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Last active June 5, 2024 15:58
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React Shortcodes
import React from 'react'
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import parser from './shortcode-parser'
export const add = parser.add
const Aside = ({ children, config }) => {
* config = {
* foo: true,
* bar: false,
* }
return (
<div className="post__aside">
parser.add('test', (children, config) => {
return renderToString(<Aside children={children} config={config}/>)
* For example
* [test foo="true" bar="false"]This is text content[/test]
export const parse = content => {
return parser.parse(content)
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
* Shortcode Parser
* by mendezcode
* @see
* Slightly modified for the browser, and refactored into ES6
const shortcodes = {}
const pattern = {
attrs: /(\s+([a-z0-9\-_]+|([a-z0-9\-_]+)\s*=\s*([a-z0-9\-_]+|\d+\.\d+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")))*/.toString().slice(1, -1),
slash: /\s*\/?\s*/.toString().slice(1, -1),
open: name => /\[\s*%s/.toString().slice(1, -1).replace('%s', name),
rightBracket: '\\]',
close: name => /\[\s*\/\s*%s\s*\]/.toString().slice(1, -1).replace('%s', name),
content: /(.|\n|)*?/.toString().slice(1, -1),
space: /\s*/.toString().slice(1, -1),
function typecast(val) {
val = val.trim().replace(/(^['"]|['"]$)/g, '')
if (/^\d+$/.test(val)) {
return parseInt(val, 10)
} else if (/^\d+\.\d+$/.test(val)) {
return parseFloat(val)
} else if (/^(true|false)$/.test(val)) {
return (val === 'true')
} else if (/^undefined$/.test(val)) {
return undefined
} else if (/^null$/i.test(val)) {
return null
} else {
return val
function closeTagString(name) {
return /^[^a-z0-9]/.test(name) ? `[${name[0].replace('$', '\\$')}]?${name.slice(1)}` : name
function parseShortcode(name, buf, inline) {
let regex
let match
let data = {}
let attr = {}
if (inline) {
regex = new RegExp('^' + +
pattern.attrs + +
pattern.slash +
pattern.rightBracket, 'i'
} else {
regex = new RegExp('^' + +
pattern.attrs + +
pattern.rightBracket, 'i'
while ((match = buf.match(regex)) !== null) {
const key = match[3] || match[2]
const val = match[4] || match[3]
const pattern = match[1]
if (pattern) {
const idx = buf.lastIndexOf(pattern)
attr[key] = (val !== undefined) ? typecast(val) : true
buf = buf.slice(0, idx) + buf.slice(idx + pattern.length)
} else {
attr = Object.keys(attr).reverse().reduce((prev, current) => {
prev[current] = attr[current]
return prev
}, {})
buf = buf.replace(regex, '').replace(new RegExp(pattern.close(closeTagString(name))), '')
return {
attr: attr,
content: inline ? buf : buf.replace(/(^\n|\n$)/g, ''),
export default {
_shortcodes: shortcodes,
add(name, callback) {
shortcodes[name] = callback
remove(name) {
delete shortcodes[name]
parse(buf, extra = {}, context = shortcodes) {
for (let name in context) {
// Allow absence of first char if not alpha numeric. E.g. [#shortcode]...[/shortcode]
const regex = {
wrapper: new RegExp( +
pattern.attrs +
pattern.rightBracket +
pattern.content +
pattern.close(closeTagString(name)), 'gi'
inline: new RegExp( +
pattern.attrs +
pattern.slash +
pattern.rightBracket, 'gi'
let matches = buf.match(regex.wrapper)
if (matches) {
for (let m, data, i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) {
m = matches[i]
data = parseShortcode(name, m)
buf = buf.replace(m, context[name].call(null, data.content, data.attr, extra))
matches = buf.match(regex.inline)
if (matches) {
let m
while ((m = matches.shift()) !== undefined) {
let data = parseShortcode(name, m, true)
buf = buf.replace(m, context[name].call(null, data.content, data.attr, extra))
return buf
parseInContext(buf, context, data) {
return this.parse(buf, data, context)
/* eslint-enable no-useless-escape */
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