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Last active January 26, 2018 16:53
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cli functions and aliases to make finding DNS targets in Route 53 easier
aws_find_dns_records() {
# args: <Zone ID> <pattern> where pattern is a string to search against DNS record names
# returns: table of A and CNAME records that match
zone="$1"; val="$2"; shift;
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "$zone" --query "ResourceRecordSets[?(Type==\`A\` || Type==\`CNAME\`) && contains(Name, '$val')].[Name, AliasTarget.DNSName, ResourceRecords[0].Value, Type]" --output table;
aws_find_zone_ids() {
# args: <pattern> string pattern to match against zone name
# returns: table of DNS Hosted Zone Ids and other details
val="$1"; shift;
aws route53 list-hosted-zones --query "HostedZones[?contains(Name, '$val')][Name, Id, Config.PrivateZone, Config.Comment]" --output table
aws_find_elb() {
# args: <fqdn of elb> fully qualified load balancer name. Should not include 'dualstack.' prefix
# returns: data about the elb
val="$1"; shift;
aws elb describe-load-balancers --query "LoadBalancerDescriptions[?DNSName=='$val']" --output text
aws_find_instances() {
# args: <id1> <id2> ... space-separated list of instance ids
# returns: data about instances
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids "$@" --output text
alias adns='aws_find_dns_records'
alias azone='aws_find_zone_ids'
alias aelb='aws_find_elb'
alias aec2='aws_find_instances'
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