfunc=<SID>Insert<CR>g@
fun! s:Append(type,...)
call feedkeys( a:type == 'char' ? "`]a" : "`]o" , 'tn')
fun! s:Insert(type,...)
call feedkeys( a:type == 'char' ? "`[i" : "`[O" , 'tn')

Learn you a Haskell - In a nutshell

This is a summary of the "Learn You A Haskell" online book under

1. Introduction

  • Haskell is a functional programming language.
esquifit /
Created January 12, 2012 20:18
Test HTML5 menuitems from within Greasemonkey
// ==UserScript==
// @name Test menuitems in HTML5
// @namespace
// @description Test menuitems in HTML5
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
// After a suggestion from Johan Sundström in the Greasemonkey Dev list:
esquifit / tabbar_at_bottom.uc.js
Created December 24, 2011 14:50
Tabbar at the bottom of the main content - for Firefox 4+
@name Tabbar at the bottom
@author esquifit
@description In FF4+ places tabbar at the bottom of the main content
@include main
@compatibility Firefox 4.0+
@version 2011-08-28
// This code is shamelessly stolen from Tab Mix Plus:
esquifit / open_folder.ubiq.js
Created May 2, 2010 18:59 — forked from esquifit/open_folder.ubiq.js
Opens Firefox special folder (profile, chrome or installaton folder) For Ubiquity 0.5
function openSpecialFolder(aFolderType) {
var dirService = Components.classes[';1']
var dir = dirService.get(aFolderType, Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
var iDirectory = getLocalFileInterface(dir.path);
try {
} catch (ex) {
// if reveal failed for some reason (eg on unix it's not currently
esquifit / qr_code.ubiq.js
Created May 2, 2010 12:19
Inserts an QRCode image of the selection
name: "qr_code",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Jessy Ouellette", email: ""},
takes: {"text": noun_arb_text},
_getQRCodeUrl: function(QRText) {
var QRCodeUrl = "";
return QRCodeUrl + QRText.text;
esquifit / editfile.jetpack.js
Created January 15, 2010 22:29
Open "file:///" url in editor
* Open file:/// url in editor
* This jetpack adds an option 'Open in editor' to the context menu of the location bar
* when a local file is loaded into Firefox. The path to the editor can be maintained
* as a jetpack setting. To set it to your editor of choice proceed as follows:
* 1) in about:jetpack select 'installed features'
* 2) click on 'settings' next to the feature name
* 3) restart Firefox for the setting to take effect
esquifit / artechock_extended_info.user.js
Created December 27, 2009 16:22
Artechock: Displays Country, Year and Duration of each movie
// ==UserScript==
// @name Artechock: Extended Info
// @namespace
// @description Displays Country, Year and Duration of each movie
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include
// ==/UserScript==
esquifit / open_folder.ubiq.js
Created December 22, 2009 21:19
Opens Firefox special folder (profile, chrome or installaton folder) For Ubiquity 0.1.9
function openSpecialFolder(aFolderType) {
var dirService = Components.classes[';1']
var dir = dirService.get(aFolderType, Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
var iDirectory = getLocalFileInterface(dir.path);
try {
} catch (ex) {
// if reveal failed for some reason (eg on unix it's not currently
esquifit / bugmenot.js
Created December 21, 2009 11:10 — forked from vshih/bugmenot.js
ueries for the current page
Queries for the current page, populates login information and submits.
Written by Victor Shih (vshih at,
Initial idea and some code from Onur Yalazı (, and Brandon Goldsworthy.
const MIN_RATE_PERCENT = 50; // only show entries that rate 50% or more