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Created January 17, 2014 00:01
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Save esromneb/8465946 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Drop this in /lib/ in your meteor app for a very simple user settings wrapper
function isArray(x) {
return _.isArray(x) && !EJSON.isBinary(x);
// pulled from "LocalCollection._makeLookupFunction"
var dotNotationFetch = function (key) {
var dotLocation = key.indexOf('.');
var first, lookupRest, nextIsNumeric;
if (dotLocation === -1) {
first = key;
} else {
first = key.substr(0, dotLocation);
var rest = key.substr(dotLocation + 1);
lookupRest = dotNotationFetch(rest);
// Is the next (perhaps final) piece numeric (ie, an array lookup?)
nextIsNumeric = /^\d+(\.|$)/.test(rest);
return function (doc) {
if (doc == null) // null or undefined
return [undefined];
var firstLevel = doc[first];
// We don't "branch" at the final level.
if (!lookupRest)
return [firstLevel];
// It's an empty array, and we're not done: we won't find anything.
if (isArray(firstLevel) && firstLevel.length === 0)
return [undefined];
// For each result at this level, finish the lookup on the rest of the key,
// and return everything we find. Also, if the next result is a number,
// don't branch here.
// Technically, in MongoDB, we should be able to handle the case where
// objects have numeric keys, but Mongo doesn't actually handle this
// consistently yet itself, see eg
if (!isArray(firstLevel) || nextIsNumeric)
firstLevel = [firstLevel];
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([],, lookupRest));
// pass in a dot notation path, and retrieve it from Meteor.user()
getUserSetting = function(path, options) {
if (typeof path !== "string") {
console.log("this function only accepts a string for the first param");
return null;
var fullPath = 'profile.' + path;
var dotNotationFetchFunction = dotNotationFetch(fullPath);
var userObject;
if( options )
userObject = Meteor.users.find(Meteor.userId(), {reactive:false});
userObject = Meteor.user();
var value = dotNotationFetchFunction(userObject);
// strip off outer array
return value.first();
// pass in a dot notation path and value, and set it as Meteor.user()
setUserSetting = function(path, value) {
if (typeof path !== "string") {
console.log("this function only accepts a string for the first param");
return false;
var fullPath = 'profile.' + path;
var selector = {$set:{}};
selector['$set'][fullPath] = value;
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), selector);
return true;
// Calles $unset on the path. calling getUserSetting will return undefined after this
deleteUserSetting = function(path) {
if (typeof path !== "string") {
console.log("this function only accepts a string for the first param");
return false;
var fullPath = 'profile.' + path;
var selector = {$unset:{}};
selector['$unset'][fullPath] = 1;
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), selector);
return true;
removeFromSetUserSetting = function(path, value) {
if (typeof path !== "string") {
console.log("this function only accepts a string for the first param");
return false;
var fullPath = 'profile.' + path;
var selector = {$pull:{}};
selector['$pull'][fullPath] = value;
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), selector);
return true;
addToSetUserSetting = function(path, value) {
if (typeof path !== "string") {
console.log("this function only accepts a string for the first param");
return false;
var fullPath = 'profile.' + path;
var selector = {$addToSet:{}};
selector['$addToSet'][fullPath] = value;
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), selector);
return true;
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