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Created June 18, 2018 23:16
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SimpleFSharpDemo-01 created by essic -
module Implem01
open System
//These are type aliases
type Age = int
type FirstName = string
type LastName = string
//This is a product type : Record
type Person =
{ FirstName : FirstName
LastName : LastName
Age : Age }
//These are sum types
type ConsultantSkills =
| CSharp
| FSharp
| Java
| Finance
| ECommerce
type ManagerBU =
| Natixis
//This is also a sum type
type Collaborator =
// 'Consultant' is a data contructor for 'Collaborator' type
// This data constructor takes as parameter a 'Person' record and a list of 'ConsultantSkills'
| Consultant of Person * (ConsultantSkills list)
// 'Manager' is another data constructor for 'Collaborator' type
// This data constructor takes a 'Person' record as well and a 'ManagerBU' value
| Manager of Person * ManagerBU
// ( |> ) : 'T1 -> ('T1 -> 'U) -> 'U
// function returns a Collaborator which is a Consultant
let createConsultant (firstName:string) (lastName:string) (age:int) (skills: ConsultantSkills list) : Collaborator =
//Consultant ({ FirstName = firstName ; LastName = lastName ; Age = age } , skills )
({ FirstName = firstName ; LastName = lastName ; Age = age } , skills) |> Consultant
// function returns a Collaborator which is a Manager
let createManager (firstName:FirstName) (lastName:LastName) (age:Age) (bu:ManagerBU) : Collaborator =
Manager ({ FirstName = firstName ; LastName = lastName ; Age = age } , bu)
// function to pretty print 'age', 'firtname' and 'lastname' of a Collaborator
let whoAreYou (collaborator:Collaborator) : Collaborator =
match collaborator with
| Consultant (p,_) -> printfn "I am a %i years old, consultant. My name is %s %s" p.Age p.FirstName p.LastName
| Manager (p,_) -> printfn "I am a %i years old, manager. My name is %s %s" p.Age p.FirstName p.LastName
let whatDoYouDo (collaborator:Collaborator) : Collaborator =
match collaborator with
| Manager (_,businessUnit) -> printfn "I handle business on %s" <| sprintf "%A" businessUnit
| Consultant (_,skills) ->
match skills with
| [] -> printfn "I have no skills yet !" // I handle the case where skills is an empty list !
| _ -> // For any other case !
let skillsString = List.reduce (fun acc elem -> acc + ", " + elem) ( skills |> (sprintf "%A") )
printfn "I work on %s" skillsString
let customPrint (collaborator:Collaborator) : Unit =
printfn "***********************"
|> (whoAreYou >> whatDoYouDo) |> ignore
printfn "***********************"
let main (argv:string[]) : int =
// We create some collaborators
let collaborators =
[ createConsultant "Aly-Bocar" "Cisse" 32 [CSharp;FSharp]
createManager "Luffy" "Dragon" 20 SGCIB
createConsultant "Nobody" "Ulysse" 15 [] ]
//Let's iterate on every Collaborator and print !
// List.iter : ('T -> unit) -> 'T list -> unit
|> List.iter customPrint
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