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Created November 8, 2022 02:58
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How to setup reCAPTCHA in Laravel 9.

How to setup reCAPTCHA in Laravel 9.

  • Create config/recaptcha.php configuration file.
    return [
        'site_key' => env('RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY', null),
        'secret_key' => env('RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY', null),
        'theme' => env('RECAPTCHA_THEME', 'light'),
  • Edit .env file and paste in your reCAPTCHA site key and secret key.
  • Create a new custom rule class for reCAPTCHA validation.
    $ php artisan make:rule RecaptchaValidate --invokable
  • Use the following implementation for the __invoke() method.
    namespace App\Rules;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
    use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\InvokableRule;
    class RecaptchaValidate implements InvokableRule
      public function __invoke($attribute, $value, $fail)
        $response = Http::asForm()->post('', [
          'secret' => config('recaptcha.secret_key'),
          'response' => $value,
          'remoteip' => request()->ip(),
        $error = $response->json('error-codes');
        if ($error) {
          if (
            in_array('missing-input-response', $error) ||
            in_array('invalid-input-response', $error)
          ) {
            $fail('Please solve the ReCAPTCHA challenge.');
          } else if (
            in_array('missing-input-secret', $error) ||
            in_array('invalid-input-secret', $error)
          ) {
            $fail('The ReCAPTCHA secret key is either missing or invalid.');
          } else if (in_array('bad-request', $error)) {
            $fail('Unable to validate the ReCAPTCHA challenge.');
          } else if (in_array('timeout-or-duplicate', $error)) {
            $fail('The ReCAPTCHA challenge has expired, please try again.');
        } else if (!$response->json('success')) {
          $fail('The ReCAPTCHA challange has failed. Please try again.');
  • To be able to validate the reCAPTCHA attempt from the end user, apply our custom rule class RecaptchaValidate to the g-recaptcha-respose field that was sent from the form.
      'g-recaptcha-response' => new RecaptchaValidate(),
  • Edit app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and add our custom Blade directives.
    class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
      public function boot() {
      private function load_recaptcha_directives(){
        Blade::directive('recaptcha_script', function () {
          return '<script src="" async defer></script>';
        Blade::directive('recaptcha_field', function () {
          return '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="' . config('recaptcha.site_key') . '" ' .
              'data-theme="' . config('recaptcha.theme') . '"></div>';
  • Add @recaptcha_script custom directive at the <head> of the view.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
  • Finally, to render the reCAPTCHA challenge inside your forms, simply use @recaptcha_field.
    <form method="POST" action="/register">
      <input type="text" name="username">
      <input type="password" name="password">
      <button type="submit">Register</button>
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