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Last active January 5, 2020 06:19
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Python script for downloading and applying MusicBee Patches from
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from urllib import request
from zipfile import ZipFile
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pytz
def determine_whether_download_mb_zip(
target_filename, datetime_save_path, mb_patch_url
req = request.Request(mb_patch_url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"})
with request.urlopen(req) as response:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "lxml")
mb_site_timestamp_str = (
soup.find("a", href=target_filename).find_next("td").string.strip()
current_timestamp = datetime.strptime(mb_site_timestamp_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
if datetime_save_path.exists():
with open(datetime_save_path, mode="r") as f:
dl_date = f.readline()
last_dl_timestamp = datetime.strptime(dl_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
last_dl_timestamp = datetime(1990, 10, 1)
if current_timestamp > last_dl_timestamp:
return True, mb_site_timestamp_str
return False, mb_site_timestamp_str
def download_mb_zip(target_url, download_path):
opener = request.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [("User-agent", "Mozilla/5.0")]
request.urlretrieve(target_url, download_path)
def extract_updated_files(zipfile_path, mb_path):
extract_cnt = 0
JST = pytz.timezone("Asia/Tokyo")
with ZipFile(zipfile_path, "r") as existing_zip:
for info in existing_zip.infolist():
if not info.is_dir(): # file
zip_update_datetime = datetime(
*info.date_time, tzinfo=timezone.utc
zip_update_timestamp = zip_update_datetime.timestamp()
file_mb_path = Path(mb_path / info.filename)
existing_datetime = (
datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(file_mb_path).st_mtime, JST)
if file_mb_path.exists()
else None
if (existing_datetime is None) or (
zip_update_datetime > existing_datetime
existing_zip.extract(info.filename, mb_path)
os.utime(file_mb_path, (zip_update_timestamp, zip_update_timestamp))
print(info.filename, existing_datetime, "->", zip_update_datetime)
extract_cnt += 1
dir_mb_path = Path(mb_path / info.filename)
if not dir_mb_path.exists():
return extract_cnt
tmp_dir_path = Path(r"C:/tmp/")
datetime_save_path = tmp_dir_path / r"mb_last_download_datetime.txt"
download_path = tmp_dir_path / r""
mb_path = Path(r"C:/Program Files (x86)/MusicBee/")
target_filename = r""
mb_patch_url = r""
tmp_dir = Path(tmp_dir_path)
if not tmp_dir.exists():
should_download_file, timestamp_str = determine_whether_download_mb_zip(
target_filename, datetime_save_path, mb_patch_url
if should_download_file:
# Kill MusioBee
subprocess.Popen(r"taskkill /im MusicBee.exe")
print("Downloading the zip file.")
download_mb_zip(mb_patch_url + target_filename, download_path)
cnt = extract_updated_files(download_path, mb_path)
if cnt == 0:
print("All files are up-to-date.")
print(f"Update/added {cnt} file(s).")
with open(datetime_save_path, mode="w") as f:
# Restart MusicBee
subprocess.Popen(r"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MusicBee\\MusicBee.exe")
print("No need to download.")
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