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- I am estranged (https://keybase.io/estranged) on keybase.
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# Uses a basic piezo buzzer to make tones: https://www.adafruit.com/product/160 | |
# Adapted from https://learn.adafruit.com/using-piezo-buzzers-with-circuitpython-arduino/circuitpython | |
# QT Py can do capacitive touch sensing on 6 pins, so we can easily play 6 notes | |
# https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-qt-py/pinouts | |
import board | |
import simpleio | |
import touchio | |
# Define pin connected to piezo buzzer. |
# Trinket IO demo | |
# Welcome to CircuitPython 2.0.0 :) | |
import board | |
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull | |
from analogio import AnalogOut, AnalogIn | |
import touchio | |
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard | |
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode | |
import adafruit_dotstar as dotstar |
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