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Last active May 21, 2018 15:51
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SmartNinja WD2


  • What order (Invoice) was the most expensive?

      SELECT Invoice.InvoiceId, MAX(Invoice.Total)
      FROM Invoice;

    Total: 25.86,
    InvoiceId: 404,
    CustomerId: "6",
    InvoiceDate: "2013-11-13 00:00:00",
    BillingAddress: "Rilská 3174/6",
    BillingCity: "Prague",
    BillingCountry: "Czech Republic",
    BillingPostalCode: "14300"

  • Which one was the cheapest?

      SELECT Invoice.InvoiceId, MIN(Invoice.Total)
      FROM Invoice;

    0.99, InvoiceId: 6

  • Which city (BillingCity) has the most orders?

      SELECT Cities.Name, MAX(Cities.NumOfOrders)
      FROM (
        SELECT Invoice.BillingCity Name, COUNT(Invoice.BillingCity) NumOfOrders
        FROM Invoice
        GROUP BY Name) Cities;

    Berlin: 14

  • Calculate (or count) how many tracks have this MediaType: Protected AAC audio file.

      SELECT MediaType.Name, COUNT(Track.TrackId)
      FROM MediaType
      INNER JOIN Track ON MediaType.MediaTypeId=Track.MediaTypeId
      WHERE MediaType.Name='Protected AAC audio file';

    Protected AAC audio file: 237

  • Find out what Artist has the most albums? (hint: check ORDER BY)

      SELECT Artists.Name, MAX(Artists.Albums)
      FROM (
        SELECT Artist.Name Name, COUNT(Album.AlbumId) Albums
        FROM Artist
        INNER JOIN Album ON Artist.ArtistId=Album.ArtistId
        GROUP BY Artist.Name) Artists;

    Iron Maiden: 21

  • What genre has the most tracks?

      SELECT Genres.Name, MAX(Genres.NumberOfTracks)
      FROM (
        SELECT Genre.Name, COUNT(Track.TrackId) NumberOfTracks
        FROM Genre
        INNER JOIN Track ON Track.GenreId=Genre.GenreId
        GROUP BY Genre.Name) Genres;

    Rock: 1297

  • Which customer spent the most money so far?

      SELECT Customers.FirstName, Customers.LastName, MAX(Customers.TotalMoneySpent)
      FROM (
        SELECT Customer.CustomerId, Customer.FirstName, Customer.LastName, SUM(Invoice.Total) TotalMoneySpent
        FROM Customer
        INNER JOIN Invoice ON Invoice.CustomerId=Customer.CustomerId
        GROUP BY Customer.CustomerId) Customers;
      "FirstName": "Helena",
      "LastName": "Holý",
      "TotalMoneySpent": "49.62"
  • What songs were bought with each order? (hint: here you have to do a many-to-many SQL query with three tables: Track, Invoice and InvoiceLine. You have to do two JOINS here)

      SELECT Invoice.InvoiceId, Track.Name
      FROM Invoice
      INNER JOIN InvoiceLine ON Invoice.InvoiceId=InvoiceLine.InvoiceId
      INNER JOIN Track ON InvoiceLine.TrackId=Track.TrackId
      ORDER BY Invoice.InvoiceId;

    For example, two songs: "Balls to the Wall" and "Restless and Wild" were bought with the order that have id "1".

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