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Steve Smith essandess

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essandess / MacPorts Python Packages
Last active March 30, 2021 10:38
Update MacPorts Python Packages

Install all packages from the previous version

export OLDV=38 NEWV=39
sudo -E port -pNc install "python${NEWV}" $(port -qv installed | egrep -e "^\s*py${OLDV}" | perl -ane 'chomp; $_ = $F[0]; s/py'${OLDV}'/py'${NEWV}'/; print $_, " ";')

port select changes

essandess / Apple AirPort Transmit Power Manual
Created May 27, 2020 10:50
Apple AirPort Transmit Power Manual Setting

On macOS: Airport Utility>File>Export Configuration File…

vi Extreme.baseconfig

Edit the raPo ("radio power") setting to a percentage beneath 100%:

essandess / SMIME Certificates Signed By OD
Created May 31, 2019 23:53
SMIME Certificates Signed By OD CA

SMIME Certificates Signed By OD CA

Here are my notes on how to create S/MIME Certificates signed by OS X Server's Open Directory Certificate Authority. It's pretty easy to set up your own small-scale PKI on OS X Server using the OD CA, which will already be a trusted CA.

Step Zero:

Make sure that you have OS X Server's Certificate Authorities installed on your local admin account:

essandess / CalendarServer
Last active September 24, 2020 01:55
CalendarServer Migration [WIP]

CalendarServer Migration [WIP]

Create the calendarserver account, password, install directories

# choose a free uid < 500; uid 350 is used here
dscl . -list /Users UniqueID | sort -n -k2

dscl . -create /Users/calendarserver RealName calendarserver
create calendarserver
sudo enable for calendarserver
sudo -iu calendarserver
git clone
echo "source CalendarServer/" > .profile
cd ccs-calendarserver
export USE_OPENSSL=1
sudo ./bin/package /Users/calendarserver/CalendarServer
essandess / How to Migrate, Rebuild, and Fix OS X
Created April 19, 2018 22:31
How to Migrate, Rebuild, and Fix OS X Server


How to Migrate, Rebuild, and Fix OS X Server

I upgraded my server to new hardware, hand-migrated all its data, and fixed Profile Manager’s “500 Internal Server Error” problem. My experience has been the same as the Ars commenter who wrote that OS X Server is “extremely fragile, and when it breaks it breaks severely and inscrutably.”

The online documentation to rebuild and/or fix OS X Server is sparse and inadequate, so I’ve posted my ultimately successful steps here.

essandess / macOS Server Fix and Restore Broken Calendars and
Last active September 24, 2019 12:47
macOS Server Fix and Restore Broken Calendars and Contacts

macOS Server Fix and Restore Broken Calendars and Contacts

My Calendars and Contacts broke after a macOS Server upgrade. This is what I had to do to fix everything.

Backup all data in as many ways as possible

Time Machine and bootable Carbon Copy Clone of server

Server: Export per-user calendar and contacts items

essandess / Snort and Barnyard2 and Base on macOS High
Last active June 20, 2019 18:07
Snort and Barnyard2 and Base on macOS High Sierra
essandess / Apple Smart Keyboard Special Characters and
Last active November 4, 2024 17:38
Apple Smart Keyboard Special Characters and Accents

Apple Smart Keyboard Special Characters and Accents

All keyboards in English unless stated otherwise (e.g. Íslenska below)


Keys Character
⌥ e + a, e, … á, é, …
⌥ ` + a, e, … à, è, …
essandess / SMIME Encrypted Email Example with Gmail and
Last active January 10, 2023 16:35
S/MIME Encrypted Email Example with Gmail and Comodo and macOS

S/MIME Encrypted Email Example with Gmail and Comodo

A quick how-to installation for secure S/MIME installation for a Gmail account on macOS. This certificate can be used to simultaneously encrypt and sign emails.

Obtain and install an S/MIME Certificate

  1. Create a unique revocation passphrase in a password manager—long, random, unique.
  2. Browse to Comodo and request a free, secure email certificate:
  • Enter your name, email address, and specify the maximum 2048 bit length
  • Enter your revocation passphrase in case your private key is ever stolen or compromised